Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

What would your MMR look like?

OK, survivors and killers. What would be the contributing stats to MMR if you were designing it, killer side or survivor side?


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Actual skill factors like the chase and objectives or chase/hooks compared to the current rubbish of escape and kills

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    So chase time + success/not success? I agree that chase should be a factor as should be hooks for killer or lack thereof for survivor.

    I'd like to see something that makes you less likely to succeed if you do nothing. No generators, no chases, no unhooks, no heals. An escape without any of those should be a downgrade.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Chase times, what map is it with what generated tiles, what perks are being run, what killer is it, what items and offerings are being brought in what addons is the killer running and yes even kills and escapes, but how those kills and escapes were earned shouldbe weighted differently as well. For instance someone who did almost nothing but hid most of the game but still key escaped shouldn't be treated the same as someone who ran the killer for 5 minutes and got tunneled or face camped. Tbh I dont think an sbmm or mmr works very well in this game at all with all those various factors ,that need to weighted differently a considered, play into who is more likely to win.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah exactly, doesnt matter if you go down as long as you do a good chase for it. I'd also factor in wasted pallets and pallets used etc.

    I dunno I'm very disappointed with SBMM, I have 5years experience at rank 1 and do insane chases, multiple gens etc. But hardly escape as I'm a team player and will trade to save people at end game so I'm now stuck doing about 3-4gens on average and the longest chase while my team just hide and selfcare lol

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    This is a thing I have a problem with.

    Many people say 'sbmm doesn't work well with this game'... To me, SBMM is defining skills that should level one up or down, then implementing a system to quantify and apply so that matches are good.

    If SBMM doesn't work, how would people want matchmaking to work? Ideally?

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    • chase : how long does your chase last + % of gen progress by the teammates
    • gen pressure : how long you prevented survivor to complete gens
    • items and addons
    • offerings
    • maps : we all know some favors killer and some favors survivor, but might be hard because a map can be good on one killer and terrible to an other so it would have to be killer specific
    • perks : determined if the killer/survivor is using one of the 10 most used perks and give bonus for escaped/4K for not using 4, etc

    Basically every aspect of what makes a trial should be taken in count, after the escape/kill part but still should be part of it ^^

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited September 2021

    I would make survivor’s skill rating based primarily on how long they can sustain a chase, with winning a chase (not getting downed) being an added multiplier. For example, a survivor that ran a killer for 2 minutes and escaped chase:

    NOTE: Points/seconds/numbers are automatically rounded up to avoid decimal ratings

    CHASE 1 (escapes chase)

    # seconds in chase = 120

    120 multiplied by 2 for escaping = 240 (final total)

    CHASE 2 (got downed)

    # seconds chased = 30 seconds

    No double multiplier due to losing chase, so final total is 30.

    So for chases this leaves you 270 points for chase. If a survivor goes down super quick it will factor in later, just bear with me.

    Now I want to factor in safe unhooks + if you escaped trial or not.

    Each safe unhook is + 10. Each unsafe unhook is -20. So let’s say you have that same survivor from the Chase example get one unsafe unhook all game, he gets docked -20 and now has a total score of 250.

    For dying in trial, you get docked -40. If you survive it’s +40. Let’s say the example survivor escapes the trial, he now has 290 total points.

    For the final calculation we divide the final total by 2 = comes out to 145 points towards SBMMR for the trial.

    Now that is merely a quickly put-together outline of how I would judge. I am by NO means a professional game-balance developer, but I do stand by my opinion that a survivor’s ability in chase (with some safe unhook skill added) is more important than ability to hold M1 on a gen.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    I wouldn't. The game is not balanced and doesn't pretend to be balanced. Putting an MMR system into effect in a game that doesn't have any semblance of balance makes zero sense

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    So taking that into consideration, how should matchmaking work? I wonder what people think. Should it just be random?

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Honestly just go back to grades but with stricter matchmaking and fix the medal system, take into account how each killer interacts with the system and grade instead of cucking one shots or stealth killers by not more heavily weighting a 1 shot down as well as giving killers the full points for a survivor dc as well as a boost to the rest of the survivor team. Just doing that alone would be imo better then what we currently have.

  • gelukrait
    gelukrait Member Posts: 172

    My 2 cents thought:

    • Min MMR: 800
    • Max MMR: 1900 (hard cap)
    • Initial MMR: 1100
    • Max MMR earn per trial: 20
    • Factors: kills (for killer), escape (for survivor), trial length (for both, the longer you stay, the more you get, max 10 mins)
    • The difference MMR for everyone can not be higher than 100
