Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How’s everyone feeling about DBD’s current state?

For the past few weeks i’ve only been playing a few matches a day. Some days I don’t play at all. I used to play for hours but i’m starting to get bored of the game. And I love DBD and I don’t wanna quit but after a few games I decide to get off.

I guess i’ve been playing too much that I need a break. Also I feel like this new SBMM system is driving me away. I’m not gonna quit just because of this new system but my killer matches have been miserable. I don’t expect to have good matches every game but it’s been nonstop. Survivor games haven’t been to bad. But I play a little more killer. I wanna know if people have been feeling the same way I have? Because I feel like this game is starting to go downhill. A lot of people seem worried about the direction DBD is heading.



  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I like it. My matches feel much more accurate and much more close, especially on the killer side of things.

    My teammates are no longer rubbish, nor are most of my opponents.

    My only complaint are my queue times as killer, which tend to be relatively long.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    Just faced a Spirit who knew where everyone was, no matter the circumstance.

    By this I mean, she would down someone, go all the way across the map and find and down someone else, do it to a third person, and I'm just here trying to pick everyone up before their inevitable demise.

    This is including my own position after hiding in a locker. Did not have Charge add-ons but was using Haunting with extreme frequency.

    If hacking was taken control of, I would have less to complain about. Using Spirit to throw people off of it as well is sad.

    Thing is, i'd much rather have a killer hacker than a survivor hacker. A killer hacker will you out the gate in 5 minutes (assuming no slug). A survivor hacker will prevent you from playing, and possibly soft-lock you out of finishing the match, to which i've had the displeasure of also experiencing (this specific survivor failed to soft-lock and fell to the ground and died).

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Its alright the game had more awful state. I already implemented hours upon hours into the game so I already got my money's worth. I could just quit and come back when there's a new killer, no shame in that.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Bored honestly, but my solo experience has been more entertaining not saying that it has been fun because that will be a lie.

  • Mouth0fMadness
    Mouth0fMadness Member Posts: 43

    Pretty good.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
    edited September 2021

    Waiting for VHS Back 4 blood and the new evil dead game. Only been playing survivor on DbD recently and that is to do my dailies.

    Before I would spend some of my weekend playing now nah...sbmm is king🤑

    Cant be bothered to finish the rift even

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Me too. Definitely looks like a step up from the other asymmetrical games

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    The latest chapter was kind of the last straw for me. We've had broken chapter after broken chapter, the anniversary event's "extra effort" was non-existent and the game is now leaking licensed content with BHVR refusing to comment on it. I feel like BHVR is trying to attract new players with shiny content without caring about the existing playerbase. If the bugs aren't bad enough to stop someone from buying the game and a few DLCs, why fix them?

    I keep coming back here because I want the game to improve, but I have a bad feeling that they'll just keep churning out DLC until the game is unprofitable and then shut down the servers, rather than dealing with the bugs. I really hope I'm proven wrong.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Game peaked last year imo, think it started to come down after Trickster. Then again, the hype towards Nemesis, FNAF and the pin head teasers shows that this game is far from dead. Think sbmm is a big blow and now ranks mean Jack sh**

  • Gitamish0
    Gitamish0 Member Posts: 26

    On Survivor side it's been perfectly fine for me, playing with Survivors and against Killers right around my skill level 9/10 times.

    It's been starting to get weirder on the Killer side though. For every one round I get with players on my level, I get three with hella toxic Survivors that just annhilate me. That could be just me being outplayed and not properly switching up my tactics enough to handle toxic swfs, could just be this community continuing to get more toxic, but I don't feel as if I was having this many kinda frustrating games as recent as last week.

    Aside from that though, I haven't run into that many other issues and queue times usually aren't long at all during the times I happen to play. For refrence, my experience has primarily been Solo Q on PS5 and some occasional games on PC (I always have crossplay on)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,029

    Horrible, balance wise is still terrible and perks that are horrible are still not remembered, several killers are boring to play or just flat out terrible, or straight up broken. Game Health has been at its worst (Dead Dawg has been disabled twice) and we haven't gotten a severely buggy update since over a year ago almost

    I am honestly amazed at why I still play this game

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    It's gone downhill since the Silent Hill DLC came out and has only marginally improved at mid-chapter patches before plummeting back down at the next DLC launch. Resident Evil, the one franchise I've been wanting in DBD for years, was a disaster.

    When was the last time we had access to all the maps for longer than a week, by the way? Start of June? Oh, but that was around the time there was the massive desync issue, right?

    It can't carry on like this. New content and cosmetics won't be worth a damn if the game can't function properly.

    God I hope VHS is good.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    The game is still buged and unbalanced on many levels

    The updates get short but long to install

    The MMR isnt doing much to actually help the game

    The game almost didnt evolve on the mechanics and objectives

    I play the game cause i lile it, but i dont enjoy it nearly as much as a year or two ago...

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    It's fine for me

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I like the grade system. It feels more intuitive, even if it's mostly just a slightly clarified version of ranks.

    SBMM isn't great, but as long as I'm getting my 2-4k games and getting at least one of my friends out the door, I'm largely content. My friend and I had a fun day recently of going through killer adepts - I'm apparently better at Nurse than I thought, with a conservative playstyle, even against the SWFs I was getting.

    I am getting absolute trash from console teammates, though, which was a problem before the new systems. I really wish that SBMM seemed more consistent when it came to cross-platform play.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I honestly love the game. I don't just love it, I adore it.

    There are a couple of asterisks though: I'm playing on PC, so I don't have anywhere near the problems that my console brothers and sisters do. As a mostly lifelong console gamer I feel for them, it's not fun for glitches and what feels like foot-dragging to ruin your gaming experience. I also have my frustrations, such as dealing with killers like the Wraith and Ghostface. I know that a lot of people don't have any issue with them, I simply find them to be so prevalent and so profoundly cheap and repetitive (no terror radius, free hit, game over soon, yay) that whenever I get them - which is WAY too often - my enjoyment is significantly reduced and I just want to hurry up and get to a different match. Killers hate sweat squads (and I understand and empathize), I hate these two killers. I'd rather have Spirit every time.

    Beyond that, and a few lesser frustrations like getting maps I don't like being forced to waste hundreds of thousands of BP on bloodweb items that I will literally never use, I'm enjoying the game greatly.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I understand your point and don't necessarily think that you're wrong, you have a valid opinion. But if they massively overhauled a bunch of perks, do you not feel that within a little while people would make meta builds out of THOSE perks and the problem would just repeat itself?

    But as I said though, you're not wrong. There are what, 150 perks in this game? More? Yet you only ever see the same 20 or 30. I feel that we can use more things like "faster running" (for both sides) and less things like "sit in a terror radius for a straight minute so you can throw a distraction pebble".

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Running a slug build, it works - a little over half the time.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I understand your point and don't necessarily think that you're wrong, you have a valid opinion. But if they massively overhauled a bunch of perks, do you not feel that within a little while people would make meta builds out of THOSE perks and the problem would just repeat itself?

    Well,it's obvious that there will ALWAYS be some kind of META going around no matter how much you change things up.

    The big difference would be that we could finally see some kind of change to the META that has changed so little throughout the years

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    The RE chapter was the start of things going downhill. Wonder what the halloween event will be like?

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    Yeah I get tired of seeing the same perks every match. Not gonna shame people for it but..

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yes, there will always be a meta.

    But just something different then what it's been for the last year or so would ve nice.

    Also preferably i would want the difference between what's meta and what isn't to be smaller.

    Right now more often then not if it isn't meta it's straight up bad. You wouldn't see the meta as often if other perks were atleast impactfull

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Yeah I see what you guys are saying. It WOULD change up the playstyle from time to time. I guess I wish that the perks were, overall, more evenly powerful than they are. I mean again, who's going to throw a pebble when they can Dead Hard or Sprint Burst? Who's going to care about when someone's in the basement when they can be running BBQ (which is basically so OP there's essentially no reason for a killer NOT to use it)? I'd love to encounter a wealth of different play styles using different builds. Instead it's pretty much always the same couple of builds for each side. Even my stealth build (mainly aura reads) is somewhat common, at least to the point that everyone automatically assumes that I use it just to avoid the match.

  • Duskk
    Duskk Member Posts: 92

    I Took over a 2 year break from this game to find the devs have still not fixed legion to not be laughably bad at high level. Very un happy that after all this time they’ve done 0 to fix what makes them bad.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    I appreciate everyone’s feedback here. 😊

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm at the stage where I'm praying for a new game to stop playing this.

    Just remaster Black Ops 1 or 2 and I'll happily leave this game for months

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    I was surprised with that recent mid chapter patch where they changed Huntress, Demo, Freddy, BT, Object, Small Game, Lucky Break and other stuff; that looked like a patch where they actually put some effort even if i didn't agree with every single change.

    Every major patch should be like that, but instead, the successive ones we got were all super barebones.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    That’s how i’m feeling. Maybe i’ll try getting into fortnite or something idk.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    I thought that was one of the best mid chapter patches we got.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Playing a game for hours a day and then not wanting to play is very natural.

    If you like the game and want to enjoy it, i suggest doing what i do: Play at a pace that doesn't make you tired of it.

    How much you should play to avoid not wanting to play depends on the individual.

    But if you find yourself not enjoying the game after playing for just 3 Trials after a week break, you might want to consider that wanting to like the game isn't a thing you'll achieve.

    Also sometimes simply mixing up your gameplay can help wonders.

    I don't think i'd still be playing if Hex: Devour Hope wasn't a thing.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    I appreciate your feedback. Maybe a reason why I get bored after playing a few games is because i’m tired. Or if i’m playing survivor it’s the constant holding M1 for so long.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    Yeah, because they actually changed more than two things. It's more exciting than only relying on hoping you'll like the new DLC.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    My games were a sweatfest, i uninstalled 1 week ago, sooner or later more people will do the same, is not enjoyable anymore

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    They're cranking out cosmetics because they know people are gonna buy them. BHVR loves their money whales.

    They know their mess of spaghetti code needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, but instead of doing that, they're focusing on short term profits trying to sell as much stuff as possible before the ship sinks.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,788

    I wish they would take breaks on cosmetics and just fix the game but we all know that’s not possible.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm overall happy with the state, although when "Resident Evil" came out it was unfortunately very embarrassing for them, especially considering how big a deal that license is. The new systems works really well from my perspective and I'm still able to use randomized, non-meta builds and still win matches, except now they feel more earnt.

    The big downside has been how the community side of things has changed. Granted, during my experience I've received salt at times, but I also remembered that a year or so back - possibly 2 - people were more friendly in-game. I'd receive and give compliments, and joke with fellow players. Now there is bugger all interraction. Yesterday was the first time anyone responded with a nice comment in quite some time. Rarely would I get any comment at all, in fact. The social level has reduced a lot.

    I don't believe there will be any worthy opponents to this game, if they try to replicate the formula. The closest multiplayer game that would be competition in the horror genre for me is "Phasmaphobia", because it offers a different experience. But my belief is that unless people become a bit more humble, be more relaxed and stop looking to influencers who just shout abuse, mock their opponents and basically act entitled because apparently controlling pixels on a screen makes them better than other people, then the community will damage this game far more than any dev attempt.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    Thats interesting, I'm seeing the opposite. Crap teams when i play survivor. Sweat squads when i play killer. Its been a pretty bad change overall