So, they have released the new matchmaking system.

Raptorietz Member Posts: 18
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

How exactly does it work? Because it's just the same with old ranks system that never worked regarding "balance".

Long story short: I've never played this killer before in my entire life, but I have 4 perks on him because I've collected around 1 million bloodpoints and I've decided to spend them on this killer. Sure, why not.

According to this:

The most recent SBMM test resulted in fairer matches across the board for players of all skill levels, especially low-to-mid skilled players.

Excuse me, I am an ultra low level player with low MMR and first time on this specific killer, since you say that every killer has its own MMR.

Match 1:

I've only managed to kill one player only because I've decided to slug him too far away from the exit gates. I didn't even hook anyone up to Stage 2 of the hooking process, maximum was that Silver 2 on hook once and... That's it. The game still didn't count this as win because that's okay, I guess.

And right after that I am getting THIS as match 2, on a killer whom I've been playing for the 2nd time in my entire life after a match that counted as LOSS so my MMR on this killer should be even lower.

If we compare these 2 matches, in my first I've managed to hook someone at least once and slug that player, so basically I got at least one kill. In the 2nd match that should have been easier, not a single hook on my side.

These matches are in Europe region, prime time since it's evening here, the matches were found instant and this is the result. I mean, Bronze 3 - Silver 2/Silver 1 is like a whole division difference.

So how exactly does your system work, tell me, if you officially claim it to be better, but in reality we have this.


  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Europe is a sweaty region like, people seem to be forgetting that the grades essentially don't mean much.

    But the system is working perfectly for me on both sides, high mmr. So I've no complaints.

  • Yeah but grades aren't a "division", and they aren't used for matchmaking. We don't know exactly how SBMM is calculated but we know it goes down when you do poorly and up when you do good. So with that in mind it's not fair to play 1 match and disconnect from the second one saying the system is bad.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    So you want the MMR to adjust immdeaitely heavily? Sorry but that would create abig mess.

    Just continue playing. The system shouldnt match you with lower skilled survivor just bc you lost a game or 4. A system should be very sure that you're not at the rated skill level before it adjusts your games.

    Like me. I'm a good killer. Lets imagine I just don't perform that well today and I play like 5 or 6 games. Just because today I did not perform that well today isn't an indicator that my skill is much worse than usual. So if I continue playing not very good the system will be like " Ok, it seems like you really aren't that good. I'm gonna readjust your match"

    And if I continue to perform at least fair enough against my new match level the system will keep me at it as long as I'm starting to overperform for a while.

    Long answer short: Just keep playing

  • Raptorietz
    Raptorietz Member Posts: 18

    And long answer short: Just keep playing and enjoy losing every single match because from what I see the survivors are way more skilled than I am on any killer, barely getting 1 hook and survivors having all meta tier 4 perks while I don't even have tier 3 perks or meta perks on killers.

    S u r e.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    This is my last 40 matches. So when does my mmr drop so I don't get steam rolled by survivors way better than me?

  • Raptorietz
    Raptorietz Member Posts: 18

    So, after rank reset, I am, playing killers for the FIRST time, when my overall playtime is below 10 hours on killers among ALL killers and taking a specific maniac for the first time, being thrown into survivors who don't have their profile pages hidden, and they have 5000+ hours in Dead by Daylight. When my MMR is supposed to be low for the first time on a killer with no perks open.

    Very balanced, I see.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It might be because your average mmr is high. They aren't going to put you against beginners just because you never played a certain killer. It works, trust me, I am getting Helen Killer (tee hee) survivors on most of my killers, middling survivors on my standard chill killer rotation and booty sweat survivors on my Freddy (who I consider to be my strongest killer).

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited September 2021

    Grades of all colors ≠ skill.

    Grades do not tell you the skill of the player. Just merely how much they play the game. My friends and I are just about back to being silver after rank reset. It doesn't mean we're skillful, we just play. No one knows what skill means to BHVR or how they're measuring it.

    Post edited by GenJockeyNance on
  • Raptorietz
    Raptorietz Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2021

    Average on a killer I basically never played and don't even have bloodpoints to open some perks for him =/= a skill close to 5000+ hours survivor main. Especially when they claim it to be separate for every killer.

    Like, seriously, so you are saying, that my MMR of nothing is SAME as their 5000+ hours MMR with all tier 3 perks and purple flashlight?

    You probably don't even read it here.

  • Raptorietz
    Raptorietz Member Posts: 18

    So you are telling me, that my average MMR of nothing is same as the MMR of a full tier 3 perk survivor in a party with another survivor and purple flashlight running around pallets like all those top streamers? Especially when I don't even have any perk on a killer and never touched that killer in my entire life.

    You probably don't even read it here.

    On the other hand, what is the purpose of all those "kill survivors" quests if you basically can't even get at heast ONE hook to stage 2 during 27 matches in a row. Yes, I've spent all night trying to play as killer and no progress. I've never played as killer before outside of spending bloodpoints just cause I can and I thought the new MMR system would help me to LEARN but instead it's even worse.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    "The mmr system will adjust with some time"

    No. It's fooked up. It was working pretty well on the last iteration.

    But this one doesnt make any sense.

  • HybridLPangel26
    HybridLPangel26 Member Posts: 119

    I have taken some time off playing dead by daylight to have seen some fellow associates that were streaming some gameplay that there were some adjustments being made into the game and upon reading all of this just now i am starting to like how the development team is finally taking these into consideration! Especially, for a low player like myself i am not a professional survivor or killer but with how i have been put in matches with those types of players but with hearing these changes it makes me have a more positive feeling about playing again and i will see for myself very soon how these updates are.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    So wait, you have less than 10 hours overall and except the system to be able to give you correct matchmaking?

    You know that most systems start player of at a mid ranking? For example in online chess you start with an elo of 1500 as a new player and from there have to play many matches to get were you belong (with the top sitting at roughly 2700-2800 in this example).

    From my point of view it seems that behaviour did the same instead of starting new player at 0.

    This would also explain your situation sitting in the middle of the elo and getting matched with people above and below in a certain rang.

    Btw league of legends does something similar. You have to play your account up to level 30 to give the system a rough estimate and then can join ranked queue where you get also matched with people above and below you to finally triangulate your rank.

  • tomtomrc89
    tomtomrc89 Member Posts: 6

    This post is spot on, well said good explanation of an MMR/ELO system.

    I’ve experience exactly the same thing as Raptorietz - Id always played survivor since joining DBD in August 2020. Worked up to yo-yo-ing between Rank 4 and 5 before deciding two weeks ago to try Killer. Knowing the game from survivor I found transition at Killer ranks 19 and 20 OK, was getting 3 or 2 kills a game regularly.

    Then came this new MMR and my first Killer games yesterday… played four games as Killer: two were OK (two kills in both) but the other two I was completely destroyed by the survivors.

    very frustrating but bringing it back to the ELO point raised by burt0r: my killer hours are minimal, so the ELO ranking has nothing to go off, just a small sample of games. But this point about all starting in the middle is right: you’ll get games against everyone at the start before it evens out and we find our ability place (you have to start everyone from the same position in a new system for it to be unbiased). So the more we play, the fairer the games will be as the system has more samples to work off to calculate what our current level is and match us off with others. In a way it’s a bit like the concept of regression to the mean.

    so yeah, frustrating for now but stick with it and it should become better.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Something's very off about the MMR, especially when it comes to this whole concept of having easier games on Killers you've not played yet.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well that flawed from the get go. For example i would spent several thousand hours into one killer and then decide to play one of the rest. I still would've the experience in regard to general gameplay, for example looping, map and perk knowledge, survivor behaviour.....and so on.

    So in terms of the old MMR they can't send you against yellow ranks with each new killer you try. And the difference between green, purple and red were already hardly dependent on the individual survivor with the old system and I would guess it isn't much different with the new after less than a week.

    As I explained (in my comment above) it takes some time in elo based system to find the right place for everybody.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Oh, yeah. I know. I thought that to myself too, when I've read about it. Though that doesn't change the fact that most games still feel like a coin toss, just like in the past. And yes, time's a huge part of how well an MMR works, but it could at least FEEL like it works a little, y'know?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well with these devs i would never go for "feeling" XD

    For example, while i myself generally respect pallets to brake them for points, i "feel" the frustration when I see those videos of killer getting their hits rerolled and I ask myself if the devs really have not chance to make this better but at the same time I understand on what kind of base code this game runs and that it already is more like a bloated manhandled abomination instead of a polished and improved game (for example when they changed it from peer-to-peer to server based, which with my understanding of game development is a quite brutal change without completely remaking the base)

  • Raptorietz
    Raptorietz Member Posts: 18

    So, it's been 4 days since the new matchmaker system was introduced, and I still can't get a single kill, a single hook as a killer because all my matches are like this. I've spent these days playing killer and trying different killers while trying to do some quests like "get x amount of sacrifice".

    And after all these 3-4 days of suffering I still sit at Ash 4, getting matched vs survivors who get 360 degrees left and right, who all have above 2000+ hours of playing as survivor, who can simply run you around all match while others do gens and the thing is that when I start focusing on other survivors, they are just as good.

    So where is your so much "promised" better matching for lower players? I've literally never had huge killer experience and playerd killer only to farm quests from the Rift but even now I can't do that because some quests literally say "kill survivors" and after wasting several DAYS into trying, I still have this as the result: not a single kill no matter how I try.

    Please just disable this sh*t system and bring old system back, it had its flaws but it felt more balanced. From my personal experience I had more luck with the old system and could do some things as a killer while with this new system you are simply not allowed to practice or you are doomed into such terrible experience. This is not what I wanted when buying this game and buying killers, I mean, yeah, sure, you should learn while playing, but how are you supposed to learn in an environment like this?

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Yah no sorry I should be clear it's against the rules to discuss it on these forums you can discuss it elsewhere like in person or on your phone or YouTube comments just not this forum

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    Well, I try it again (after the post got deleted).

    The producers of the game aren´t the transparent kind of producers.

    Did they told us, why the ranks were hidden? No

    Did they told the truth about the 99% success of the new system? No

    Did they told us the truth about Pinhead? No

    These are just a few questions. Maybe this comment will be deleted again, but I wont stop posting it, because this is the truth!