Survivor nerf

Killer game and survivor. I think the killer is very much at a disadvantage compared to the survivors. If a group of players plays well and as a team, it is impossible to win. There are too many things against the killer. With the next patch it will be worse than what I've seen. Too many pallets, too many jump points, sometimes you run after people for hours. It is always 1 against 4! I would like to remind the developers. I think so
Well I suppose the quite effective decision to bring balance back and to counter gen rush would be the mechanic when survs got sacrificed once they have been hooked only 2 times (currently 3).
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I mean it’s not impossible to win, it’s just very hard. Depending on RNG and what killer and build you’re running, it can tip the balance in your favor.
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Gens still go very fast, that is arguably the biggest challenge for killers.
But if you are good enough with the higher tier killers, you can definitely still deal even with high level survivors.
But there are a lot of factors that play a role here. Obviously the power level of the killer, but the map you play on can also have serious impact on the outcome of your match, as well as map RNG and other RNG.
A second objective, not necessarily only to make killers stronger, but to make their gameplay less stressful, would be fantastic, but it would also require many other changes, to killers and killer perks that would overperform if survivors had a second objective, and also to camping and tunneling.
Maps would probably also need to be looked into, they need to be looked into at the moment anyways, because no matter how you shift the average game's balance, with how differently balanced the maps are at the moment, there will always be a big number of survivor or killer sided maps. Right now we have a lot of survivor sided maps still, but add a second objective and it's very likely we'll have more killer sided maps than survivor sided maps.
The game's blanace is far from perfect but it's also come a long way, and in my opinion is fairly decent at the moment.
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Against 5?
Damn, I knew the entity was against the killers.
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That would be completely broken. There is a reason why old Moris were complained about so much.
Add such a change to the game and I guarantee you killers will sit through multiple hour queue times, because no one would want to play survivor anymore. I know I sure wouldn't.
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Man it's the same as if I said, continue to ingore gen rush and you will see queues because no one would want to play killer anymore.
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Over the years:
Pallets have been nerfed
healing has been nerfed
vaults have been nerfed
loops in every map have been nerfed
footstep sounds have been nerfed
every item has been nerfed
And you want more?
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The mythical 5 man SWF
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But you just modestly don't say why all these changes where made.
Remember no bloodthurst killer mechanics in early game? Infinite windows, 2 open windows in the shack, unrecoverable hooks, sprint with no cooldown...Should I continue?
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I can already see the YouTube titles.
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Gens are like they are for years now. And the average queue times aren't bad at the moment.
So no, it's not the same. You really don't realise how broken it would be to have survivors be sacrificed on their second hook? That's not even comparable to the current state of the game.
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You have expressed my thoughts very well. That was what I meant. Thanks.
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Really? Do you know that you can repair all five gens in 2,5 minutes? So 2 hooks is too much for you? You either don't play killers at all or you're a hypocrite to say that.
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Isn't that broken when you can repair all 5 gens in 2,5 minutes?
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Survivors are not gonna get nerfed. If you think about it, you need 4 survivors in order to play a game, and just 1 killer. If we think about numbers and player base, its better to keep survivors happy, bc otherwise long queues would be even longer.
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You really think I don't play killer because I think two hooking survivors would be broken?
You are the epitome of a biased killer main on this forum.
If survivors take 2,5 mins to repair all 5 gens, then the killer they went against was afk.
Everytime you hook a survivor, the survivor team gets an additional objective to complete, unhooking the survivor that was just unhooked. Survivors also don't teleport from one generator to the next.
Applying map pressure is also a thing, believe it or not.
And I am a killer main. That doesn't mean I want the game to completely broken for killers. I can get one early hook with a strong killer when I don't completely suck, then I tunnel that survivor off the hook, and the game is over. Great. I bet survivors will enjoy that a lot.
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Because those times survivors were truly playable with zero skill, unlike now, and there is people like OP asking for more which no, is not needed
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But what has happened since then:
Maps changes... The Game specifically has all safe pallets
Killer changes... Remember old Freddie, Bubba, Hilbilly, Nurse, Doc and Clown
New perks... Some that heal quicker then old healing among other things
New Killers... Some have their own issues
Gen times haven't been touched in how long?
Sound bugs... Killer bugs.... Killers been left out of getting changes (until recently)
The more things change the more they stay the same I guess
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You may be surpirsed but I actually play more as the surv than as a killer. And I see how killers are helpless against gen rush in the current state of balance.
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To be fair, at the highest level of play, the game is arguably still a bit survivor sided. But it's not even comparable to how it used to be.
And adding a second objective to the game without other changes to compensate survivors would probably not end well either.
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The reason why the game has the most pallets is for the lack of windows and being the second deadliest map. The rest of maps were reduced with less loops to help the killer to pressure.
Except hillbilly, the killers you named just got better than before
New perks? Yeah, for both sides, but just undying is a new meta and only one perk change is dedicated for healing to prevent slugging, because Bothany remains better than Felix’s
New killers, every single of them strong and annoying to go against except Cenobite.
Gen times do not need to be touched having new ruin, now mixable with undying or pop, more several gen regression perks and toolboxes and their addons got heavily nerfed, as coop repairing and great skillchecks progress
Every patch has been getting bugs for both sides and changes for killers, what are you talking about? Nemesis just got buffed, trickster got buffed 3 times since release, twins got both nerf and buffs, blight got camera locks and new pov with now leaked addon changes
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This post is about survivors, not maps balance, you better specify as you mixed a lot of variety
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With vauls I clearly meant the speed and conditions to interact with windows not their position or strength, looping is a basic general mechanic from the gane and not map specific
You are talking about specific stong loops from certain maps where some killers can handle them better and others can’t on a post that is talking about nerfing survivors
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SWF finish gen in 3 min.
This nurse didn't AFK.
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All I'm trying to say is that it's not one sided (others may disagree)
Ok so I can see The Game being what it is... But still Map changes
Nurse has bugs... since her change
I can agree with Botany being better then Desperate Measures... But what about Built To Last and Inner Strength
New Killers yea... Also you mentioned them being changed since release... That's due to how strong survivors are... and how weak some of the Killers were (and still are)
Gen times do need to be looked at new Ruin isn't enough reason to not look at Gen times... New Ruin only regresses Gens by .50 so it'll still take time to regress a Gen all the way... Basic kicks only regress Gens by .25... As a solo Survivor puts in 1.0
Really cause there's only 3-4 reliable Gen regression perks... Ruin, Pop, Eruption and Surge... The rest aren't that good and rely on Survivors missing skillchecks
Yea.... you can thank Old Ruin for less bonus progress for hitting Greats
And yes I do understand that this game comes out with bugs on both sides... That's BHVR for ya though
And not every Item has been nerfed... Keys still remain unchanged (going back to your prior comment)
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Are we at the point where we use single videos to justify strange balance changes again?
Let me look up some videos where Killers won the game in 2-3 minutes then.
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If all 5 gens get done in 2.5 min, you shouldnt be playing killer because that is purely on you xD
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I had killer over game video in 3 min,but that was hacker video.
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I don't think we should be balancing this game around survivor teams all using the best possible toolboxes and toolbox addons.
Also, and I can't stress this enough, this Nurse didn't get a hook until 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the match. Yes she wasn't afk, she did apply a tiny bit of map pressure, but that's it
So everyone running best toolbox combinations in the game, and a Nurse that doesn't get a hook until 2 minutes and 30 seconds are over. This video just supports my point to be honest.
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Maybe because survivors still are the absolute uncontested power role in this game.
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OKey,what you say~
I think normal m1 killer adverage 1 min catch one survivor.
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THe average M1 killer like Trapper or Myers are low tier for a reason.
Good killers in this game can down survivors faster than in 1 minute, on average that is. And they have tools to apply map pressure, sometimes you also want to spread the damage instead of only chasing the first survivor you find.
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Another troll comment.
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How is that a troll comment? What on earth is up with you? You really think people will keep playing survivor if killers are handed the 4k every single game?
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You really think people will keep playing killer if survivors are handed the 4 man escapes every single game?
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...Isn't that kinda of the point of a 1v4 game?
If a group of 4 survivors plays well against you, and does well, they shouldn't be punished for that. Especially because I think people like to underplay how much it actually takes to be both a coordinated team and a good player on Survivor side. And Killers have a lot of ways and opportunities to take down a team, and are self-reliant. (Hence, why they are the one.) Killers are in a great spot right now overall, and do get rewarded for good plays.
Sure, a good team with the best perk loadouts are practically impossible to beat unless you're playing a top tier Killer and and is dependent on map RNG along with skill, but to say that there's too much against the Killer isn't really fair. Killer has so much going for them, and if anything, they're only getting better with the next patch. (Save for Spirit, as that one will be up in the air until we actually test her on PTB.)
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Saw once a video on Reddit where Leatherface downed all 4 Survivors in Haddonfield in roughly 20 seconds just at the start, so we must take said video as prime example of balancing and nerf Leatherface accodingly and also buff Haddonfield since the map showed inmense Killer bias in that one video, right?.
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Do you have statistics to back this up, or is this just that one killer streamer being upset again?
Last stats we got was 70% kill rate at red ranks. Bit at odds with these forums' insistence that not a single killer can ever take down a single survivor.
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Imagine even witg all those nerf survivor are still the power role
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It was more a direct response to the message I quoted.
But since you asked. I'm currently experiencing a 70 to 80% escape rate.
What's also fascinating is the amount of keys I find in chests with a full farm build. My last 6 matches had: 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2 keys. Red or purple keys.
But no, that's not representative.
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This content has been removed.
And the last four matches I played, there was one escape, so where does that leave us?
We need more data than just a handful of people on the forums. Especially since these forums are incredibly hostile to anyone who doesn't buy into the 'killers can't do anything' story.
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You should see my solo queue survivor games where every ######### game ends with two gens done because between my three teammates, they can only manage to do a single gen.
The game has never been easier for killer. If you're not having fun, stop playing.
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solo queue is bad enough. nerfing survivors would mean like 90 percent of matches ending in a loss.
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Only that that is logical wrong thinking. Lose 1000 players of both sides in 2 examples, if you set them up directly to each other 1000 survivor less means 250 killer would not get games. Lose 1000 killer and at the same time 4000 survivor won't get games.
Of course this is only from a statistical viewpoint and reality works different but in regards to queue times on average the loss of killer is 4 times worse than survivor given equal numbers lost.
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I love seeing people realize how easy mode survivor is how killer needs more power but not an unfair advantage
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If MMR ends up working out, hopefully that will be the fix.
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And if a killer hook a survivor clearly the survivor is afk, how about you play me in a custom if you think killer is ez mode
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That's an interesting point, I'm not a number guy tbh, but wouldn't be worse if 4000 survivors were unable to find a game rather than 250 killers?
Killer queue is already kinda painfull (on Europe at least, can't find games in the morning, but at night I find games in 15 seconds).
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While I like the idea of SBMM, I don't think I'm a fan of what it's brought. Most of the streamers I watch look like they're all suffering from killer fatigue, and it's a lot more casual and fun to play survivor.
THAT SAID, in a game where three people basically hold m1 while the fourth runs the killer/rinse/repeat; I do not think increasing the amount of holding M1 said three players already have to do is a good solution.