What is your version of Dead Hard as a killer?

Which perk can you never live without because not taking it feels like you're severely at a disadvantage?
Personally I think it's BBQ because the grind to get anything as a killer leveling up is awful.
Once I'm done grinding out a killer though it probably has to be at minimum Pop or Ruin because not having any slowdown ability against survivors makes matches end too fast to even let the survivors get over 15K BP =/
Yeah I can't play a single game without BBQ despite there should be better perk to replace it. Missing out on the money sucks.
STBFL is a personal favorite on machete man too.
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Bro saaaaame with me and BBQ. Any time I play a killer without it I feel almost naked lol. Also I've slowly been gaining an appreciation for STBFL recently, especially on Nemesis. My god it's just so good on Nemmy.
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It's kind of fun though when you run it as Billy. Offer it on purpose and run his addon to plough through them for the hit anyways. XD
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I used to love Brutal Strength and rarely took it off.
It feels so slow without it.
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I think BS is so under rated I ran it on pinhead to see if it helped braking pallets after hitting a chain. Now I feel like it takes forever to brake a pallet or kick a gen without it.
Disrespect pallets build is fun. Brutal strength enduring and spirit fury and walk right through those pallets.
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Whispers , absolutely.
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Discordance is my favorite killer perk in the game and if I'm playing seriously I'm going to be running it.
Survivors spawn together a lot of the time so it tells me where they spawned. Survivors also feel like working together after a heal and we can't have that. I just generally don't like it when they're touching my generators at all but especially not when there's two of them. You're not married. Stop that.
No don't all split off and work one to a generator either. Just get on the hook already.
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A killer version of a second chance perk?
The most powerful equivalent is obviously NOED but that can be destroyed and outright prevented.
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BBQ is too good to pass up sadly. Free info and bloodpoints. If they ever fixed the grind maybe I’d take it off for Discordance.
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Ruin and pop because whitout those perk i feel like the game dont last enough time for the game to be worth the play
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BBQ, absolutely. I need the money (it keeps you in purple add-ons every match), I need the information (nothing better for snowballing and deciding whether you need to stay in the area). People who say they only run it for one or the other are...not being honest. They will never design a perk with two such powerful effects again, and I'm sure they have decided to nerf it but are spacing it out from other nerfs to not cause a mass exodus of killers.
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Ding Ding Ding! If Corrupt Intervention did more than 3 gens and didn't go away until someone did a gen it would be at the same power level as Dead Hard. NOED is a crappier version of DH, the old school NOED (pre-totems and 2 minutes) was at the same power level as dead hard.
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Most M1 killers I use stbfl, I feel naked without it.
Fast killers, I think I feel bad without either shadowborn or bbq.
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What perk is ridiculously strong but I refuse to use it on the principal that I don't want to use what I don't like to face?
Uh... Knockout, I guess. But I just don't like mass slugging solo's and pretending I did anything worthwhile, so it's not really the same.
I also can't take Enduring off, but that's not because it's a crutch. My opponents tend to have 80+ ping and the new pallet stun validation is massively survivor-sided for some reason. I literally cannot avoid getting stunned if the survivor camps the pallet because on their screen I was close enough to take the hit. So its less of a "crutch" and more of a "replacement knee".
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For me it's PGTW. I like that perk too much, and even though ruin is stronger and can be combined with Undying to survive so much longer, I have a current addiction to boom boom pow and then the gen properly goes kapow
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Corrupt. Although, it's not an exact comparison because I don't often play with DH or even feel the need to.
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Lightborn. You do not even want to know what I do to flashlight users when I play a killer who doesn't have it unlocked.
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BBQ, I suppose when I reach max level I can finally un-equip it.
But I dont use Dead hard either.
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I'd say Thrilling Tremor's. I find it creeps up in nearly all of my killer's builds. I find it more reliable than BBQ.
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I would say corrupt intervention
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Corrupt Intervention is a must, or maybe Ruin+Undying. Best scenario, all of them. Its needed in the fastest meta in DbD history in order to have fun and play the game.
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You clearly didnt even read what they asked, your brain just saw the words "dead hard" and got triggered and decided to just come with the usual "dead hard bad"
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A perk I can never play without as killer is probably BBQ for points and also for the handy aura reading.
I also like bamboozle a lot.
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the only thing Killers have that would come close to Dead Hards effect of "press a button to immediately outplay your opponent" is probaply the Nurse.
but in case of popularity, for me, that would be Pop.
gens just get done way too quickly without slowdown Perks - though the more ive played with MMR on, the more i cater towards everyones favourite Ruin Undying / Ruin Pop combo, because pop alone isnt really enough a lot of the time (as in, i dont have the time to actually go and kick the gens).
a close second place would go to Discordance.
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Iron Maiden on Huntress and Trickster. Cannot bear the vanilla reloading speed.
BBQ due to the BP, aura is an useful bonus, but if I'm not hungry for BPs in the game where grind is so freaking bad, that it rivals f2p cash grab mobile apps, I'm more than happy to drop this perk for anything else. Sadly, even after 3k hours I'm still starved for more BPs to p3 50 + all perk all killers...
Recently, Agitation and Blood Warden been glued into any of my builds, no longer running any gen slowdown perks.
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Who made you the authority on what a correct response is?
Thread is titled “Killer version of Dead Hard?” and I gave my opinion.
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I'm a Mikey main so probably bamboozle, unless I am doing scratched mirror.
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Might be biased cause Demogorgon main, but I love Surge, its such a fun perk and no one sees it coming.