Solving One Problem At A Time Isn't Healthy

DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This game is full of problematic band-aids, when you makes changes to one it leads to more problems. For example, Mori's required a nerf, but doing so before keys was a mistake. Spirit and Nurse requires nerfs too, but doing so without buffing the whole killer roaster would be a mistake. In high MMR games they are the only killers who have a reliable fighting chance against survivors. If killers in general were to be buffed this would make these two killers broken while the current changes will just have the opposite effect where only Nurse will have a fighting chance. For it to be a healthy change, these would need to be done simultaneously.

To be clear, I do think the Spirit needs changes that give her more reliable counterplay, and these nerfs are pretty fair, although a bit harsh. The main issue I'm talking about is the killer-survivor balance in high MMR.


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Yeah, in an ideal world every change should happen at the same time. But this is the real world, it doesn't work that way.

  • How're they supposed to tell if a change improves something if they do them all at once? Devs need time to have players test it, make posts about it, have the devs read it, and decide if they need to make changes.

    Not to mention the fact that not everyone agrees that ___ is a problem. The devs need to gauge if the community, not just some forum/reddit/twitter posts, actually want a change. Then they need to internally decide if they want to change it. Then they need to brainstorm possible changes. Then they need to implement those changes. Then they need to bug fix those changes, because coding is a complicated game of Jenga.

    You're not wrong. Making one overly strong killer weaker without making weaker killers stronger just means no killer can be effective. Removing the nuclear weapon of moris without removing the nuclear weapon of keys isn't fair. But they can't just do everything at once. That's not how it works. (At least, not without going on radio silence for a year and stopping the release of new killers, skins and other content.)