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Hex: Ruin is overrated

Yes it is a overrated Perk. Now im not saying that Ruin is bad in anyway but what im saying is that it is not a top 5 Perk AT ALL! Hex No One Escapes Death is BETTER than Ruin. Ruin sucks compared to NOED. As i main Killer and Rank 1 after every reset I personally stopped using Ruin as much as i did in the previous resets and have been using other Hex perks instead.

The first problem with Ruin is that there are not enough spawn locations for Hex Totems so I believe there are 3 or 4 spawn locations for them and high rank Survivors know where these spawn locations are. You can go and look at your Ruin's location but you obviously cant protect it and as soon as your in a chase goodbye Ruin.. This sometimes happens within the first two minutes of the game.

The absolute worst case scenario is when it spawns right next to the Survivors spawn location. I recently had Ruin destroyed within 20 seconds of the game. That's bad!! Of course in my head im like man, I could have just used Brutal Strength or something. Survivors spawning right next to the Ruin is not something that happens all the time but its also not too uncommon.

I feel should either one, add two more spawn locations for Hex Totems or replace some of the spawn locations. I remember seeing a Hex Totem right outside the Killer Shack right out in the open and im like "Im screwed with Ruin this game" They're gonna see that! I've seen some pretty bad locations where Hex Totems spawn and i know you all have as well. Even The Hag who is the best at defensive options cant protect it long enough because people crouch to the spawn locations. Since I main Hag and play three other Killers, as Hag i place multiple traps in the area to better so called secure my Ruin Totem. One game i even placed 4 traps and none of them triggered. That's hardcore

Like i mentioned before i stopped Running Ruin so much and i've been focusing on playing without it. I actually replaced Ruin with Hex: The Third Seal with my main Killer or Devour Hope. I also have been focusing on dual Perks that are better than Ruin, so i basically replace Ruin and one of my staple Perks to compensate for Ruin.

Ruin can get bodied within the first minute of the game and all you Killer mains like me, i know this has happened to you multiple times so in my honest opinion again, Hex Totems need more Spawn locations. I must admit that sometimes the locations are pretty well hidden and can utilize this but then in the back of my mind im like in the end they know all the spawn locations. If Survivors DONT happen to know spawn locations it can work as it takes time off of doing Gens with them looking for it. I've been in games where I intercepted or chased Survivors away from Ruin only for SWF Survivors to tell them "Hey Im being chased" Ruin is in X location. Lol Im pretty sure you all have encountered this scenerio maybe more than a few times

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  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Yes its overrated, but there is nothing else..... we can just hope that we get another perk to slow down the game next DLC so that ruin can die in peace :wink:

  • Member Posts: 3,162

    @Crizpen said:
    I'd disagree that Ruin is overrated for the simple fact that the biggest enemy of any killer is time, and as far as perks which slow down the pace of the game, Ruin is certainly the best.

    Alternatives, such as Overcharged, PGtW, and Thanatophobia are either more unreliable, weaker, or just as (or more) easily countered as Ruin.

    Absolutely, there are problems with totem locations, as you point out. In some games, it's gone almost instantly, while in others it may last for several minutes. In Rank 1 matches, I see it lasting throughout the match as many Rank 1's find it faster to work through the Ruin than to hunt for the totem.

    I am confused though: your main complaint about Ruin seems to be how easily it's discovered and broken, yet you're saying you replaced Ruin with other totem perks, which are just as easily broken. I guess they may not go looking for Third Seal until they've been hit, but with so many SWF groups, that's usually only the first hit.

    Personally, I'd like to see Hex perks work by the killer placing the totem. It isn't in effect until the totem is placed, but the killer can place it anywhere on the map they choose.

    the only reason people call ruin overrated is because it is a required perk for high rank games as it is the only tool you have to slightly slow down the game

  • Member Posts: 129

    I'd also point out that the easy of cleansing totems is the counter to what would otherwise be the most powerful perks in the game. If Devour Hope, Third Seal, Ruin, Lullaby, etc weren't bound to totems, they would be super overpowered.

    Absolutely, changes would be healthy as far as totem placement locations, but that has to be balanced against the sheer power of Hex perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,162

    @Crizpen said:
    I'd also point out that the easy of cleansing totems is the counter to what would otherwise be the most powerful perks in the game. If Devour Hope, Third Seal, Ruin, Lullaby, etc weren't bound to totems, they would be super overpowered.

    Absolutely, changes would be healthy as far as totem placement locations, but that has to be balanced against the sheer power of Hex perks.

    nah they would would just be a reason to stop being overly altruistic maybe a nerf on devour hope though other than that their fine

  • Member Posts: 2,771
    Yes it is. Its onky as good as the survivors. 
    A team that can hit great skillchecks will not be affected by this perk, unless you call the lack of great bonus progression worth it.
  • Member Posts: 3,688
    I stopped using it because once you get to red ranks its gone within the first minute easily, often within 30 seconds.

    Survivors either spawn on it, or spawn in such a location that the first gen they work on is right next to ruin, or they know all the totem spawns anyway and it doesn't take a co-ordinated swf long to find it.

    I use it on hag since she can defend it and even if not it buys her that little bit of time to cross the map to survivors and lay a few traps on the way. I don't use it on other good killers though. However I do think some of the lower tier killers benefit from it.
  • Member Posts: 3,647
    edited November 2018
    I agree with this 
  • Member Posts: 4,167
    I honestly get better use out of overcharge than ruin. As survivor I just ignore it unless I spot the totem between gens. With the right perk combo overcharge will alert you far more and if the survivors do a hit & run they regress it themselves.
  • Member Posts: 699

    There are some survivors that are powering through Ruin yes. Some hit the great skill checks while others dont hit GSC but still stay on them. Besides that, Stake Out is a good Semi Counter to Ruin as well and if the Survivor can get 4 stacks its great against Ruin.

    I say its overrated because there are dual perks that work better than Ruin but Killer mains have to sacrifice a perk they staple or normally run to make it efficient. Its not heavily overrated but overrated nonetheless imo. If they can replace some of the spawn locations (right next to gens) that would be great. I said that there are about 4-5 spawn locations but there are actually 6-9 which is fine

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    The annoying thing about it is that it's purely luck based. It can turn your bronze Gatekeeper emblem into an Iridescent, but it can also be a wasted perk slot if it gets cleansed immediately. Even so, considering how fast paced high rank games can be, I sometimes find if it gives me 30 seconds without significant gen progress, it was worth it.
  • Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2018

    @George_Soros I'll never forget that game where right after it started i began making my way towards the Ruin and it was destroyed before i got there. At that point i had a combination of mild anger, mild demoralization and concern!!

  • Member Posts: 1,775
    In a game where all 5 gens can be done in about 3 minutes without toolboxes, and it's not unusual to see 3 pop in the first minute and a half we need something to ... slow the game down... just a little bit.

    Got reasonable alternatives to ruin?

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    In a game where all 5 gens can be done in about 3 minutes without toolboxes, and it's not unusual to see 3 pop in the first minute and a half we need something to ... slow the game down... just a little bit.

    Got reasonable alternatives to ruin?

    I happen to have one: catch and hook one early. Trying that with Clown... mixed results.
    The other is a new favourite: Dying Light, but it almost never works out without a mori, and it obviously encourages hardass playstyle. I don't mind that so much, but one should take it into consideration.
  • Member Posts: 5

    The problem is not the perk itself, the real problem is the spawning of the totems, there are few locations and sometimes it appears in the middle of the field with just a little plant covering it, and make almost all of the totem base skills useless.

  • Member Posts: 1,775
    In a game where all 5 gens can be done in about 3 minutes without toolboxes, and it's not unusual to see 3 pop in the first minute and a half we need something to ... slow the game down... just a little bit.

    Got reasonable alternatives to ruin?

    I happen to have one: catch and hook one early. Trying that with Clown... mixed results.
    The other is a new favourite: Dying Light, but it almost never works out without a mori, and it obviously encourages hardass playstyle. I don't mind that so much, but one should take it into consideration.
    Sounds reasonable, but I don't own the clown. His powers do lend well to catching people though. 

    Dying light means the obsession, and finding them , and killing them which is more realistic for me. 

    Since I'm relying on catching people, thanatophobia sounds like something to have. Injure people along the way. Maybe even slug them while finding the obsession. 
    Trying to remember perks that would help find an obsession. 

    But what would really help is disrupting the first minute and a half of the trial when popping 2 or 3 gens at once seems to happen the most. 
  • Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2018

    I don't really think ruin is completely neccessary for games, I mean, I have survived up to rank 1 without it, but it is a nice commodity to have, specially if the circumstances survivors derp and ruin stays for a while. It does have massive drawbacks, preety much like any other hex perk.

  • Member Posts: 34
    Yes it is. I believe that Ruin is mainly for killers that dont know how to pressure enough and keep people off the gens. It's not a necessary red rank perk and most of the times it gets cleansed instantly, thus making you play a regular game where gen rushing is a viable option and with 3 perks. 
  • Member Posts: 79
    Ruin is mandatory unless you want 3 gens popping after 1 chase. 
  • Member Posts: 699

    What Ruin does is guarantee that at least one Survivor gets off a gen to start looking for it. During that course you bump into a Survivor running around looking for it. Unless of course they spawn right next to it and in that case you cant get to it in time because your on the other side of the map and in instances like that you need Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt to make it to them in time.

    @Rudio1337 that's not true because there are people (Killers) that know how to pressure good with or without it but most importantly you cant apply so much pressure that its going to have that much of an effect in the game because 1 chase means that 3 other Survivors can be on gens.

    Hex Ruin just like any other Hex Perk that's not Thrill Of The Hunt or Haunted Grounds is hit or miss, its a gamble because of how fast it can get destroyed. Like i've been saying its a good Perk but not top 5 imo which is why i say its a little overrated

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    I don't use ruin cause I don't use hex perks. Doesn't matter what side im on, they just feel easy. Just means the first minute is spent checking for a 3 gen lockdown, if not I just ignore the gens altogether. Not gonna waste time on something that can't be stopped or properly defended.
  • Member Posts: 43
    1. Nice essay.

    2. NOED and RUIN are both noob stompers. They won't be effective at lower ranks.

    3. The chances of your totem spawning in front of a survivor are very slim.

    4. There are NOT 3 or 4 totem spawns.

  • Member Posts: 699

    @MrMyers said:
    1. Nice essay.

    1. NOED and RUIN are both noob stompers. They won't be effective at lower ranks.

    2. The chances of your totem spawning in front of a survivor are very slim.

    3. There are NOT 3 or 4 totem spawns.

    Right, that's why i corrected my initial post with a later one that said there are more than 3-4. You gotta read through posts thoroughly. Believe it or not Survivors spawning next to Hex Totems are not as slim as you may think. Personally i have had more than a few games that i can remember where it has been destroyed before i can even make it there to monitor the area.

    Once again ruin is only slightly over rated. I feel that you actually need Ruin at the higher ranks (1 & 2) because the game is that much Survivor favored and its mostly survivor favored because the majority of the maps are bad for Killers. That and SWF of course. So a game can go like; Killer see's Survivor near Hex Totem, Killer chases him or her. SWF tells the others where it is. Its so corny but it is what it is, this is the game. This is why i say that sometimes dual perks, other Hex Totems (although they can get bodied fast too by survivors spawning right next to them) and end game perks are more effective than Ruin. What do you think?

  • Member Posts: 327

    It would be a much better perk, if they would add more skillchecks to a generator, so ruin would have a sort of use. At rank 1 ppl bypass ruin by gentapping and just hitting skillchecks. Ruin gets found easily aswell, but that's another matter. The amount fo matches where 3-4 gens are done with ruin up, wel i can't count them anymore because it's just standard.

  • Member Posts: 540

    Its the biggest no skill carry perk in the game. That's why so many people tend to use it imo.

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    It's garbage. It often spawns next to a gen near the survivor spawn point. So if they don't see itnstraight away then it won't be long before they find it.
  • Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2018

    The percentage of survivors that can consistently hit great skill checks at rank one is significantly small. There are reasons to not run ruin that are legitimate, but that isn't one of them. You don't choose to not run a perk in fear of a whopping 5% (I think? There were stats released. It's somewhere around there.) of survivors.

    The only real reason that carries any weight for why ruin suffers is the poor RNG, otherwise, it's a damn strong perk. And while I grant RNG is an issue, that chance to slow down the early gen rush is so critical to securing early game momentum that it's worth the coin toss. It doesn't need to last the whole game, it only needs to last long enough to do its job, which is a hook before one gen is complete, preferably. Which RNG aside, it usually does do that much.

    @ "But totem spawn locations"

    Sure. Really experienced survivors know where a lot of the spawn locations are, but again, the actual percentage of rank one players that know where every single spawn is at is pretty low. Most only know the obvious spots by heart, i.e next to a gen or inside/outside killer shack. Again, not running a perk in fear of an extremely small subset of survivors who know every spawn location isn't a good idea.

    So, that brings us back to RNG. Which, yes, ruin gets boned by bad luck sometimes, but so do a lot of powerful perks. Sometimes I go entire games without getting to actually take advantage of haunted ground or make your choice, but they're still strong. Honestly, I think people just pick on ruin because it's still as meta as it ever was, even after the healing changes that people claimed would be the new meta. Survivor mains in particular like to take a dump on ruin because know it's powerful and like to reduce its use to killers not knowing how to pressure well, lol.

  • Member Posts: 43

    @Edilibs said:

    @MrMyers said:
    1. Nice essay.

    1. NOED and RUIN are both noob stompers. They won't be effective at lower ranks.

    2. The chances of your totem spawning in front of a survivor are very slim.

    3. There are NOT 3 or 4 totem spawns.

    Right, that's why i corrected my initial post with a later one that said there are more than 3-4. You gotta read through posts thoroughly. Believe it or not Survivors spawning next to Hex Totems are not as slim as you may think. Personally i have had more than a few games that i can remember where it has been destroyed before i can even make it there to monitor the area.

    Once again ruin is only slightly over rated. I feel that you actually need Ruin at the higher ranks (1 & 2) because the game is that much Survivor favored and its mostly survivor favored because the majority of the maps are bad for Killers. That and SWF of course. So a game can go like; Killer see's Survivor near Hex Totem, Killer chases him or her. SWF tells the others where it is. Its so corny but it is what it is, this is the game. This is why i say that sometimes dual perks, other Hex Totems (although they can get bodied fast too by survivors spawning right next to them) and end game perks are more effective than Ruin. What do you think?

    Read your post thoroughly? You just said you corrected it later. I don't check up on posts that I commented on weeks ago. Anyways, It's simply RNG, some totems may spawn next to survivors, some may not. You seem to be pretty unlucky!

  • Member Posts: 405
    When it comes down to hex ruin being overrated. There are two ways I look at that. None of them really that negative.

    1. Depending on the killer depends on whether you use it or not. Maybe it's just me but if I'm playing killer that needs a little preparation like Trapper, hag, or Michael. Then I'm going to have to use it to slow the game down so I can set up a little.

    2. If I'm trying a build. Now don't get me wrong this is rare especially in high ranks where you will lose if you tried to experiment. However it's still pretty cool non the less
  • Member Posts: 699

    @MrMyers said:

    @Edilibs said:

    @MrMyers said:
    1. Nice essay.

    1. NOED and RUIN are both noob stompers. They won't be effective at lower ranks.

    2. The chances of your totem spawning in front of a survivor are very slim.

    3. There are NOT 3 or 4 totem spawns.

    Right, that's why i corrected my initial post with a later one that said there are more than 3-4. You gotta read through posts thoroughly. Believe it or not Survivors spawning next to Hex Totems are not as slim as you may think. Personally i have had more than a few games that i can remember where it has been destroyed before i can even make it there to monitor the area.

    Once again ruin is only slightly over rated. I feel that you actually need Ruin at the higher ranks (1 & 2) because the game is that much Survivor favored and its mostly survivor favored because the majority of the maps are bad for Killers. That and SWF of course. So a game can go like; Killer see's Survivor near Hex Totem, Killer chases him or her. SWF tells the others where it is. Its so corny but it is what it is, this is the game. This is why i say that sometimes dual perks, other Hex Totems (although they can get bodied fast too by survivors spawning right next to them) and end game perks are more effective than Ruin. What do you think?

    Read your post thoroughly? You just said you corrected it later. I don't check up on posts that I commented on weeks ago. Anyways, It's simply RNG, some totems may spawn next to survivors, some may not. You seem to be pretty unlucky!

    No, what i was saying was that after i made the thread i made the correction with a later post. Its fine,its no big deal. Not unlucky because Ruin has helped me many games as well

  • Member Posts: 699

    @Wahara said:
    The percentage of survivors that can consistently hit great skill checks at rank one is significantly small. There are reasons to not run ruin that are legitimate, but that isn't one of them. You don't choose to not run a perk in fear of a whopping 5% (I think? There were stats released. It's somewhere around there.) of survivors.

    The only real reason that carries any weight for why ruin suffers is the poor RNG, otherwise, it's a damn strong perk. And while I grant RNG is an issue, that chance to slow down the early gen rush is so critical to securing early game momentum that it's worth the coin toss. It doesn't need to last the whole game, it only needs to last long enough to do its job, which is a hook before one gen is complete, preferably. Which RNG aside, it usually does do that much.

    @ "But totem spawn locations"

    Sure. Really experienced survivors know where a lot of the spawn locations are, but again, the actual percentage of rank one players that know where every single spawn is at is pretty low. Most only know the obvious spots by heart, i.e next to a gen or inside/outside killer shack. Again, not running a perk in fear of an extremely small subset of survivors who know every spawn location isn't a good idea.

    So, that brings us back to RNG. Which, yes, ruin gets boned by bad luck sometimes, but so do a lot of powerful perks. Sometimes I go entire games without getting to actually take advantage of haunted ground or make your choice, but they're still strong. Honestly, I think people just pick on ruin because it's still as meta as it ever was, even after the healing changes that people claimed would be the new meta. Survivor mains in particular like to take a dump on ruin because know it's powerful and like to reduce its use to killers not knowing how to pressure well, lol.

    I like how you summarized this. The only issue that i have with Ruin (Hex Totems) is that Survivors can spawn right next to it. It should be changed to all Hex Totems spawn outside of (x) meter range of survivors at the start of a match. It does ensure that at least one survivor gets off a gen which is good. You know whats pretty good against Ruin actually? Stakeout & Premonition. If a survivor can get 3 to 4 tokens then thats good enough to get one gen done without regression or close to it depending on the skill check rng

  • Member Posts: 946
    I personally don't like Hex: Ruin, yes it can slow down the game, but more often it gets found within a minute after the games starts, sometimes even before you ever had the chance to reach and defend it yourself. And it does not help you actually win the game. Yes in best chase you get some more seconds/minutes but it doesn't help you in the chase or down someone. I rather have a perk that actually let me do stuff and get things done.
    At higher level no one's care because you just power through it.
  • Member Posts: 5,176

    @Wahara said:
    The percentage of survivors that can consistently hit great skill checks at rank one is significantly small. There are reasons to not run ruin that are legitimate, but that isn't one of them. You don't choose to not run a perk in fear of a whopping 5% (I think? There were stats released. It's somewhere around there.) of survivors.

    The only real reason that carries any weight for why ruin suffers is the poor RNG, otherwise, it's a damn strong perk. And while I grant RNG is an issue, that chance to slow down the early gen rush is so critical to securing early game momentum that it's worth the coin toss. It doesn't need to last the whole game, it only needs to last long enough to do its job, which is a hook before one gen is complete, preferably. Which RNG aside, it usually does do that much.

    @ "But totem spawn locations"

    Sure. Really experienced survivors know where a lot of the spawn locations are, but again, the actual percentage of rank one players that know where every single spawn is at is pretty low. Most only know the obvious spots by heart, i.e next to a gen or inside/outside killer shack. Again, not running a perk in fear of an extremely small subset of survivors who know every spawn location isn't a good idea.

    So, that brings us back to RNG. Which, yes, ruin gets boned by bad luck sometimes, but so do a lot of powerful perks. Sometimes I go entire games without getting to actually take advantage of haunted ground or make your choice, but they're still strong. Honestly, I think people just pick on ruin because it's still as meta as it ever was, even after the healing changes that people claimed would be the new meta. Survivor mains in particular like to take a dump on ruin because know it's powerful and like to reduce its use to killers not knowing how to pressure well, lol.

    You are honestly really correct here. When I run ruin I just need it to last me long enough for 1 or 2 hooks. 3 at best but it's inevitable for it to last the whole match. Only time it actually lasts a very long time is when I put lots of pressure on the survivors. Ruin is good early game but then you're stuck with only 3 perks for the rest of the match which is what I think it it's main problem

  • Member Posts: 213
    It’s not hard to power through ruin skillchecks. Just chuck on stake out and you’re good. 
  • Member Posts: 72
    edited December 2018

    a) It either gets cleansed early and now you play with 3 perks.
    b) The survs just work through it.
    c) The surv's can't hit the skillchecks.

    A ): Well wasnt that a waste
    B ): Well wasn't that a waste
    C ): Yours survs probably aren't good enough that you'd even need the perk in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    Totems are just in a bad place most of the time, past week alone I spawned in clear view of 4 hexes. When playing survivor I feel like there is almost no pressure in finding them. That alone has moved me away from the perks when playing killer. If I want to slow things down a bit overcharge helps maintain gen defense much better provided the map/rng doesn't make patrolling a nightmare.
  • Member Posts: 2,213

    Sure it is but there is a reason it is used, it is the best perk for slowing down the game.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited December 2018

    @Edilibs said:
    Yes it is a overrated Perk. Now im not saying that Ruin is bad in anyway but what im saying is that it is not a top 5 Perk AT ALL! Hex No One Escapes Death is BETTER than Ruin. Ruin sucks compared to NOED. As i main Killer and Rank 1 after every reset I personally stopped using Ruin as much as i did in the previous resets and have been using other Hex perks instead.

    The first problem with Ruin is that there are not enough spawn locations for Hex Totems so I believe there are 3 or 4 spawn locations for them and high rank Survivors know where these spawn locations are. You can go and look at your Ruin's location but you obviously cant protect it and as soon as your in a chase goodbye Ruin.. This sometimes happens within the first two minutes of the game.

    The absolute worst case scenario is when it spawns right next to the Survivors spawn location. I recently had Ruin destroyed within 20 seconds of the game. That's bad!! Of course in my head im like man, I could have just used Brutal Strength or something. Survivors spawning right next to the Ruin is not something that happens all the time but its also not too uncommon.

    I feel should either one, add two more spawn locations for Hex Totems or replace some of the spawn locations. I remember seeing a Hex Totem right outside the Killer Shack right out in the open and im like "Im screwed with Ruin this game" They're gonna see that! I've seen some pretty bad locations where Hex Totems spawn and i know you all have as well. Even The Hag who is the best at defensive options cant protect it long enough because people crouch to the spawn locations. Since I main Hag and play three other Killers, as Hag i place multiple traps in the area to better so called secure my Ruin Totem. One game i even placed 4 traps and none of them triggered. That's hardcore

    Like i mentioned before i stopped Running Ruin so much and i've been focusing on playing without it. I actually replaced Ruin with Hex: The Third Seal with my main Killer or Devour Hope. I also have been focusing on dual Perks that are better than Ruin, so i basically replace Ruin and one of my staple Perks to compensate for Ruin.

    Ruin can get bodied within the first minute of the game and all you Killer mains like me, i know this has happened to you multiple times so in my honest opinion again, Hex Totems need more Spawn locations. I must admit that sometimes the locations are pretty well hidden and can utilize this but then in the back of my mind im like in the end they know all the spawn locations. If Survivors DONT happen to know spawn locations it can work as it takes time off of doing Gens with them looking for it. I've been in games where I intercepted or chased Survivors away from Ruin only for SWF Survivors to tell them "Hey Im being chased" Ruin is in X location. Lol Im pretty sure you all have encountered this scenerio maybe more than a few times

    Ruin is not overrated, you must be drunk.
    When not immediatly found it is a extremely powerful perk, when not the most powerful, because in the first 2 minutes the game decides, if you get any kills or none at all (rank1)

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  • Member Posts: 2,559

    Anytime I use NOED, the survivors cleanse all the totems before it's activated. Hex: Ruin always seems to exist for a while before disappearing, which is a step up from NOED for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,726

    I've recently come back to the strategy I used when Ruin first came out. I mix it with Thrill of the Hunt, but unlike when I first started using that combination, now I just don't leave far enough from the totems to where I can't make it back in time. The vast majority of survivors seem to refuse to do generators with Ruin up so this combination stalls the game a good deal more often than not. And even after they realize I have Thrill, half of survivors will still constantly try to clease it giving me some strong early game points.

  • Member Posts: 364
    edited December 2018

    Unpopular opinion probably: I think Hex: Ruin shouldn't be a perk, it should just be a built in mechanic and should spawn in every game without the killer having to waste a perk slot. If survivors get it instantly, then it doesn't hurt the killer. Conversely, survivors come into the game knowing there is a hex totem out there so they can look for it if they want or play around it. It just really really REALLY sucks to use Ruin and have it go down in the first 30 seconds. I would say at least 4 out of 5 times, Ruin goes down within the first 90 seconds, usually sooner.

  • Member Posts: 699

    @mcNuggets said:

    @Edilibs said:
    Yes it is a overrated Perk. Now im not saying that Ruin is bad in anyway but what im saying is that it is not a top 5 Perk AT ALL! Hex No One Escapes Death is BETTER than Ruin. Ruin sucks compared to NOED. As i main Killer and Rank 1 after every reset I personally stopped using Ruin as much as i did in the previous resets and have been using other Hex perks instead.

    The first problem with Ruin is that there are not enough spawn locations for Hex Totems so I believe there are 3 or 4 spawn locations for them and high rank Survivors know where these spawn locations are. You can go and look at your Ruin's location but you obviously cant protect it and as soon as your in a chase goodbye Ruin.. This sometimes happens within the first two minutes of the game.

    The absolute worst case scenario is when it spawns right next to the Survivors spawn location. I recently had Ruin destroyed within 20 seconds of the game. That's bad!! Of course in my head im like man, I could have just used Brutal Strength or something. Survivors spawning right next to the Ruin is not something that happens all the time but its also not too uncommon.

    I feel should either one, add two more spawn locations for Hex Totems or replace some of the spawn locations. I remember seeing a Hex Totem right outside the Killer Shack right out in the open and im like "Im screwed with Ruin this game" They're gonna see that! I've seen some pretty bad locations where Hex Totems spawn and i know you all have as well. Even The Hag who is the best at defensive options cant protect it long enough because people crouch to the spawn locations. Since I main Hag and play three other Killers, as Hag i place multiple traps in the area to better so called secure my Ruin Totem. One game i even placed 4 traps and none of them triggered. That's hardcore

    Like i mentioned before i stopped Running Ruin so much and i've been focusing on playing without it. I actually replaced Ruin with Hex: The Third Seal with my main Killer or Devour Hope. I also have been focusing on dual Perks that are better than Ruin, so i basically replace Ruin and one of my staple Perks to compensate for Ruin.

    Ruin can get bodied within the first minute of the game and all you Killer mains like me, i know this has happened to you multiple times so in my honest opinion again, Hex Totems need more Spawn locations. I must admit that sometimes the locations are pretty well hidden and can utilize this but then in the back of my mind im like in the end they know all the spawn locations. If Survivors DONT happen to know spawn locations it can work as it takes time off of doing Gens with them looking for it. I've been in games where I intercepted or chased Survivors away from Ruin only for SWF Survivors to tell them "Hey Im being chased" Ruin is in X location. Lol Im pretty sure you all have encountered this scenerio maybe more than a few times

    Ruin is not overrated, you must be drunk.
    When not immediatly found it is a extremely powerful perk, when not the most powerful, because in the first 2 minutes the game decides, if you get any kills or none at all (rank1)

    lol smh Actually Ruin is like i've said many times already "slightly" overrated and once again i say this because of how fast it can get bodied. I mention that using dual perks is sometimes better than using Ruin. Im a very insightful person and im a thinker so please find another way to communicate your disagreement to something i say because saying "im drunk" is clearly an insult and will get us no where....
    If your a kid then...I guess that['s different

  • Member Posts: 767

    @Edilibs said:

    @mcNuggets said:

    @Edilibs said:
    Yes it is a overrated Perk. Now im not saying that Ruin is bad in anyway but what im saying is that it is not a top 5 Perk AT ALL! Hex No One Escapes Death is BETTER than Ruin. Ruin sucks compared to NOED. As i main Killer and Rank 1 after every reset I personally stopped using Ruin as much as i did in the previous resets and have been using other Hex perks instead.

    The first problem with Ruin is that there are not enough spawn locations for Hex Totems so I believe there are 3 or 4 spawn locations for them and high rank Survivors know where these spawn locations are. You can go and look at your Ruin's location but you obviously cant protect it and as soon as your in a chase goodbye Ruin.. This sometimes happens within the first two minutes of the game.

    The absolute worst case scenario is when it spawns right next to the Survivors spawn location. I recently had Ruin destroyed within 20 seconds of the game. That's bad!! Of course in my head im like man, I could have just used Brutal Strength or something. Survivors spawning right next to the Ruin is not something that happens all the time but its also not too uncommon.

    I feel should either one, add two more spawn locations for Hex Totems or replace some of the spawn locations. I remember seeing a Hex Totem right outside the Killer Shack right out in the open and im like "Im screwed with Ruin this game" They're gonna see that! I've seen some pretty bad locations where Hex Totems spawn and i know you all have as well. Even The Hag who is the best at defensive options cant protect it long enough because people crouch to the spawn locations. Since I main Hag and play three other Killers, as Hag i place multiple traps in the area to better so called secure my Ruin Totem. One game i even placed 4 traps and none of them triggered. That's hardcore

    Like i mentioned before i stopped Running Ruin so much and i've been focusing on playing without it. I actually replaced Ruin with Hex: The Third Seal with my main Killer or Devour Hope. I also have been focusing on dual Perks that are better than Ruin, so i basically replace Ruin and one of my staple Perks to compensate for Ruin.

    Ruin can get bodied within the first minute of the game and all you Killer mains like me, i know this has happened to you multiple times so in my honest opinion again, Hex Totems need more Spawn locations. I must admit that sometimes the locations are pretty well hidden and can utilize this but then in the back of my mind im like in the end they know all the spawn locations. If Survivors DONT happen to know spawn locations it can work as it takes time off of doing Gens with them looking for it. I've been in games where I intercepted or chased Survivors away from Ruin only for SWF Survivors to tell them "Hey Im being chased" Ruin is in X location. Lol Im pretty sure you all have encountered this scenerio maybe more than a few times

    Ruin is not overrated, you must be drunk.
    When not immediatly found it is a extremely powerful perk, when not the most powerful, because in the first 2 minutes the game decides, if you get any kills or none at all (rank1)

    lol smh Actually Ruin is like i've said many times already "slightly" overrated and once again i say this because of how fast it can get bodied. I mention that using dual perks is sometimes better than using Ruin. Im a very insightful person and im a thinker so please find another way to communicate your disagreement to something i say because saying "im drunk" is clearly an insult and will get us no where....
    If your a kid then...I guess that['s different

    There is no way 2 perks combined are better than ruin, regarding gen progression stopping.
    But keep trying to imply that.

  • Member Posts: 65

    Dude all you need to run with ruin is ToTH. Thats what I do, and a total of lets see... SIX matches out of 49 killer matches I have had my ruin gone, and thats when I was playing without TotH.
    Answer: Use Ruin, TotH, & NOED

  • Member Posts: 395

    @Master said:
    Yes its overrated, but there is nothing else..... we can just hope that we get another perk to slow down the game next DLC so that ruin can die in peace :wink:


  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @RainyAnjel said:
    Dude all you need to run with ruin is ToTH. Thats what I do, and a total of lets see... SIX matches out of 49 killer matches I have had my ruin gone, and thats when I was playing without TotH.
    Answer: Use Ruin, TotH, & NOED

    Do you really want to hand the survivors the ability to deafen you? I stopped usign TOTH

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