Make survivors no see the Lament Configuration Unless they are in 24m aways from the Lament...

JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Tittle, is totally broken for survivors see the lament configutation, if they in the other corner of map they can still see it? this is really bad desing

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    No, my box

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207
    • counter his primary power (his passive) to slow down.
    • survivors take the box anf stay with the box all the game
    • Is no difficult to dodge chains, include main power.
    • need more?

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244
    edited September 2021

    16m and it would be balanced. A pink add-on should not be a requirement to play a Killer comfortably

    Post edited by Ludicris on
  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Iridescent add-on. Pink or red (I heard both). Not purple.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    What's the current range now? Would 24m be too short? I'm all for reducing the range but I feel we should be careful on making the range too short. This is one of those killers whose power function is good but numbers are way off so I feel fine tuning is what we need to do on some values.

    If it's already something like 40m or something then yeah I'm all for 24m I would just like to see the old and suggested values compared admittedly.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335
    edited September 2021

    By default, all survivors can see the box aura across the entire map (there is no range -- it's visible mapwide). The only way to change this is to use the Iridescent Lament Configuration add-on, which makes it so "While a Chain Hunt is inactive, Survivors beyond 16 meters of the Lament Configuration cannot see its Aura."

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    Reduce the range survivors can see the box or shorten the default Chain Hunt timer.

    Also let Pinhead see the box within 16 meters, it is impossible for him to find the box when improbable would be much more balanced

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    Apply more pressure to survivors if you do not want to break your current chase for the teleport. I noticed the good Pinheads has everyone multitasking so that there are times we accidentally neglect/forget about the box. It’s not every time mind you, but every so often when survivors cant get to it, the chain hunt becomes a real pain and gives Pinhead momentum.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Global? That's pretty dumb but understandable then.

    No wonder the killer is so bad.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I'm just going to say a survivor running from the corner of the map to another benefits the killer. Not seeing the aura would make survivors stay more on gens and, even when Chain Hunt activates, chances are you'd have lost a couple of gens. It's kind of like when people suggest that Jigsaw Boxes from Pig shouldn't be visible until the trap is active, they don't realize they're shooting themselves on the foot.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    This. I was playing Pinhead on Swamp and the box kept spawning at the edge of a map and a Meg always left gens and teammates on hook to go do the box. It was basically a 3 v 1. It's a free slowdown tool that'll keep some survivors from doing the objective. If there was a range people would just do gens until chainhunt started

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    If you want survivors to focus on gens more, then sure.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    What seems like a better deal:

    • You do not get a Chain Hunt in exchange for a near permanent 3v1
    • You get a Chain Hunt but you must deal with 4 survivors, who can finish 3 generators before the Chain Hunt begins and the 3v1 would then begin as 1 survivor is sent off to deal with the box
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442


    What i think would work better is that the killer can always see the aura of the box (even when a survivor is holding it, maybe even just show their aura as more of a downside) But take away the ability to pick it up before a survivor touches it. This way, you know where it is, but can't mess with it until a survivor does.

  • DbDCasual
    DbDCasual Member Posts: 90

    Something needs to change because, right now? The box has almost no impact on the game. These people saying "it slows the game down" are crazy. It does almost nothing.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    You are crazy. If you can manage to stop the survivors 3 times or so from solving the box thats 3 hooks and 3 chainhunts activated its a win. The pressure chainhunts put on the group is massive slow down especially if you chain them .

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582
    • Survivors who take the box and stay with it all game will be constantly effected by chain hunt- making them easier to track thanks to the constant attacks, easier to down due to Chain Hunt, will do all objectives extremely slowly (If they can even do some of them, totems are out of the question), and will need to remain vigilant in order to not get caught off guard by Pinhead.
    • Sure, the chains aren't the hardest thing in the world to juke, but you can't juke chains when you're holding M1 on a gen, and the chains do have the potential to mess you up when you're running a tight loop in chase, and give Pinhead hits. Downing Survivor with the box=you get the box and the full effects of it.
    • Imho Pinhead is in a decent spot at this point and needs more time to get used to before too many huge balance changes are made. HIs power has quite a few components to it, so...
  • DbDCasual
    DbDCasual Member Posts: 90

    Unless Pinhead takes an iri addon, survivors don't need to hold it all game. They can solve it and be gone before Pinhead teleports there. The box is only worth a crap when used with the iri addon that extends the time it takes to solve it. That is not the sign of a killer who is "in a decent spot". In a chase, the chain hunt is almost worthless. Moving slightly side to side as you run completely avoids any and all chains.

    I think letting Pinhead know where the box is(why wouldn't he know where his own box is?) would help mitigate some of these issues. The box is only one of his problems, however. His power is still too risk heavy for the almost non-existent reward it gives.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    You're living in an alternate reality if you think that actually ever happens.

  • DbDCasual
    DbDCasual Member Posts: 90

    The problem is, the people defending Pinhead's powers/abilities are clearly only doing it based on how it reads on paper. On paper, it reads really well. In actual practice? They hardly work at all.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    I must admit, global range is a bit too much of an advantage. Survivors don't waste less time if they cant see it, good survivors are efficient.

    Chain hunt is 90 seconds, working on a gen is 80 seconds.

    If two work on a gen they can pop it long before 90 seconds are up and then they split up so that one continues gen pressure while the other deactivates the Chain Hunt for everyone else.

    Oh and there's two other survivors in the match, good luck.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    I have it happen regularly. I had 3 games in a row last night with 3 gens remaining.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Honestly, I feel like a flat 24 meters is reasonable, due to the fact that pinhead already suffers from the survivors being able to cancel out his power when they find it, adding in a range such as 24 would feel more fair.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    Thats not really true. Either you have not played him yet or you dont understand how to use him yet. I had a very good squad last night it was a 2K but it was close down to the wire. They told me in end game chat that the way i played him should be nerfed because it is too oppressive. Learning to attack the surv with the box and learning the spawning locations is key. You can slow the game down to a crawl.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Oh no, don't get me wrong, I don't think that Survivors should hold it all game, nor feel obligated to. (In fact, I've had to actively discouraged some of my newer friends to doing it because they tried to do just that, only to go down in .5 seconds and start Chain Hunt for everyone at the start of the match.) It's not a good strat by any means, I was just addressing the issues brought up in the post before it that brought up the idea of someone stealing the box all game.

    Idk, I just think he's not in a bad spot. I mean, compare him to the release of many of the other killers from the past year (Blight, Twins, Trickster, and Nemesis), and he's in a decent spot. I just think that while he probably will need balance changes (And I won't be the one to say what I think he does or doesn't need, I don't play him nor own him) lots of folks just seem like they're way too quick to call for balance changes for things that could stand to wait a little bit for some more practice, learning and feedback before recieving any major changes either way. (Especially since, again, I just think that compared to the other releases from this past year, I don't think his issues are as glaringly obvious.)

  • DbDCasual
    DbDCasual Member Posts: 90

    I"ll say this, they are very obvious if you play him. He's decent in the fact that he has normal speed and a basic attack(though I'm pretty sure his M1 is bugged, it misses some hits that I really think should hit). His powers(the box and possessed hook) need some tweaking.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    I’ve been in chaotic games where all four of us took turns trying to stay on top of the box, and it didn’t always work out In our favor. You have someone in chase, someone slugged, a gen 80% done but regressing because of ruin, everyone’s injured with sloppy, someone is too far to know where the box is (azarov’s resting place/suffocation pit the worst). etc. etc. There’s different scenarios but the killer created that chaotic environment. It’s probably SWF (like everything else in this game) using comms to be efficient. Solo que is no guaranteed cake walk vs. Pinhead.

    I wish those who say he comes up short in certain areas could literally sit down next to the Pinheads I go against, cause a lot of them know what they’re doing and play just fine.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    How is Pinhead having a basic attack something that makes him decent? That's a fundamental mechanic that every killer shares. If his power sucks, then he sucks, because an M1 killer doesn't cut it if you're playing against someone who's played a video game before.

    You usually don't have those problems with Pinhead, because he's not really at all good. You can see the box at infinite range, so if you're too far to know where the box is then he's using the iridescent addon.

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    The only way this is possible really is by running an add on to slow the progress of solving down, and even so you almost need to run both slowdowns for this to be effective. Pin head is fun but to any group actively looking for a group makes teleporting to box useless and you never see chain hunt. the scariest thing about Pin Head is countered by simply doing the box ASAP before the hunt even begins. Or better yet a Juggernaut grabs the box and never solves it and keeps away from gens and allows the 3v1 which is still heavily in the Survivors favor as his main power is a hit or miss and often times takes a lot to get down.

    I know he is a high skill killer, and I get my 4ks despite survivor protest to me not playing by their rules. I can hook things well enough and if played right it is a for sure down. but it has to get to that point and playing pin head often is like playing with one hand behind your back.

    Not to mention as of making this post, one of his perks is useless and the other has a perk associated with it that is also useless.

    What I am talking about is Hex: Plaything, and deadlock being greatly benefited and synergized with Hex: Ruin, as of the last three days of playing, every game I have had 1 if not both of my totems removed with in the first 2 minutes. The spawns on the totems are suppose to be random and I get that, but recently they have all been in the open easy to find and not at all hidden. The one time today I had it damn well hidden someone brought a map (which good on them). Point I am making is it seems like 80% - 85% of my games that totems are not at all hidden even the slightest bit and I don't know why. Has anyone else been noticing this?

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    Your working off the assumption the Hunt even starts, yes there are groups that seem to ignore the box.... those are generally 4ks. Although most of the time the hunts never start, because the box is taken out of play by a juggernaut holding it or it being solved 10 seconds after it lands on the map.

    I would say the box is hidden from survivors unless they are 24 meters away, until the chain hunt starts then it becomes visible map wide, and when someone picks up the box the are not affected by the hunt allowing them to finish. Also increasing the solving time by 1 second would be nice. This fix would allow for potential hooks to happen more often, it would allow the teleport to be more effective (and why I am on the teleport).

    You know how many times I have teleported to the box but it glitches me outside of a wall or they are in basement and it ports me up top.

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    I agree but when the Hunt starts maybe 50m away u can see the box