Best Launch Survivor?

Kinda curious on how the community sees all four of the original survivors, vote who you think is the best in teachable perks, not playstyle, stereotypes, or anything else. Just teachable perks.
Best Launch Survivor? 25 votes
Not even a question about it, which is why I'm confused there's a question here about it. Meg is undoubtedly the best survivor in the game when it comes to teachable perks, not just best original survivor or best launch survivor, the best survivor.
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At launch it was meg because her perks mathmatically made her a 4.2 survivor
Currently its a tossup for me between meg and claudette because healing perks that directly boost speed are pretty useful and selfcare can save a team in a pinch more times in the match than adrenaline can
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IW is enough to make me think Jake is better than any of the others, although that may be because I dislike SB and Adrenaline.
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No Opinion
Sorry I’m not choosing between Meg and Claudette.
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Claudette is the best survivor, while Meg is the best perks.
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If we're talking launch as in pre-nerf/buff for perks, then Dwight. Bond was the same, but Leader used to increase gen speed. This means that someone with Leader and Prove Thyself could rush gens with one other player.