Change the Hex Totems

Hex Totems have been in the game ever since the release of The Hag, and ever since then, all of them have caused quite a stir, especially as of late since The Blight brought in Hex: Undying.

But maybe these Hex Perks need to change again. While a lot of them are in a good spot, many of them either have too much value or too little value when applied, so, this list of changes for the Hex Totems will be here to ensure that all Hex Totems are rebalanced in a way that I think the entire community will definitely enjoy, and would be for the betterment of the game's health overall.

All of the Hex Perks that are listed below are changed from their original counterparts. If you want to see the original counterparts of these Hex Perks, see the link here:

Hex: Blood Favour

A Hex that gains the favor of The Entity when blood is spilt.

  • Injuring a Survivor by any means prompts The Entity to hold all pallets within a 16/24/32 meter radius from your location in place for 15 seconds.
  • Hex: Blood Favour has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Hex: Crowd Control

A Hex that ensures those lesser than you are properly herded.

  • Survivors who perform a rushed Vault through a Window or over a Pallet will prompt The Entity to block it for the next 14/17/20 seconds for the Survivor.

Hex: Devour Hope

The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger.

  • Each time a Survivor is rescued from a hook when you are at least 24 meters away, gain 1 token and receive a permanent 1% increase in movement speed per token.
    • 2 Tokens: Survivor cleansing speed is reduced by 10%/15%/20% on Hex: Devour Hope's Totem.
    • 3 Tokens: Survivors now suffer from the Exposed Status Effect.
    • 5 Tokens: You are granted the ability to Kill Survivors by your own hand.

Hex: No One Escapes Death

You are animated by the power of your Hex Totem when the Survivors are on the verge of escaping.

  • Once the Exit Gates are powered and there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial, Hex: No One Escapes Death activates and lights that Totem, revealing its aura to everyone in the Trial.
    • Your movement speed is increased by 5%/10%/15% for the remainder of the Trial.
    • When a Survivor is within 16 meters of an Exit Gate, their Aura is revealed to you.

Hex: Retribution

A Hex that lashes out to those who attempt to destroy it. Those who cross you will be punished.

  • When a Survivor attempts to cleanse a Totem, a loud noise notification plays and the Survivor suffers from a 30%/40%/50% reduction in cleansing speed.
  • When a Survivor is cleansing any Totem, they will suffer from the Exposed Status Effect until they release or cleanse the Totem.

Hex: Ruin

A Hex that affects all Survivor's Generator Repair progress.

  • Whenever a Generator starts regressing, it will explode and repair progression is halted for 3 seconds.
  • All Generators automatically regress at a rate of 50%/75%/100% the normal regression speed when they are not being repaired.

Hex: The Third Seal

A Hex that hinders the Survivors' ability to find you.

  • Whenever you hook or cage a Survivor, Hex: The Third Seal gains 1 token.
    • 2 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Blindness Status Effect.
    • 3 Tokens: Your Terror Radius is reduced by 8/12/16 meters.
    • 5 Tokens: You gain a permanent Undetectable Status Effect.

Hex: Thrill of the Hunt

The false hope of Survivors fills you with excitement.

  • For each Totem remaining on the Trial Grounds, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt gains 1 token. For each Token you have remaining during the Trial.
    • Gain a 1%/2%/3% increase to attack speed and action speed.
    • Gain a 1%/1.5%/2% increase to movement speed outside of a chase.
    • Gain a stackable 20% increase to Bloodpoints for all actions in the Hunter category, up to a maximum of 100% increase to Bloodpoints.


You are given dark energy which maintains the vile powers that flow throughout the Trial.

  • At the beginning of the Trial, all Dull Totems are blocked by The Entity for 30/45/60 seconds and all Hex Totems are blocked for 120/150/180 seconds. During this time, they cannot be cleansed.
  • Whenever a Totem is cleansed, all other Totems will be blocked for a stackable 30 seconds.

So what is the main takeaway from my proposals? Well, a much better balanced system of Hex Perks with their own strengths and uniqueness shining through to make all of them an option.

Some of the major perks such as Hex: Ruin were toned down due to how powerful they were, while also giving them something to compensate for that loss of power. Some of the perks such as Crowd Control and Blood Favour are perks that don't offer too much value in their current state, but with these changes, have something to really give to the Survivors.

The biggest change I will point out comes in the form of Undying. The whole thread here is because of this one reworked perk, which no longer grants you two totems, but instead protects your totems for a significant enough time in order to give you value from said totems. By all means, this is an extremely powerful Perk, but the rebalance of every other Hex Perk makes it so that this newfound power is in a state where it can remain as-is.

With all of these changes to the Hexes, there can actually be a lot of new and interesting combinations of these totems that can really alter the game up forever.

What do you say?


  • DarthRevan21
    DarthRevan21 Member Posts: 73


  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069


  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Hex are great perks, most of them dont need à change, if anything maybe à buff

    The problem is Hex placement that allows them to be found within 20 seconds, or where the hidding spot is like in the open

    Also Ruin doesnt need à nerf, its one of the only perks that are usable to allow game speeds to be slowed à little bit with the current meta

    You got a fiew good ideas (third seal, blood favor, undying) and bad ones (ruin, noed, or even rétribution)

  • Rescultir
    Rescultir Member Posts: 185

    Here are my thoughts:

    Hex: Blood Favor

    • This seems fine to me, this is what it should have done in the first place.
    • 15 seconds might be too long though

    Hex: Crowed Control

    • Won't matter, use bamboozle instead since the slight vault speed might help you out more.

    Hex: Devour Hope

    • Would rather not be buffed right away so survivors don't know I have the perk
    • The percentages are also too high

    Hex: No One Escapes Death

    • Movement percentage too high
    • Would rather have the one-shot, more beneficial at the end game to get some form of momentum going
    • Aura's don't do anything against good survivors

    Hex: Retribution

    • Percentages too high
    • weak perk since you can just grab the survivor off the totem if they're going to stay on it, a one-shot won't help you here if it goes away when they get off

    Hex: Ruin

    • The first part seems fine
    • the second part should not be changed since regression is important but survivors still work through ruin as it is now so it doesn't matter
    • imo, they should revert it back to the old ruin and make the 200% regression base kit for killers

    Hex: The Third Seal

    • Blindness is only effective against solo survivors but it's still a weak status
    • Undetectable is good if you're able to get across the map quickly or if you're on an indoor map, it's not going to be beneficial on most killers
    • Hiding the red stain might be good but then again there is also a perk for that too

    Hex: Thrill of the Hunt

    • Would rather have the current version so all of my hex totems can have a notification sound when being cleansed and can be slowed and can also tell me that they're cleansing dull totems. The current version provides better information and is also best on certain killers that can traverse the map quickly
    • Fire Up also has a better action speed than this hex and it's still not being used

    Hex: Undying

    • Broken
    • Blocking the totems will also make it easier for the survivors to locate the totems so you're just shooting yourself in the foot by using this
    • It's going to discourage them to cleanse the totems and they're already doing that now so you're only providing a benefit to the killer and giving nothing to the survivors because they are severely punished if they cleanse them
  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Nerfing Hexes be like