Most wanted killer next

These posts are probably a dime a dozen, but im curious. Who is, in your eyes, deserved as the next license? or your most wanted next license?
Me personally? Gotta be my crush, Patrick Bateman
Alien or terminator.
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When you say terminator as a killer, do you mean Arnold, the big man himself?
Now, I'm not a great fan of the series but is he not the hero?
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Terminator the exoesqueleton like on the newest films of terminator.Not arnold that would be a legendary skin but bet gonna need much money for that.
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I would love a cool medieval vampire, like the one shown in the lore. I have also been watching a lot of What We Do In the Shadows, so I'm enjoying vampires right now lol
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In the first one, Arnold was the Terminator. The 2nd one started him as the hero, and is still probably the best in the series. The effects were fantastic at the time (pretty dated now) and it was full of all the action you could want, even in the bombastic period of late 80s/early 90s action flicks.
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Well the next killer will not be licensed so.....
Hoping they go "old school" and we get a werewolf/lycan or a vampire.
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Chucky since
-New movie coming out
-Brad Dourif's voice would be awesome for lines.
-Killer smaller than victor would be interesting
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Count me in for Chucky too!
Id be fine with the female terminator from the third movie.
The Mummy with Brendan Frasier and Rachel Weisz as survivors plz.
Rita Repulsa with Legendary skin of Lord Zed and Kimberly and Tommy as survivors.
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Chucky, his movie is coming out, plus he is way too iconic to not be in the game.
With each chapter we get new animations, look how Pinhead picks survivors up, look how Nemesis is carrying them. They can do it for Chucky too. Plus Cotte said he wants Chucky.
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Sources that it won’t be licensed? As far as I know that’s just an assumption..
(Also I guess OP was asking for the ‚next‘ licensed killer generally)
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POV: You said Springtrap
In all seriousness, while he'd be my second pick, Candyman is and will always be my no. 1 choice.
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Wait, no killer whose name starts with s mentioned? Weird.
I'll go with Sadako.
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Yesssssssss. I only hope.
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Next Killer? A Ghostface with an actual Power.
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I would like a killer that does with illusion that affect the gameplay of the survivors.
I'm not saying like doctor illusion. More like freddy dream pallet, doing the action but not knowing if it an illusion of not, only subtle hints that it is or not.
This would be an interesting killer if done right and could be fun as well if they are something for the survivor to interact with that affect his power in some ways but not knowing what kind of affect is happening.
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Mummy chapter would be cool, with imohtep as the killer. Desert/Egyptian theme would be completely obscure.
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My choice. Would love to control the sentinel spheres. Imagine Reggie as the survivor. The mori would be awesome.
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Whom ever it is, they’ll have to step up, at least in terms of gameplay changes and animations, because Pinhead is the most fun and interesting killer in awhile.
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That would be so cool. Like a fake gen or fake totem or chest. That could definitely waste their time.
Imagine a Dwight getting into a locker but it's fake and it traps them in there for a bit while notifying the killer.
Probably too strong, idk.
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Springtrap from Five Night's at Freddy's 3.
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The Ring
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The 5th year anniversary stream said there would be 4 killers this (DBD) year starting with Nemesis. We just had another licensed killer released - Cenobite. The only time three licensed killers have been introduced in one "DBD Year" was late 2017/early 2018 (Bubba, Freddy, Pig). The last three anniversaries have seen the following killers released:
5th Anniversary: Nemesis
4th Anniversary: Executioner
3rd Anniversary: Ghostface
So while it is an assumption - I think it is pretty good assumption that the next two killers will not be licensed and that the next licensed killer will be for the 6th anniversary. My assumption goes off of history due to past release schedules of licensed killers. Would I want a licensed killer? Meh - doesn't matter to me, but I highly doubt they will be licensed. Since all anyone can do is assume - I'll stick by my assumption until proven wrong.
I mean if we are saying who we would want the next licensed killer to be (regardless of release date) - my picks would be either Chucky or Alien/Xenomorph.
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Based off what I've seen
- Jason
- Chucky
- It
- Candyman
- Springtrap
- Xenomorph
- Predator
- Terminator
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- The Thing (From the movie The Thing)
- Tallman (From Phantasm)
And we have a good list.
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He was the bad guy in Terminator 1
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I was thinking of something like that but different.
Like being uncertain which is real and which is fake.
his power in chase can act like creating an illusion of the killer is going for a lunge but turn into mist while the real one is catching up.
there will be counter play of course like tier for the killer that does different illusion and sanity tier for survivor to see if they can tell if it totem/chest/pallet/loop and maybe gen are fake or real and creative illusion to trick the killer by making doll of themselves or creating audio to lure him to the direction.
I want the survivor to be engaged in the match and interact with the killer power as well have to killer do something that never been done in dbd.
I hope you get what I mean.
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Gotcha. Sounded like you knew more than that. But I kinda agree with that assumption.
(or it could be Candyman that got postponed due to movie release from last year to this year. That wouldn’t really break the ‚pattern‘… )
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The Tank from Left 4 Dead.
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Beetlejuice and all his powers would be to just screw with survivors.
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Jason. As usual.
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Chucky and Jason are the only A tier icons missing. So, we can get the doll first while they figure out how to make someone slightly lower to the ground than Hag. And once the lawsuit is settled, we can get Jason. Voila.
As for my most wanted? Probably The Thing.
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You do not undertstand the value of crouch
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Still anxiously awaiting Jason if that lawsuit can ever get settled.
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Literally any fricking killer that is not a licensed one, even better no killer. How about fixing the game? We already have plenty of killers and especially licensed ones to last us a while, do we really need more? It would also just make people forget about how BHVR continues to ignore so many ongoing problems.
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Ah, been a while since I've seen this.
Wouldnt mind him too, honestly.
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He's the elephant not in the room.
Arguably the most recognizable horror icon of the last 40 years and he's not in with the rest of them? That's simply not right.
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They showed a giant spider in the lore but i would love an arachne women killer.
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legal hell im afraid
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Everybody forgets about Samarah :(
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Cool thing is, in the first Terminator movie, Arnold was the villain. The heroes were both human, and he was this unstoppable killing machine from the future.
It wasn't until the second movie that the future resistance adapted Skynet's technology and sent a new Arnie back to be the hero.
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Yes! Its high time we get an Alien chapter! We can get a Killer who sticks to walls, maybe has passive npc eggs with face huggers that attach to careless survivors in late game.
Give him a passive ability based on how many stuns survivors get off him so by end game he's bleeding acid and leaving it on windows, pallets and gennies like plague which gives survivors slow build-up damage if they aren't careful.
As for a survivor, I definitely want Captain Dallas or Parker from the Nostromo. Parker would be my preference though.
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i'm like %99 sure i'm the only person on the forums who wants him and i don't care
bhvr please
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The Fly, Frankensteins Monster or maybe even the Alien from the Thing ( never gonna happend )
Siren-Head would also be very cool kinda but i Think this would also never gonna be happend 😅