New Killer Concept - The Undertaker

(Edit: Added a new, secondary power to his kit to mitigate the fact that he's like Clown; no map pressure whatsoever. Due to the meta favoring killers who can keep the pressure up, I feel as though Undertaker would suffer heavily, having a hard to use and relatively weak power, relegating him to being a low-tier pick. I also did an add-on pass, as many of his add-ons were utter trash (like one that made survivors being grabbed Blind or Oblivious). (Edit made with 452 hours in-game.))
Time in-game when I started: 102 hours
Time in-game when I finished: 113 hours
Paragraph #??: Death's Door
The Undertaker:
Name: Magnus Olsgaard
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Speed: 4.6m/s (115%)
Height: Tall (6 foot 3 inches)
Ambient Sounds: Ragged, slow, raspy breath.
Difficulty: Hard
Weapon: The "Spoon" (a rusty, broken shovel)
Successful Basic Hit Animation: The Undertaker runs his palm across the shovel's blade, wiping some blood off.
Concept Art: (Coming soon (possibly))
Pallet Stun Animation: The Undertaker doubles over, getting roughly pushed back upright by a pair of hands from the ground.
Mori: The Undertaker slices the left leg off the survivor as they attempt to flee, then summons ghastly hands from beyond the grave to rip and tear them apart, ultimately pulling them under the soil.
Power: Beyond The Grave;
When the ability key is pressed and held, after 3 seconds, a bunch of decrepit, rotten hands burst through the ground. From the moment they emerge from the ground, the hands will move in the direction that the player is facing at 3.8 m/s. The Undertaker moves at 4.3 m/s while using this ability. At any point, the player can let go of the ability key to leave the hands in place, still grasping at the air. However, after 7 seconds of not moving the hands, they will disappear. While being controlled, the hands have a white aura, which switches to yellow when not in control and slowly fades to red up until the 7 second mark where they disappear. Whenever the player feels like it, they may regain control of the hands to move them again, the animation for which takes 1 second. Whenever a survivor steps into the grasp of the hands, they will latch on to their ankles and begin pulling on them, and the hands begin to move in tandem with the survivor until they are freed. Survivors currently being grabbed obtain the Hindered (-20%) and Exhausted status effects for the duration that they are held onto, with Exhausted lasting 5 seconds afterwards. Survivors also can not fast or medium vault while being grabbed, being forced to slow vault instead. But, survivors can free themselves from the hands with a 3 second animation, after which that set of hands dissipates. There can only be one cluster of hands at any time, and re-casting the ability while a set of hands is idle spawns a new set. When a set of hands dissipates, there is a 4 second cooldown before you can spawn another cluster. When a survivor is hit while being grabbed, they automatically break free of the hands and destroy them.
Special Ability: Death's Grip;
When charging your power, aim it at a generator and release to place dormant hands on the generator. When a survivor stops repairing said generator in your terror radius, they will be grabbed by the hands for a short 1 second period, during which they will be Hindered (-20% movement speed). Any other survivors who begin working on the generator while the first who touched it is still working on it will also be grabbed when leaving the generator. After activating once, Death's Grip will be released from the generator and will need to be reapplied to work again. If the survivor is leaving the generator because it has been finished, the hands will hold onto them for 4 seconds, with Hindered being strengthened (-35% movement speed).
The Undertaker's Teachable Perks;
Hex: Maggot Meal: When a survivor is put into the Dying State, their recovery speed is reduced by 30%/40%/50%. Also, said survivor's bleed-out speed is increased by 125% for 25 seconds. And for every survivor currently hooked, gain an increase of 7% to entity speed. (The last effect is a flat affect, and not caused by a survivor going into the Dying State).
Ferryman's Fee: After sacrificing a survivor, gain a token. When a token is gained for Ferryman's Fee, it will distribute 1/2/3 token(s) to every other token perk you may have, other than to itself. After activating, this perk becomes inert.
Scourge Hook: Six Feet Under: When a survivor dies on a scourge hook, reveal the aura of generators with 80%/70%/60% or more progress. If not actively being repaired, those generators will begin to regress.
Beyond The Grave Add-ons:
Brown Add-ons:
Fake Dirt:
Causes idle hands to dissipate tremendously faster (-4 seconds)
Increases Bloodpoints by 100% for usage of Beyond The Grave
Grimy Mallet:
Increases the time required to break free of the hands from Beyond The Grave considerably (+ 3 seconds)
Dusty Shirt:
Increases the strength of the Hindered effect from Beyond The Grave slightly (+3%)
Twisted Bow-tie:
Increases the speed of The Undertaker while using Beyond The Grave moderately (+0.2 m/s)
Dress Shoes:
Increases the speed of the hands from Beyond The Grave slightly (+0.2 m/s), but reduces The Undertaker's speed slightly (-0.2 m/s) while using the ability
Yellow Add-ons:
Epitaph Chisel:
Reveals the aura of a survivor being affected by Beyond The Grave
Toy Bucket:
Increases the time it takes for the hands from Beyond The Grave to dissipate moderately (+3 seconds)
Spoon Shard:
Upon hitting a survivor with a basic attack while they are being affected by Beyond The Grave, that survivors suffers from Exhaustion until they are healed or put into the Dying State. However, the speed of the hands from Beyond The Grave is reduced moderately (-0.4 m/s).
Wilted Bouquet:
Pallets dropped by survivors being affected by Beyond The Grave will be destroyed automatically. However, once it happens once, the hands must dissipate and be re-cast to get its effect again. The strength of Beyond The Grave's hindering is reduced slightly (-5%).
Embalming Fluids:
After putting a survivor being affected by Beyond The Grave into the Dying state, all survivors in your terror radius suffer from the Hindered status effect (-10% speed) for 15 seconds.
Green Add-ons:
Ebony Coffin:
For 18 seconds after idle hands of Beyond The Grave dissipate, gain the Undetectable status effect
Fir Coffin:
Allows the Undertaker to place two instances of hands from Beyond The Grave. However, he will be unable to regain control of said hands once he stops controlling them.
Mahogany Coffin:
Gain the Haste status effect (+15% speed) for 6 seconds after idle hands of Beyond The Grave dissipate
Toy Shovel:
After regaining control of or freshly casting Beyond The Grave, the hands will have their movement speed moderately increased (+0.5 m/s)
Cracked Goggles:
Increases the strength of Hindered from Death's Grip hands moderately (-10% movement speed)
Purple Add-ons:
Worn-out Life Jacket:
Survivors will be held moderately longer by Death's Grip hands (+1 second)
Fractured Skull:
Survivors being affected by Beyond The Grave suffer from the Exposed status effect, but the strength of Hindered is reduced considerably (-9%)
Vigil Candle:
Increases the strength of the Hindered status effect caused by Beyond The Grave considerably (+10%)
Faded Family Photo:
When the hands from Beyond The Grave dissipate, for the next 20 seconds, the movement speed of the hands Beyond The Grave is increased considerably (+0.7 m/s) and the movement speed of The Undertaker is increased while controlling Beyond The Grave moderately (+0.2 m/s)
Iridescent Add-ons:
Lars' Locket:
Allows the hands from Beyond The Grave to move through walls
Engraved Urn:
Causes survivors who break free of the hands of Beyond The Graved to be inflicted with Deep Wound. The Exhaustion caused by Beyond The Grave will also last tremendously longer (+15 seconds).
(Very basic) Lore: (No early life lore) ...Eventually, Magnus would come to have a son of his own, whom he would name Lars. As the years went by, it was clear that the bond between them was special. They were practically inseparable. They spent many of their days around town, as Lars loved to explore and gain new experiences. One such place in the town that they loved to visit was the nearby fjord. They particularly loved to visit for the serene waters and gorgeous views. It was one such day when that evening came. While Magnus was resting below a tree after a long day and under a setting sun, Lars got up from the towel he was sat upon and traveled back down to the water's edge. As he started wading in, an older boy called out to him. The boy dared him to wade out further. Thinking nothing of it, Lars simply continued wading, as that was his intention all along. But soon it got to him, and so he chose to continue moving through the water. Oddly enough, the water wasn't getting any deeper. But suddenly, the ground vanished under Lars' feet. As he flailed in the water, the commotion woke up Magnus, who, seeing his beloved boy failing to keep his head above the water, raced down to the shoreline. On his way, he noticed an older boy looking nervous and guilty who was fleeing in a hurry. No matter, that wasn't important right now. He desperately ran through the cloudy water, but, by the time he reached his son, the water had stopped moving. Shocked, he stood there, in waist-deep water, simply motionless. The grief hit him like the waves of the cool water. His sorrow and mourning soon turned to rage and a bottomless hate. That older boy. That evil son-killer had ripped his son from his life, and he was ready to repay the favor. Over the next course of weeks, as the vigil for his some came and went, he tracked and stalked the older boy. One night, he finally got the chance to put his plot into motion. The older boy was walking home past dark when, out of the shadows, a sharp crunch came from the back of his skull. Dazed and on the brink of concussion, the boy turned around to find Magnus looming over him. Without a word, Magnus bound and gagged the boy, dragging him out into the nearby forest, to the very shore that it happened. He began digging a large pit in the ground, and, despite the rapid and muffled sound that he knew to be pleas for mercy, he threw the boy in and began to fill the hole back in. As he was replacing the final shovel-fulls of dirt, a thick and dark fog rolled into the fjord. Magnus would wake up in a dimly lit, misty place. A place with spider-like limbs and hooks.
I only wanted to see the perks, and I feel like these perks are way too situational and are not substantial enough to work on their own.
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Can always count on folks to ignore the power you came up with and just immediately look at the perks.
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This is pretty good. Thought this concept was going to be about the wrestler who gives out tombstone piledrivers lol. But this standard undertaker sounds like it would be a great fit in DBD.
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He sounds really cool, the power sounds pretty good at loops and ingame would be pretty spooky to try escaping from grabbing hands. I would work on Ferryman's Fee though, as the entity speed feature doesn't make sense with the token mechanics + your Hex already has entity speed increase. Maybe remove it and make Ferryman's add more tokens per Tier?
Can't wait to see what you have planned for the addons. Keep it up!
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Thanks! I haven't been so proud of my other killers ability, (aside from The Thing) as i just saw them as Doctors but with different effects, so i really tried to make something unique with this (altho i think the Undertaker shares some similarities with Pinhead, i figured he had his own niche and a diff enough set up for how he slows survivors down that he could be unique). As for Ferryman's Fee, when I priginally read what you said, I disagreed. But, come to think of it, Ferryman's does have a pretty intensive requirement, so it should give a pretty intensive reward to boot. I'll edit it soon to remove the entity speed and buff the tokens. Also, i think that when i finish the add-ons i'll have the lore ready by then. If i scrap the lore, so be it, but i do hope i can put summin interesting out there for it.
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Also, for anyone interested, you can expect my next concept to include either Lockers, a new Environmental Element, a Tiered Power, or some sort of Meter in the survivor HUD. I wont spoil what the killer is yet (partially cuz I'm still figuring that out), but stay tuned.
Post edited by lethargicsauce on1 -
IDK why but it tried to post the edit I just made as a comment.
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This is the comment that it tried to post of the concept. Sorry.
Post edited by lethargicsauce on0 -
I love the concept from abilities to power and even details and add on ideas although I do have some issues if you don't mind
Hex Maggot meal makes it really easy to just slug and guard people even after cleansed there most likely to br half bleed out. But still great none the less
Ferry man perk is not bad but I think it should be one time use or reduced just because perks like devour hope will be activated very early allowing you to just straight up mori people
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Beyond the Grave:
Can you move at the sams time as the hands?
Do the hands move in the same direction the whole time or can that be changed at will?
Do the hands work like the executioners path of torment or is it more like a small moving area of hands?
I feel like there hast to be another restriction other than no use for 7 seconds. Like the hands disappear after a certain time of usage or a certain distance away from the killer.
Having your MS reduced by 20% and not being able to vault in addition to the cleansing of the hands needing 4 seconds would mean any survivors that gets hit by the hands has rly no way of successfully escaping from a chase.
Maybe let the controllable trail of hands disappear after latching on to a survivor? Let them cleanse the hands while moving (similar to the crows of the artist)? Make it possible to vault but only slow vault?
Deaths Grip:
Interesting idea but as it is now that would simply mean survivors tap a generator to see if it has deaths grip on it, get slowed for 1 second an just start repairing right after it like they do to determine if you run hex ruin.
Maybe make it activate after some time.spent repairing? Problem is the counterplay to that would be very similar.
Another solution would be that it only triggers when the survivor stopping his repair is in your terror radius. That way you would at least get some kind of reward.
Maggot Meal:
I like the fact that it kind of counters the Unbreakable/flip-flop/boil over builds that are popping up at the moment.
Also decreasing the recovery speed is not an effect that we see too much so i also like that.
Im not sure what to think about the increased bleedout though. I think in general this will not have a real effect on the game but it makes slug camping an option and for that fact alone i am not a friend of it.
Ferrymans Fee:
Very unique and therefore i kind of love it.
Only problem that comes to mind is the synergie with devour hope which i can see leading to camping/tunneling as most other token perks are very situational.
Six Feet Under:
I like the fact that this perk in contraty to his other 2 does not reward tunneling.
There has to be a time restriction on the aura visibility though otherwise it would simply be wayyyyyy too strong. Playing 1v3 already gives you a nice advantge. Being able to see the aura even of 1 of those 3 remaiming survivors for a prolonged ammount of time would be way too strong.
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The Survivors can still cleanse the hands while moving, and the hands can change direction while moving, but the drawback is meant to be that they're slower than the survivor, and so have to be used smartly to catch them, since they can't go through walls by default, and you need to sacrifice both of your add-on slots to make them fast enough to catch up. It's also a small area, and isn't a big trail like with Executioner, meaning it needs even more precise usage. To be fair, not being able to vault is a bit excessive and should be toned down to slow vaulting or medium vaulting instead. Also, good point about Death's Grip. I didn't spend as much time thinking that one through as I probably should have.
As for the perks, fair point about all three of 'em. Their design may just be an artifact of my less experienced self from back when I made this concept, and the fact that I had played survivor approximately three or so times by the time I made this (and hence didn't take their enjoyment or experience into consideration).
If you don't mind, I'll adapt the concept to your advice (which I do always appreciate, helps me keep my stuff in check).
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Another fair point on Ferryman's. I do think a single use is quite low for anything except for No Way Out or Devour Hope, but it's worth the sacrifice to keep balance honestly.