SBMM is EA levels of bad

game after game it's been sweat squad after sweat squad - at this point DBD is becoming more of an irritation than it is a game , every chapter we're hit with more bugs than a hornet's nest and the maps keep being tuned on and off like it's child flicking a light-switch. it's really coming across that the developer's of DBD do not respect their audience/community , it's as if they see us as nothing more than cash cows that will lap up their lackluster jokes

reigning this back onto talking about SBMM - This system is pushing me away from wanting to experiment with the surplus of perks that's available in the game and forcing me into the same 4/5 perks every match

Furthermore due to the MMR you won't see many wholesome moments in this game anymore because the system will punish acts of kindness on both sides. Killer having a bad match and they look like they've just installed so you give them a sacrifice? BAD MMR DROP FOR YOU . Survivor has 3 of their teammates Dc so you give them hatch? BEING NICE IS A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY BAD PUNS

don't even get me started on the absurdly scarce amount of content in the base game without DLC
