How much does everyone want to bet that we’re gonna see “Trapper is OP” soon

With this new buff, how much does everyone wanna bet that people will complain about Trapper being too strong when the mid chapter patch goes live? I’m betting 3 million bloodpoints on that.
Make it 5 million and I bet you people won't.
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I didn’t think people were gonna ######### about Wraith and here we are.
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I'm going to be hopeful
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I'll match you with the bet that people will complain he isn't strong enough too.
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Doubt it. If anything, with him being stronger and played more, it could happen that more people will complain about how unfun he is to go against, but I doubt many people will complain about him being op. I don't see these changes making him op at all.
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They definitely don’t but people will complain against anything. Killers still say DS is OP.
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I think the majority of the community agrees he needed help and probably still will. He will be in a much better place now but not OP in any way. I enjoy Trapper now so this excites me that I can have add-on variety (Hopefully) instead of Bag/Setting tool, Bag/Iri stone, Bag Honing stone, etc.
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I can see all the angry Spirit mains switching to Basement Trapper and just camp with him, which will lead to a forum tsunami of tears. We will probably see lots of complaints about him protecting his 3-gen as well, even though it’s the fault of the survivors for not spreading out the repairs better.
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His key problems are Dead hard over & traps spawn too far away. But people is quite underestimate with what Brown bag basekit can do.
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Honestly if that happens I can’t really blame them.
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I'm not sure if people will say he's op but I know for a fact people are gonna say he's a lot more annoying.
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He not OP, just absolutely hate him. Least interactive killer to verse, as a solo is 50/50 if you step in a trap at that loop. Could be in 60seconds could be in 6seconds.
Not op, just not fun. Rather any other killer over him, even an un nerfed spirit/good nurse
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You're gonna get "Trapper is unfun to play against" and "Spirit nerf was not enough" posts.
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For 5 million bloodpoints I'd create Trapper OP threads, now. I need dem bloodpoints.
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Only if some creative player (maybe a streamer) figures out an interesting and strong tactic that everyone will ape instead of coming up with their own idea/play style .
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Of course there will always be a select few of people that will complain about the weirdest things.
To be fair, everony is allowed to voice their opinion. But I think the vast majority will not agree that Trapper could need any form of nerfs after his buffs.
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I’m actually thinking to join them.
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You should have a chat with my man @GoodBoyKaru regarding that last bit. 😊
But yeah agreed, I don’t find it OP - just annoying. You either know a trap is there and you loop him around it like an M1 killer or you don’t and your chase ends.
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If you're right then you're right.
But just know that the same thing was said about Wraith before his buffs.
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The problem with Wraith is not that he is op, it's his ONE add-on that gives him wallhack.
I don't see that this can be a problem with Trapper, if you go into a trap then that's on you. The add-on combo of starting with all traps on your hand and the automatic reset might be a little frustrating but not op..
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gg bro
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Get your Trapper bingo card and play along.
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True, but the only common complaint I see regarding Wraith is his All seeing addon, which is fair enough. That addon was balanced before his buff, but now with his new, high movement speed, it's arguably busted.
Now that I think about it though, some people could perhaps think stacking his two red addons while being able to carry two traps is a bit too strong.
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He said “Rather any other killer over him, even an un nerfed spirit/good nurse“. I said he should talk to you about that. It’s implying that he should try to convince you to share that sentiment, since it’s well known how much you hate Spirit (above all other killers).
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Ah, yes I do seem to have a reputation for hating the Blueberry ######### don't I?
But I doubt things will change soon- even with legion I still dislike facing them because I get flashbacks to Old Legion™. I'll probably see a Spirit and even if she's been slashed to the ground I'll just recall the years of torment and start crying
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Imagine new trapper sack (start with all 8 traps) on a basement trapper. You can have 2 traps for every entrance in shack
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But you can't pick them up so you'll have to get someone into Basement before you begin the Lockdown else you'll lock yourself out lmao
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It's still abusable, because they can body block for someone and still have DS. It doesn't deactivate when the killer hooks someone else, so that's what happens.
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Blueberry B*. 🤣 Did you know when you quote someone, you can see the “bad word” they typed?
I just hope her add-ons remain useful. The two sample changes seem… memey.
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Have you heard of slugging.
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There are people who thought Release Trickster was broken and OP. I dont doubt anyone on thinking anything is OP when they're up against it.
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Trapper will barely perform any differently from live (unless people come up with an interesting play style for the new sack.) He’ll just be more consistent now, which a good start.
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Waiting for the Sluzzy thread on him.
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Are you betting that people on this forum, who only complain, will complain? lol
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I hope so. Then I can be a crotchety old Trapper main and complain about how easy these durn new Trappers have everything, why back in my day you could have only 4 traps spawn on different hills at the corners of Mother’s Dwelling and we still got a 4K out of it!
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the 1 thing i don't like about trapper is iri-stone
purely bc every trapper i go against has it
it's not even super strong, i just don't like it
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Well I already hate playing against trapper so this isn't new to me
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