Nurses 2nd blink

ever since the new system of matchmaking ive been going against alot of good sweaty nurses, and literally best tactic in my opinion is to shift w away, but im starting to have an issue on nurse having a 2nd blink. after many matches against sweaty nurses its literally almost impossible to create time for your team to work on gens, the first blink is almost on point so deaad hard right? well guess what? nurses 2nd blink. Regardless of what you do its a 99% chance of you going down after dead harding. maybe make her 2nd blink as a addon? idk but its so annoying , i really dont know how to counter it but to shift w and hope they miss both blink attacks.


  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Play Nurse with the 1 blink addon and come say this again.

  • melliflously
    melliflously Member Posts: 4

    I am absolute horrible with her, but pls if i was to give you my spot from my 20+ matches going against her since the new mmr then i would. No fun at all

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    If the Nurse is in a position where she can bait out your dead hard using her first blink, then you're positioning wrong. Don't run out into the open. Break los. That perk is literally one of her best counters.

    Or if you're confident that she's trying to bait it out, then just call her bluff and wait for her to second blink and THEN dead hard. Just like the Nurse you're playing against you have to try too.

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    is this are serious? lol

  • PsychoTron
    PsychoTron Member Posts: 348

    the 1st blink is just a guesstimate of where you are , and the 2nd blink is the correction to get the hit. if the nurse is able to hit you on its 1st blink, then she's either really good, or you need to try and break line of sight, or both