Surge in cheating?

Played DbD like 2 years and never saw a cheater. Then in recent weeks I run into a couple a night.
Tonight: guy gets downed, teleports to us, picks himself up, finished our gen (it was at like 50%) then flies away. Infinite flashlights the wrath, the stun was like 15 seconds long.
This is not some subtle hacking, this is in your face I am doing this and you gotta deal with it stuff. They even admitted to it in chat.
No fear of reprisals?
All you can really do is report them in game and then submit a follow up ticket via support
Get proof of some kind like a recording or hell, even a scoreboard screenshot since some of them are dumb enough to bring in items with hacked addons. I saw a flashlight with gel dressings once
People think SBMM is why people are seeing more cheaters and it's probably true since cheaters most likely had to put up with the old rank system. Now their MMR gets instantly inflated since they basically escape/kill everyone every game
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Not that it matters because hackers only get banned for like 3 days at most, plus they can always buy the game for like 5 bucks and continue hacking, plus family sharing.
So it doesn't really matter for them.
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I obviously can't get confirmation on this but I'm like 60/70% sure family share accs get auto banned if they are sharing a game when the owner is game banned
Or at the very least BHVR/Steam has the tools to do that if it's the case.
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I asked a hacker that basically gave me a confirmation on that, first if you family share you lose the secondary account for 7 days, your main account nothing happens on the first violation.
Then you can come back and get banned again for hacking then you lose family share, then you can do the same in the main account.
Also there are people selling steam accounts for 5 dollars with dbd on it.
So 5 bucks + hacks that you may have then rinse and repeat until the end of times.
Easy anti cheat is from what I read, one of the worst anti cheats in the whole anti cheat industry.
Some say that it is very easy to also evade VAC bans so I wouldn't be surprised.
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Damn that's pretty dumb ngl
I hope BHVR looks into better anti-cheating measures or something because I have a worry it's only gonna get worse. I'm hopeful it won't, but still.
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Yeah hopefully bhvr fixes something in that regard, since the sbmm got activated I've played against 7 hackers, and not those subtle hackers I mean those "I hook myself, I have urban evasion tier 70, I have 50 perks, I run faster than billy with engravings" hackers, also 5 min stun, perma blind etc.
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They do nothing to cheater or when they do something they ban the guy for a week and they leave him alone after
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They do ban cheaters permanently. That claim of a week makes no sense, where did you get that amount?
EDIT: Missed the theory above this post which mentions the number. Easy Anti-Cheat gives hardware ban on 3rd ban as far as I know and since that is being used as anti-cheat solution on this game they also manage the bans and are unable to give 7 day ban. And according to the Steam FAQs if you family share and get a ban both the original game owner and the loaner gets the ban, which in this case would be game ban since Easy Anti-Cheat bans has that integration on the Steam platform.
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Saw a cheater in a long long time. Basically healing everyone in the map to full health state, When the killer is dragging someone to hook one of the cheater literally gets hooked by himself to block it then casually gets off the hook. There was also some nasty one that a killer got stunned for over a minute.
It was a sad display, I had it recorded but lmao forum be protecting cheaters.
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Just for the record, you are aware you're trusting the word of someone whom you know is a dirty cheater, right? It's like asking a liar for the truth and believing him.
It was a sad display, I had it recorded but lmao forum be protecting cheaters.
The recording can be shown if you don't show the names, though. Besides, the recording is supposed to go to the devs, to complement an in-game report. We regular users can't do #########.
The forum has a no name-and-shame policy because I can easily make a video showing "you" (i.e.: someone with your name) saying something racist in the chat or whatever, post it here, and start a witch hunt.
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Then this should be fine.
And yeah I did send the files on their support system...should get banned...maybe.
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Disgusting POS. I'm glad to see you didn't try to take advantage, a lot of people wouldn't do that.
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I mean we do not have evidence on anything, I see the same hacker a few times a week, so it's either bhvr sucks at banning people or they don't care.
At this point I'd rather believe what a hacker said than bhvr since they don't tell us anything at all.
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It doesn't matter if you report them, they won't stop and now they seem to be able to prevent themselves from even getting banned in the first place. It's just a waste of your own time and effort with the only real side benefit being that it brings it to BHVR's attention, but I don't think that's worth it.
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But what if it's not the owner banned and it's one of the alt accounts? I don't think they could ban the original account for that
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I honestly thought this was a thread asking if using the perk surge was cheating and now I feel dumb.