Downed last survivors...

jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think if you're downed and youre the last survivor your should either be able to heal out of the dying phase once or still use items.

Ive had multiple matches now where the killer will down multiple people and wonder off. Whether to find others or perhaps to find the hatch. But it's rather boring if you crawl away and manage to evade the killer to have nothing to do but wait to bleed out.

To heal only to be told 'find help' when the game clearly knows all other survivors have been sacrificed is stupid. This should compensate by a series of skill checks that you have to complete to heal yourself. If you fail the skill check you will make the normal injured noise revealing yourself to the killer. If you pass you can get up and remain in the injured state until you find a medipack.

If you have a medipack you should still be able to use it. This could happen in one of two ways. It makes the healing quicker and allows you to recover from the dying state or you consume the medipack instantly and recover from the dying state. Either way the medipack would be gone and you would still be in the injured state when you get up.

Finally, in line with being able to use the medipack, you should be able to use a key to open the hatch and escape. You can escape when downed if the hatch is open. I don't see why you shouldn't have the same last ditch effort as if you were healthy/injured - especially as if you've been downed, escaped the killer and managed to find the hatch all whilst crawling on the ground you kinda deserve it more.

Again this is just for those survivors who are the last ones and downed prior to the third survivor being sacrificed when there is no other way to recover which doesn't seem fair/balanced.
