The Definitive DBD Emote pitch

Gitamish0 Member Posts: 26
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've seen topics of things such as emotes in DBD get mentioned from time to time here and on social media, decided I'd go ahead and do the definitive emote pitch. Plus, Friday the 13th had them if I remember correctly and it worked just fine there so why not.

Currently, I do not feel most of these cosmetics warrant the $10 cost. I do feel there is more value in the ones that change them into different characters like Leon into Chris, but the ones that are just a change of clothes and can only be bought via auric cells usually just aren't worth it imho. Something that could potentially add more value to them is, and here me out, emotes coming with them instead of just being stuck with the usual gestures. Don't let emotes just be visual things either, have them be an actual mechanic.

On the survivor side, have each one last about 5 seconds, have the emote animation be uncancellable (even if you are hit by the killer mid animation), cause the blind/oblivious effects during the animation, have a 30 second cooldown, and allows the killer to see your aura while you're in the emote animation. If a survivor completely pulls one off while WITHIN the killer's terror radius AND without getting hit by the killer during the emote animation or a few seconds after, the survivor will be rewarded with a bunch of extra BP at the end of the trial. The bonus will increase if they do things like use it while in a chase, escape the chase without getting hit, escape the trial alive, pull it off multiple times, etc. Once all gens are powered or the hatch is opened/available, emotes can no longer be done for the rest of the match. Of course, if the survivor DCs or does anything to actively increase rate at which they die on hook, they will no longer recieve any bonus whatsoever in the post game lobby.

On the killer side, each one lasts about 10 seconds, temporarily disables any aura reading abilities you may have active, allows the survivors to see your aura during the animation, and has a 60 second cooldown. You'll still get a big bonus for completely pulling off emote animations, but only when there are survivors currently within your terror radius (can not be affected by perks that increase your terror radiust). The bonus will increase with each survivor you sacrifice (even more if you kill), if you close the hatch before a survivor can escape, if you kill all survivors, for each gen that's left if the survivors didn't get to complete them all, the amount of times you do the emote animation with survivors in your terror radius, etc. Another big difference is that the killer CAN CANCEL their emote animation in a way that if a fully healthy survivor runs by the killer while they're doing their emote, the killer can grab (not just hit, GRAB) and immediately carry them to a hook. The killer will NOT recieve a post game emote bonus for emotes done when no survivors are within their terror radius, consecutive ones done against downed/hooked survivors, and for emote animations that are cancelled. Once the hatch is closed or once the last survivor is on the hook and is done for, killers can no longer perform emotes.

This would def motivate me more to buy into the cosmetic outfits and such, and could add an extra little fun mechanic into the game. Let me know what y'all think, how y'all would go about implementing emotes as a mechanic into DBD, as well as what emotes yall would include. I'll start.

There's already this greatness awaiting killers:

Maybe stupid stuff like this for survivors:

Post edited by Rizzo on
