The grade reward is awful

Bloodpoints is too much effort for something so miniscule Assuming you both got red rank on either side that means you get 500k BP. Lmao that's almost like 5 perfect matches for a killer with cake offerings what a joke.
It would make much more sense if it was Iridescent shards what players would actually want since buying characters is the real grind in this game, I consider myself a veteran and even I haven't unlocked everything in this game that doesn't cost actual money.
Devs pls just remove the BP reward...
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I turned on the game and got like 370k bloodpoints. Not great compared to the effort required but it's a reward where there was once nothing.
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why cant we get iridescent shards for rewards?
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LOL - People will complain about anything.
Complaining about free bloodpoints - eyeroll.
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Taking a look at the price of recent cosmetics, it's pretty obvious. But I agree, I'd really like more iridescent rewards.
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Hell yeah 5 games worth of bloodpoints I can sink on to Dwight's nut since buying a new one takes 35+ hours lul.
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Newsflash: BHVR is a business - of course they don't want PAID items to be easily accessible through in-game currencies. This is not something only done by BHVR - it is the base mode of the majority of games. The funny thing to me is people complaining about an absolutely free currency/reward - people complaining come across as petulant entitled children.
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Funny. There are games with less of a grind like this one but you know keep being a sheep. Eat the grass little one.
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And there are games with a much bigger grind than this one.
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
I mean literally not even being grateful for bps when beforehand you got nothing is kinda cringe lol
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Oh so because there are games with much of a grind BHVR should follow? Big brain.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Grateful for bps? Do I have to unconditionally lick BHVR's feet for finally implementing rank rewards that people have been asking for YEARS?
BHVR thank you for listening to your players even though its several years too late but hey at least it's here. I think the reward is crap though.
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Okay this made me honestly laugh.
People didn't get Jack before and now that they get something, it is not enough 😂
It's almost sad how stupidly entitled this sounds.
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Yeah but there isn't a need to have an attitude towards people who are actually grateful and calling them sheep.
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exactly man hahaha
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Oh so he can throw some back handed attitude towards me but I can't?
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Yeah but to be honest in one point they are right.
The amount of BP is really hilariously low.
After 5 years and improving (?) the code of the game to prevent client side manipulation i would say that the BP limit of a million is way outdated.
And the rewards could maybe be doubled or quadrupled to a million and it still wouldn't hurt the possible grind of, by now, maybe up to 2 BILLION BP.
But to expect a currency that let's people bypass in game microtransactions is hilarious. As if the people in charge would shoot themselves in their feet and lower their expected profits.
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at least you got something.. me and lots of peeps who were playing at the moment of rank reset just got ash4 + crashed game thats it X D
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Never said that, but I think their point was just to be grateful to be getting at least something. A lot of people didn't even get their bps
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Something is better than nothing. But they COULD give players some kind of incentive to actually PLAY the game to Iridescent 1. Something like a charm which would be minimal work on the dev's part or perhaps have some kind of badge icon next to the character portrait.
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Oh I know, I feel like it should be more but I'm not gonna be hella ungrateful when beforehand we got nothing.
Shards would be nice if they didn't up the bps we got but people demanding it is just weird like.
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If your conversation starter is to belittle someone for pointing out an actual fact that BPS reward is disgustingly low for the amount of time and effort you put in then the discussion is going nowhere since from the start you didn't put no respect on the table and immediately shut down any potential discussion..
Maybe if he had suggested to increasing BPS reward so the time you put in actually makes sense then yeah we can have discussion about that.
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As it stands now the only way to get Shards it by leveling up in general... and at most it's 300 per level after 50
So yes I do agree that there needs to be another way to get shards
And yea BHVR is a business but they can actually make in game currency mean something other then a massive grind (deadweight).... and they are the ones who set the price
Also it's not entitlement... it's about rewarding those players whom play this game... BPs aren't enough of a reward at the moment
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wait what? League of legends gives skins as ranked rewards for reaching gold
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there should be iridiscent shards yes, but you are getting BP for playing the game and a plus later as a reward, is not much ( is almost nothing actually) but you know how BHVR is, never listening players point of view, just themselves.-
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I mean, i understand that complaining about getting something when you first got nothing seems petty but it's not entirelly incorrect.
Iirc it takes 85 pips to go from rank 20 to rank 1. I don't think they changed the amount of pips so thats 43 perfect matches you need to do. For one role.
That's 86 perfect matches. A minumum of 86 matches to get a reward for 5 matches with cakes.
Take into account that people aren't perfect and it will probably be closer to 190 normal pips matches for most people and you can't really disagree that the reward is pitifully low.
I know we got nothing before. But this is like giving a beggar a single cent and expecting them to be eternally gratefull to you. It might as wel be nothing tbh
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Isnt a LoL season around a year long though? (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
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Tbh, I wish it would be removed to teach greedy people a lesson.
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Yes one season lasts a whole year
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And how much did we get before for pipping up to red ranks?? oh riiight - nothing. I never said to be eternally grateful, but being a petulant Karen is a completely different attitude.
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they are right we all need bp
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I agree the op could have worded it better. Just trying to show you their complaint isn't completly invalid.
You can call everyone who complains about something a Karen. But your life wouldn't be as nice if we didn't have a Oliver Twist who isn't afraid to ask "please sir, can i have some more" sometimes.
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I didn't even get my free bloodpoints, so I feel quite entitled to complain, yes.
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I wish they gave shards instead of bp
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500k for red rank survivor and killer is pretty low. The game already has one of the grindiest systems and keeping the rewards at such a low level just makes it even less attractive for anyone.