Finally had my first RPD match and...

Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

I gotta say the map is huge, incredibly detailed (maybe except for the PS2 graphics Tiger) and... Honestly fun to play in my opinion.

Due to the huge map size I knew survivors would have to spend a lot of time traveling between hooks and gens if I ended chases quickly (which I did) so I never felt like I had to proxy any hooks, tunnel, camp or slug throughout the game allowing for a fair(ly long) match (and a 11 hook game).

Maneuvering through all those tight rooms and corridors was a nice little challenge and just way more fun than all those open old school maps where survivors just look at you from 100 meters whilst sitting on a gen and start running away in a perfectly straight line.

If you dislike the RPD map what exactly is it you dislike about it ?


  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I think that a racoon city map wouldnt make such much complaints or even the lab.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 922

    I don't mind it myself. To help keep myself from getting to lost i go find the main hallway/entrance of the building first then wherever i go i try to remember the path getting v there since it connects everything.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    I played this map as Pinhead. A survivor was about to hit the second stage so I blocked a doorway. Since it was a staircase doorway, they would've had to run all the way around that section of the map to go and get the save, while the Chain Hunt is still counting down so they just dc'd.

    Can't imagine anyone finding their hook saves being denied by a narrow doorway unfun. That most definitely is the epitome of fun map balancing!

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    The pathing is overly complicated. It can take a while to get from one end of the map to the other, leading to free gens or free hook stages. Gens are difficult to find. Pallets feel scarce/weak except for the 1 or 2 god pallets. Hooks are generally easy to camp due to narrow hallways and limited pathing. The basement on this map has to be one of the strongest in the game. It's difficult to track the Killer because indoor map. Pretty easy to 3-gen strat as well.

    Overall, I find it way easier to win as Killer, especially stealth Killers. Solo queue Survivor is practically a free loss on RPD.

  • The map layout isn't that interesting when compared to midwich and it can be hell to find gens sometimes (it's almost like it's harder to find gens on indoor maps).

    Sometimes I've loaded in and the texture's would just be almost non existent which I feel has to do with the size and detail, along with more frequent lag spikes (xbox).

    It's probably my lowest win rate map, avoid at all costs

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I would not say that I like the Map, but I think that sometimes players complain a little bit too much. RPD is one of those things, it is in the game for 3 months and STILL players are crying about it like it would be the worst thing ever in their life that they have to play 1 match on this Map.

    The only thing I dislike about this Map is that it is too dark in some areas and you cannot really see the Pallets. When playing Killer I often got stunned by Pallets which I did not know they exist, just because I was unable to see them.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I main Pyramid Head, as you know. The counter to his entire power is the W key, as you know, and he very much so struggles with larger maps, as you know. Unsafe pallets are also god awful for him since you're better off not using your power.

    So combine all of that into one single, torturous map. And you have RPD. And Midwich, too.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I only get the map with Blight.....So I ######### hate it.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487

    Love it. The indoor maps are some of my favourite in the game, because they break up the monotony of "sit on a generator placed in a spot where you can see the Killer coming from a while away with easy access to loops" that all the outdoor maps have.

    The majority of the outdoor maps play identically to each other, with the only differing factors being the main building in each. The indoor maps (as well as Haddonfield and Badham) shake that up with unique layouts and I appreciate it.