Since Spirit got her "treatment" I bet we will have to wait a year for a Iron Will nerf

I believe Iron will is at a similar state as DS used to be. It is way to overused by literally everyone on higher ranks and even on low ranks I believe. It provides no counterplay and takes away one of the most important information source for Killers which makes that perk way too good to not use it.
But as far as we BHVR know they will take their time and look into it after some loooooong time.
Just revert the stridor nerf boom done.
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I think they will probably buff other perks to counteract iron will. If you think about it. It just simply removes a bonus to injuring a survivor and that's it.
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This can actually be done with a proper Nerf to Spirit.
And Killer players who have a problem with Iron Will can just run Stridor.
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Survivor perks don't get nerfed. Don't be silly.
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No the stridor nerf was a blessing
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Spirit deserves more nerfs. Deleting her is not a bad idea.
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Of course not. DS still activates on first down, without ever getting hooked, right?
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As an avid Iron Will user I wouldn't mind a little nerf, especially after the huge buff it got recently. Personally I would make it remove 100% of the sound only when crouched, while standing makes the reduction partial.
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It is not even one of the top 5 survivor perks in the game. Rarely used except at the higher skill levels. Otzdarva and others have talked about it in detail and why it isn’t really fantastic.
Literally just use your eyes, iron will doesn’t make them go invisible like spirit. They leave scratch marks and blood pools, iron will is fine the way it is. I play a hell of a lot of killer and it never bothers me.
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Exhaustion as a status effect just doesn't exist, huh?
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This. There was no reason to nerf stridor. It was iron wills counter.
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To be honest the changes looked fair to me - Spirit has her niches to pick her over other killers still. I would accept the argument that the visual change was enough but I'm fine with both and I do know for a fact this won't affect good Spirit players. Now her skill floor is actually where it should be because counterplay with good survivors is now present.
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Iron will provides no counter, oh please, you can counter it be having eyes, and paying attention. You can see the survivor, and the blood, and stretch marks. There are many ways to counter Iron Will
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Don't forget Mettle of Man. Still horrendously OP.
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Iron Will either needs to be nerfed so it's not 100% silent at all time or make it so that you can still hear Survivor's normal breathing when they are injured. Survivors shouldn't be completely silent.
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Iron Will is extremely problematic. It should only work if survivors are crouching or walking or only remove 50% of injured noises
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I think they should:
- Make Iron Will survivors still breath when injured.
- Put Iron Will on a timer of 30-60 seconds of complete silence, after which injured sounds slowly return to normal volume over another 30 seconds or so. And have it reset when healed. This gives some incentive to not stay injured the entire game and some downside to the perk while still retaining its use in chase.
Maybe the breathing bug fix would be enough. I think one or the other change would be healthy.
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What you said is utter bullshite.
Iron Will provides free invisibility when LOS is broken, meaning inside any main building/jungle gym when getting chased. On top of that, it also deletes any breathing sounds, which makes it significantly worse.
Soon-to-be old Spirit had just as many counters. People just didn't want to bother learning them because survivors want as many crutches as possible, despite these tricks being present amongst tournament players for the longest time. There were tricks to tell when Spirit was phasing with almost 100% accuracy, you could follow where she was phasing based on environmental changes such as grass moving, and so on.
"But no Spirit is the most unfair thing ever but my prove thyself, brand new parts, iron will, and dead hard are perfectly balanced and not problematic", said the average survivor.
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Its not bs, it's the truth, and if you believe its not then your an average killer. Iron Will has counters to it by paying attention. On to Spirit the only thing I wanted to be changed was giving her an animation when she is entering phase, not a stand 4 meters staring into her to see a animation reset. The things they are doing are bad, but still IMO wouldn't do much since all her strengths are still there, besides her stand still bs. She can phase on you in 2 seconds, she can still hear survivors footsteps and breathing even if they have IW. Adding something like dust flying in the air will just tell you that your about to go down. This is just my opinion though, you can think what you want.