Oni can 180 now?

I just faced an Oni who did and 180 and insta-downed me. So he can J-Flick now. I remembered how much I was complaining over Blight's ability to J-Flick. But this, oh damn, this is on a completely different level.
EDIT: I'm not complaining about this. I actually think it's pretty cool and interesting.
He always could. People just didn't tried.
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I would worry about people complaining, but I don't think enough people play Oni for anybody to care.
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Yeah Oni's always been able to J-flick, it's just harder to do it as Oni than it is with Blight which is why less people do the Oni J-flick, not to mention it's 10 times more punishing if you miss.
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Ah ######### here we go again.
*flashbacks to the entire first page being about Blight and flicks*
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I just pulled that move getting my Adept Oni. You have a surprising degree of motion, so much that I think a lot of people aren't playing to his potential.
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As far as I know you can't do it with a controller. It's very awkward and difficult to pull of successfully. It's also very punishing if you miss. You have to commit to doing it so it can be juked pretty easily.
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he always was able do do it but a few people knew about it. Now that everyone does it’ll patched
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Does everyone know about it now? Did Otz do it or something? Rofl.
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It is so insanely difficult to j flick with oni, that you honestly can't really complain. The amount of skill it takes to get the angle just right with it deserves only applause.
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Yea lmao
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Well, that makes my joke considerably less funny, more so than usual, anyway. Ha ha ha.
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Happens to the best of us dawg, no worries
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Yes, he can. It's just that everybody was too focused on Blight.
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This right here
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Only with mnk
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Another "tech" that only PC can do, but ######### console players.
One more reason to the pile why crossplay between console and PC should never had happened, it's simply unfair.
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Yea but with Oni I dont find it as a big issue tbh. Blight is more dangerous and how often do you even get value out of Oni 180 anyway. 90 is enough for me to use at least
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Sure, I can see that, but it's more the principle that matters. I hate when anyone gets treated unequally. Blight is pure BS with the flicks too. And Nurse for that matter. Console survivors can't make as sharp turns to avoid those BS flicks as a M&KB survivor can. No matter the platform, every player should be able to make the same degree of maneuvers as the other one.
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Thats why we need M&K support on consoles. My philosophy is not to nerf PC players techs but make them viable for everyone.
Unless we are talking about some really nasty and unfair techs, then they should go.
Oni and his 180 is not a problem and never will be tbh. The situation for you to use it must be perfect in every way. Not to mention if he hits you with 180, he should be able to hit you normally in the first place.
And punishment for Oni if he misses is on a different level than Blight so this whole flick is just not the same thing.
Thats my opinion at least
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I'm gonna be honest, for as wholesome as Otz is, I don't think a fog whisperer should blatantly demonstrate on stream how to perform an evidently unintended feature, which amounts to an exploit. Especially, because he's not doing it for awareness purposes.
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Why not? its up to the devs to patch it out.
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I'll try to explain the reason more clearly, in just 4 words:
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For the same reason that just because it's a janitor's job to clean up after you, doesn't mean you should ######### all over the place. If this is indeed an exploit, showing how to do it just makes the problem (and game) worse.
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It's more like a tech. It's not that easy to exploit. Otz spend time to learn how to perform that kind of attack. And you need spend some time to master it and learn how to use it in certain scenarios.
For me it seems too hard to bother. I do fine with usual 90 degree turns.
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It's not a tech because we know for a fact that the intended flick is capped at 90 degrees. It's been stated and fixed in the past. Keyword: intended.
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They have since launch to fix the problem. the more that see and use it the merrier imo :)
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See my analogy with the janitor for why that doesn't work.
If you make a bigger mess, it just takes longer to clean. Cleaning each thing always takes the same amount of time, even if it's done a million times in 10 seconds. The janitor doesn't suddenly gain magical powers if there's a bigger mess to clean. Likewise, programmers don't suddenly develop magical insight into what's causing the problem just because more people are exploiting.
I have no idea why the "bigger mess=gets cleaned more quickly" mentality is so pervasive. It's like starting forest fires because you think firefighters are taking too long to fix the one they already have.
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Blight j flick was ignored until it became common knowledge and to many started using it.
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Or the fix was already being worked on and its release had nothing to do with people abusing it more.
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He could do this always, there are just barely any oni's who play him enough to know how to do that. I am suprised you didnt saw that