Last Year: The Nightmare is out!

RSB Member Posts: 2,258
edited December 2018 in Off-topic

Bought this game and, oh god, the difference is shocking!

The roadmap for this game looks very good too, there will be free maps, killers and gamemodes (something DbD lacks).
For closed beta players - there are some good balance/glitch fixes and new maps

I find this game very refreshing and fun, totally a nice stepping stone from DbD. No stress, maximum fun and skill, also moments in this game feel like taken alive from 80/90s slasher films, which is really climatic. And no pallet looping!

What do you think about this game? Will you play it?

PS. If you are hesitating to buy this, or you don't even know of which game we speak -

Tru3 is playing it right now!


  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    I watched ohmwrecker/maskedgamer. I want it, but it’s not on ps4 :(
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited December 2018

    @KiraElijah said:
    I watched ohmwrecker/maskedgamer. I want it, but it’s not on ps4 :(

    Iw will be in 6 months - 1 year probably. In 90 days from now it will be on Steam.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    I have this game.
    I play this game.
    And i think they just fixed many DbD problems.

    Survivors holding the hostage?No problem they have a timer.
    Survivors sitting on the exit gates. No problem they have a timer.
    Survivors play solo? No problem, solo player will die, because a assymetrical horror game is a team game.
    SWF are broken? No problem, everyone have a voice chat.
    Objectives are boring? No problem the Last Year The NIghtmare objectives arent boring.

    Do you see what i mean?
    This is great.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I watched some gameplay and the killer just slashes away at a survivor repeatedly with little to no effect, looks like Legion lmao

    On the plus side at least the entire game doesn't revolve around looping.
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited December 2018

    @ShyN3ko said:
    I have this game.
    I play this game.
    And i think they just fixed many DbD problems.

    Survivors holding the hostage?No problem they have a timer.
    Survivors sitting on the exit gates. No problem they have a timer.
    Survivors play solo? No problem, solo player will die, because a assymetrical horror game is a team game.
    SWF are broken? No problem, everyone have a voice chat.
    Objectives are boring? No problem the Last Year The NIghtmare objectives arent boring.

    Do you see what i mean?
    This is great.

    Yes, it feels like a better, loved brother of DbD, honestly. While Last Year went to study on university, DbD is still trying to be a hip kid partying, getting drunk, ending in the jail and making life mistakes.

    Last Year feels awesome, is fun, and what's most important - balanced and not stressful at all. I hope this game will be at least as popular as DbD, because it promises great.

    @The_Crusader said:
    I watched some gameplay and the killer just slashes away at a survivor repeatedly with little to no effect, looks like Legion lmao

    On the plus side at least the entire game doesn't revolve around looping.

    It depends on which killer you use. Slasher has the best hit damage, it really takes 3-4 swings to down someone, Giant has the biggest health and is very good to divide the group of survivors into smaller groups, and Strangler is probably the best assassin - perfect at hunting one, alone survivor, despite having the smallest health and weapon damage.

    Oh, and remember, that traps (like those of trapper) and ambushes (jumping from the rooftop, breaking through the wall and instantly executing survivors etc) play the greatest role in this game - you need to outsmart the survivors, use environment, plan 2 steps ahead.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Honestly? Last Year is even more of a bully simulator than Dead by Daylight. If the survivors gang up, the killer has literally zero chances of even getting a hit in, and will get killed in mere seconds. The F13 game taught us that having the survivors able to kill the killer is NEVER a good idea. And here we have another "horror" game where the "victims" can easily bully the killer. It's honestly disgusting.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Acromio said:
    Honestly? Last Year is even more of a bully simulator than Dead by Daylight. If the survivors gang up, the killer has literally zero chances of even getting a hit in, and will get killed in mere seconds. The F13 game taught us that having the survivors able to kill the killer is NEVER a good idea. And here we have another "horror" game where the "victims" can easily bully the killer. It's honestly disgusting.

    If the killer appears in front of the pack of survivors and rushes on them mindlessly, then yes, he will be killed and bullied. Just like in any other game.

    In LY you need to plan, ambush, hit and disappear, use traps, hunt for alone survivors, and use your brain. It is not DbD and (hopefully) it will never be, because right now it feels more balanced and polished than Dead by Daylight.

    PS. Remember how DbD looked on the start? Compare it to the Last Year.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited December 2018

    Get lost with the git gud BS. Anything the killer does, the survivors can easily counter. The traps and the trap doors rigged by the killer are highlighted in red, there's no way the survivors can miss them. Also, the insta-kill locations are all the same and easy to recognize and remember, only newbs or braindead survivors will get killed there. And even when the killer manages to kill a survivor... that survivor will just get saved and respawn thirty second after the fact. LY is NOT balanced. At all. It's like L4D, with the difference that in L4D the killers greatly outnumbered the survivors, so it was ok for them to be so easy to kill, while in LY the killer is the outnumbered side. Nothing has changed since the beta. Last Year is an unpolished and unbalanced disaster, in spite of being created and released after DbD and the F13 game. It deserves to die, Elastic Games learned NOTHING from the past mistakes of their competitors.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Acromio said:
    Get lost with the git gud BS. Anything the killer does, the survivors can easily counter. The traps and the trap doors rigged by the killer are highlighted in red, there's no way the survivors can miss them. Also, the insta-kill locations are all the same and easy to recognize and remember, only newbs or braindead survivors will get killed there. And even when the killer manages to kill a survivor... that survivor will just get saved and respawn thirty second after the fact. LY is NOT balanced. At all. It's like L4D, with the difference that in L4D the killers greatly outnumbered the survivors, so it was ok for them to be so easy to kill, while in LY the killer is the outnumbered side. Nothing has changed since the beta. Last Year is an unpolished and unbalanced disaster, in spite of being created and released after DbD and the F13 game. It deserves to die, Elastic Games learned NOTHING from the past mistakes of their competitors.

    And why you are so hostile? I can hear your ass cracking even here, take it easy.

    LY feels more balanced than DBD even now, you can say what you say, but it won't change that fact. It feels more polished (bugs) than DbD will ever be. That's the second fact. It has better start than DbD (balance/polishness) than DbD had, despite DbD having way more money, that's the third fact.

    Being grupmy and aggresive won't change those 3 facts.

    Not talking about graphics, because they are irrelevant, but yeah, even graphics/animations are better. Hell, they even have voice actors which DbD doesn't have (don't call "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH", "Urghhhh!" voice acting, please). Compare this with free DLCs and better, not smug and full of themselves developers.

    Oh, and no pallet looping, plus way funnier mechanics, not only gen simulator and tbagging at the gate. There are different goals to achieve on each map in order to escape. LY has more mechanics than DbD will ever have. Ever.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Ive seen some gameplay, and I agree that the bully potential is there. Especially if survivors act coordinated and announce each other what theyre doing, instead of "just checking a closet for scrap", or "staying behind to craft". If they're moving as a single unit it turns really hard to do stuff against them.

    And The brute somehow is only good for throwing people down high places lol

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Raptorrotas said:
    Ive seen some gameplay, and I agree that the bully potential is there. Especially if survivors act coordinated and announce each other what theyre doing, instead of "just checking a closet for scrap", or "staying behind to craft". If they're moving as a single unit it turns really hard to do stuff against them.

    And The brute somehow is only good for throwing people down high places lol

    Of course the bully potential is there, when good players face one, newb one. In every game there is a bully factor, I won't argue with that, as you are right.

    Yeah, brute is good for it, as he was designed to divide the survivors into smaller groups and finish them as they are alone.

    Devs are still tweaking the game, in the beta it was clearly survivor sided, now it feels way more balanced. They will add perk/level system in the near time, so the game will be even more fun and the balance will be more flexible.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Do you see what i mean?
    This is great.

    In my opinion, from what I have seen in terms of gameplay, it's never an even game. It's either a stomping or a bully simulator.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @RSB said:
    even graphics/animations are better.

    Oh, I know! Like the Strangler's grab, right?

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited December 2018

    @Acromio said:

    @RSB said:
    even graphics/animations are better.

    Oh, I know! Like the Strangler's grab, right?

    More like broken animations in DbD.

    Or more like recent "invisible killers" bug in DbD. -

    @se05239 said:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Do you see what i mean?
    This is great.

    In my opinion, from what I have seen in terms of gameplay, it's never an even game. It's either a stomping or a bully simulator.

    Just like any other game based on skill. you can't blame the game because one team was trash, while the other played perfectly. There are many videos on the internet where matches in LY were very fair, because both teams played good.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @se05239 said:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Do you see what i mean?
    This is great.

    In my opinion, from what I have seen in terms of gameplay, it's never an even game. It's either a stomping or a bully simulator.

    Bully simulator?
    You remember the past time from DbD?
    And i think, if both team play good.
    Then its not a bully simulator or anything.
    Its just a good game.
    And they will release free killer,survivor and map dlc and that is rly good.
    In DbD you must pay 90~ for the game and every DLC.
    So i think Last Year is fair and more balanced than DbD.
    And the lobby time is shorter.
    Rank 1 killer lobbys are 45~ min

  • Nebiros
    Nebiros Member Posts: 17

    To those that do not already know, this game has been in development for years now, the people who backed and funded and supported this game on kickstarter and steam greenlight got nothing in return although it was promised, the game will play and feel more like Friday the 13th the game and a free to play game called Deceit (both of which are compared to DBD but are inferior and are usually hated by most people when you compare them since they have more flaws about them), the game was delayed countless times and some things that people looked forward to were removed while new things no one wanted or asked for were added into the game all during the years before it released, and last but certainly not least the developers are greedy ######### who also do not know what their doing half the time, or so it seems with the mistakes they make. Another thing to note is that although the DBD devs have made their fair share of mistakes, are out of touch with the community a lot of the time (especially with killers), and etc., at least they provide us with info, treat us fairly, and do not entirely ignore us at least.

    The Last Year: The Nightmare devs had little to no info given to their fans and supporters that even made the game possible with kickstarter and steam greenlight (and also robbed them of some promised bonuses to the support they gave when they suddenly decided not to do any of what they promised), they went through 1 or 2 marketing developers and none of them, including the current one, did a good job at all, because they did little to nothing when it came to marketing, advertising, or even giving information to the people who were interested in the game after finding out about it (most people had to rely on word of mouth for finding out about this game due to just how little info was given and how very poorly the marketing developers did with getting new fans interested in the game or even acknowledging the games existence). Due to how many mistakes the devs of this game have made and just how horrible said mistakes were, not to mention how eerily close this game is to being like F13 or Deceit, I would not trust this game or waste the 30 dollars on it if the devs will have more lows than they will have highs during this games life, and it will more than likely be a monumental screw up. This isn't exactly an opinion although I do hate the devs of this game and the game itself, but these are just facts about what this game went through before it released and now at and after release it does not seem to have improved and neither have the devs, and I would expect them to ruin this game if it isn't already ######### enough, just based on their past actions and decisions and attitudes, this game may kill itself with the devs fueling it to do so.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Nebiros said:
    To those that do not already know, this game has been in development for years now, the people who backed and funded and supported this game on kickstarter and steam greenlight got nothing in return although it was promised, the game will play and feel more like Friday the 13th the game and a free to play game called Deceit (both of which are compared to DBD but are inferior and are usually hated by most people when you compare them since they have more flaws about them), the game was delayed countless times and some things that people looked forward to were removed while new things no one wanted or asked for were added into the game all during the years before it released, and last but certainly not least the developers are greedy ######### who also do not know what their doing half the time, or so it seems with the mistakes they make. Another thing to note is that although the DBD devs have made their fair share of mistakes, are out of touch with the community a lot of the time (especially with killers), and etc., at least they provide us with info, treat us fairly, and do not entirely ignore us at least.

    The Last Year: The Nightmare devs had little to no info given to their fans and supporters that even made the game possible with kickstarter and steam greenlight (and also robbed them of some promised bonuses to the support they gave when they suddenly decided not to do any of what they promised), they went through 1 or 2 marketing developers and none of them, including the current one, did a good job at all, because they did little to nothing when it came to marketing, advertising, or even giving information to the people who were interested in the game after finding out about it (most people had to rely on word of mouth for finding out about this game due to just how little info was given and how very poorly the marketing developers did with getting new fans interested in the game or even acknowledging the games existence). Due to how many mistakes the devs of this game have made and just how horrible said mistakes were, not to mention how eerily close this game is to being like F13 or Deceit, I would not trust this game or waste the 30 dollars on it if the devs will have more lows than they will have highs during this games life, and it will more than likely be a monumental screw up. This isn't exactly an opinion although I do hate the devs of this game and the game itself, but these are just facts about what this game went through before it released and now at and after release it does not seem to have improved and neither have the devs, and I would expect them to ruin this game if it isn't already ######### enough, just based on their past actions and decisions and attitudes, this game may kill itself with the devs fueling it to do so.

    Could you give us a link to the article or something? Not that I don't believe you, but I haven't heard of it, nor I could google it.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    I'm excited for it :) I'm on console though so I've gotta wait, I'm really happy I finally have something to be hyped for though as everything has just been the same so far with not many new things that interest me. Last Year definently caught my attention and when it comes to consoles I'll be there to buy it day 1
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    I'm excited for it :) I'm on console though so I've gotta wait, I'm really happy I finally have something to be hyped for though as everything has just been the same so far with not many new things that interest me. Last Year definently caught my attention and when it comes to consoles I'll be there to buy it day 1

    It is definetly worth it now, and will be even more when it comes to consoles, with all the updates and new features ;>

  • Nebiros
    Nebiros Member Posts: 17

    @RSB said:

    @Nebiros said:
    To those that do not already know, this game has been in development for years now, the people who backed and funded and supported this game on kickstarter and steam greenlight got nothing in return although it was promised, the game will play and feel more like Friday the 13th the game and a free to play game called Deceit (both of which are compared to DBD but are inferior and are usually hated by most people when you compare them since they have more flaws about them), the game was delayed countless times and some things that people looked forward to were removed while new things no one wanted or asked for were added into the game all during the years before it released, and last but certainly not least the developers are greedy ######### who also do not know what their doing half the time, or so it seems with the mistakes they make. Another thing to note is that although the DBD devs have made their fair share of mistakes, are out of touch with the community a lot of the time (especially with killers), and etc., at least they provide us with info, treat us fairly, and do not entirely ignore us at least.

    The Last Year: The Nightmare devs had little to no info given to their fans and supporters that even made the game possible with kickstarter and steam greenlight (and also robbed them of some promised bonuses to the support they gave when they suddenly decided not to do any of what they promised), they went through 1 or 2 marketing developers and none of them, including the current one, did a good job at all, because they did little to nothing when it came to marketing, advertising, or even giving information to the people who were interested in the game after finding out about it (most people had to rely on word of mouth for finding out about this game due to just how little info was given and how very poorly the marketing developers did with getting new fans interested in the game or even acknowledging the games existence). Due to how many mistakes the devs of this game have made and just how horrible said mistakes were, not to mention how eerily close this game is to being like F13 or Deceit, I would not trust this game or waste the 30 dollars on it if the devs will have more lows than they will have highs during this games life, and it will more than likely be a monumental screw up. This isn't exactly an opinion although I do hate the devs of this game and the game itself, but these are just facts about what this game went through before it released and now at and after release it does not seem to have improved and neither have the devs, and I would expect them to ruin this game if it isn't already ######### enough, just based on their past actions and decisions and attitudes, this game may kill itself with the devs fueling it to do so.

    Could you give us a link to the article or something? Not that I don't believe you, but I haven't heard of it, nor I could google it.

    There is no article or reference, I followed this game when it was in it's earliest possible stages, just a kickstarter page from an already thought up game concept, and everything I mentioned was in a discord server and forum that are both long gone since they took them down and/or replaced them. If you didn't follow the game as early on as I did there isn't much of a way at this point to know any of that except through someone like me. The only major proof I can give that they didn't get rid of when they took down the old discord server and forum, is if you go back in their Facebook page and check one of the streams that were done by one of the devs, he mentioned the point I made, when they decided not to give supporters anything that was promised. They just straight up did that in a random Facebook stream and said hey, f**k you, your not getting your $hit, because they did have stuff they promised but didn't deliver on and they said in that stream that they weren't going to do it.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    Game has stamina so no thanks. Also wether its offtopic or not I think its pretty rude to advertise a game on another game's forum.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited December 2018

    @Shadoureon said:
    Game has stamina so no thanks. Also wether its offtopic or not I think its pretty rude to advertise a game on another game's forum.

    Telling your loyal players to "Go play different game" is even more rude, I would say.

    As he said, I'm just proposing what game people may like, which is somehow similar to DbD.