The problem with blight

There is none. Blight by itself is alright to me.
The issue is just with certain perk combinations which make versing him boring af.
And solo Q is just a mess against him. No coordination leaves many gens regress to zero.
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(I think especially Tinkerer is too much on high mobility killers, especially Blight, while on its own the perk isn’t really OP..)
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Oh no you started a trend.
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They only just announced spirit change give it a week at least before the blight crying starts.
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To be fair, Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer-Blight was complained about before. And rightfully. Currently it is even more, because Blights are using up their Alchemist Rings (funny that the Blight-players I talked about dont think that the Add-On is too strong, still they are sure it will be nerfed...)
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I don't think it is too strong. But I also didn't think billy was too strong when they did an add on pass for him that nerfed almost every add on he had into dirt and also ######### his base kit. I have no doubt in my mind whether or not some add ons are too strong bhvr will still gut the strongest ones like they did with Billy.
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The thing is, one counterplay to Blight is to make him use as many Rushes as possible before getting hit. E.g. if you manage to let him use 5 Rushes, you will have some time before he gets them back (since Blight can only use his Power when all Rushes are available). However, Alchemist Ring completely negates that.
IMO it is too strong and I dont really know what they were thinking.
(But, apparently other Blight Add-Ons will get Buffs, e.g. there is a description Change to Summoning Stone (the Add-On which works like Blood Favor), which increases the meters from 12 to 16 and the time vom 6 to 15, but the effect did not change yet).
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I’m not concerned about blight as much anymore since he’s getting his top add ons nerfed and bottom of new buffed in the upcoming patch. No more blights relying on the same add ons, although tinkerer still needs a change.
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I personally didn't care to much about his addons. Just the same perk build we all hate to verse
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The combo ruin undying tinkerer on blight is beatable. You just need coordinated swf for that so nearly finished gens get pushed by other mates while you get chased away from it.
In solo Q it hurts tho. You get pushed away and when you come back it's at 0 progress.
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Oh it’s also very much beatable in SoloQ. Trust me I don’t have that much issues with it personally.
especially Ruin Undying isnt that problematic (though very RNG dependent and can be strong due to that but it’s inconsistent)
i just think that certain perks are way too strong on high mobility killers compared to the other killers (BBQ, Undying). And that while those other killers already are the weaker ones that struggle with gen pressure. I am not saying the perks are OP on it’s own.
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When ruin is still up (unfindable) and blight comes to your ass with tinkerer your are 100% in the hands of your team mates to either finish that gen or let it regress. Its absolute luck what team mates you get in solo Q. Mostly donkey tho
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Most of the time I am the totem hunter and usually I can find them reliably. But yeah I get what you mean.
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Someone like you would be great in my team. My team mates expect me to do everything. Find all totems, do at least 3 gens, get chased 5+ minutes with just 2 pallets, unhook everyone, clutch pick up them when they are all slugged...
So tiresome, one of the main reasons I dropped DbD months ago.
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Protip: if you want your mates to do bones, choose a totem breaking challenge or take a totem hunter build. Suddenly everyone is doing totems ASAP.
but seriously, soloQ, in my personal experience and many others here on the forums, is the real winner with SBMM. Give it a try, don’t judge it by the first few matches it might need to settle for you.
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I posted a thread about how we could possibly limit popular perks that are frequently ran together to increase build variety, like card games like Yugioh Duel Links does
Put Ruin, Undying, and Tinkerer at Limit 2. Put them in a hat and draw 2, those are what you are allowed to use. You cannot use the 3rd perk.
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weve a killer that does the same thing but a bit better because she goes through walls but some how the ring is too strong on a character that bounces off walls?
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Perks are fine. Survivor failure, solo or swf, is on them.
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Alchemist Ring is great design for a very rare; it rewards skillful play. In combination with the blight tag, if you're a good blight, it can be devastating. But bad blights won't get use out of either add-on, so I don't see much of an issue in that regard.
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I mean, that something is in the game what should have never existed in the first place (Nurse) does not make other things ok. Nurse should be reworked to a completely different power, but her existence does not justify Add-Ons which are too strong.
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27th blight was also overperfoming so now you wont be able to bouncing attack.We hope it makes the killer more skilled based and fun for everyone.
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Tinkerer/Ruin does nothing without skill to complement it.
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What skill? B lining to the gen and chase that survivor is giga brain skill now?
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I'm alright with nurse, not many have the skill to be unstoppable and it's rewarding to juke her blinks
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Sure. If you are a potato killer then it doesn’t help.
but guess what? All the survivor ‚second chance‘ perks and holding w and looping do nothing without any skill either.
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but it's not too strong... You may be looking at the top point something percent of blights..... in which I say if we can't nerf survivors because it's just a small percentage that are death squads then we shouldn't do it to an even smaller percentage of the community.... because like 80% of blights will land like 3 lethal rushes in a game...
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I mean, with that logic, we can bring back Omegablink and Iri Heads, because the majority of Killers are really bad at the game.
I used Alchemist Ring when I went for my Adept (I did not get it yet, but I only tried it at Red Ranks so far) and the difference between not having it and running it is huge. And I am certainly not very good with Blight.
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The problem with Blight is the collision with some objects. Ormond for example is atrocious for him since he just slides on every snow pile.
Other than that, he is fine.
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The ring is nothing compared to old omega blink and iri head was given a dirty band aide........ reasoning why the ring is nothing compared to the others is it's not a "crutch", Omega blink as difficult as Nurse can be gave the player a crutch because of what the old addons provided for the lesser experienced nurses, iri encouraged camping and a less interesting/risky play style.... ring doesn't do anything if the blight doesn't succeed....... where old omega blink was always there (speed and range boost)
I mainly run the slam duration addons, I'm not the best blight by any means, I go for no slowdown builds and indeed have the Adept and I'm on Ps4... I really like the "you did good, now go do it again" aspect that ring gives.
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yeah all killers need a nerf atm. im tired of all the op perks they use. I really just want my hand held
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heyyy... I like flicking on survivors when they try to hide behind snow piles or try to use certain cars that have no collision as shields as well.
his power is less predictable for sure but when you begin to pick out the objects that don't have collision you can really surprise some survivors with some plays.
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It seems more like an exploit for me than an actual mechanic, whether you use it as an advantage or disadvantage. I doubt that the devs would look at those stupid slides and tell them that they are working as intended.
It's like the same problem I have with Huntress, but for a lesser extent, since you have to memorize every object to know if your hatchets will go through.
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The killer still has to juggle gens if he wants to use those perks well. If he just comes back to 1 gen every time Tinkerer happens, and the survivors don't push a different one, it's their fault. The killer can't be everywhere at once. That's why even 3-gens fail, because survivors actually knowing how to pressure gens causes them to win.
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He isn't fun to play anymore or against is issue. The way he curves completely ruined what made him fun, like billy. He used to go in a mostly straight curve and he would look at the direction he was moving, leading to an amazing time playing him, He bounced off of things alot easier. Now he curves into more of a side run that goes all the way around loops in one rush, taking away the part where you think ahead and predict the survivors movement, plus now he is practically covered in butter. All of these changes came to be so that j-flicking didnt happen, which would have been fine if it were a simple fix, instead of completely changing his kit. Hit validation goes out the window with curved rushes, and from the killers pov the survivor isnt even on the screen half the time. Other than all of that i think he is a blast.
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It's not rocket science. I once stalled an entire team as wraith with that same build for 10 minutes and they did only 2 gens in that time. Just for fun. Then I destroyed them
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They're god awful survivors if that's the case. Survivors who can't put gen pressure on any killer really do puzzle me. I'm assuming they were just getting hit, running across the map to heal, and only then did they come back to the gens. They will never win that way. They have to take risks and commit to gens while injured sometimes. Simply picking up a survivor and hooking them should give them 15+ seconds on gens at least, so what are they doing during that time if not that?
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Yeah except sometimes things need a nerf on both sides. You could just say old DS and old object were fine and only baby killers wanted them nerfed. Or even old BNPs, no exhaustion, pallet vacuums, instablinds, instaheals, old MoM, 3 blink nurse, old STBFL/unrelenting machine gun, old prayer beads, infinites...
All perfectly good things that got nerfed because killers and survivors whined because they want ez wins and refuse to git gud. Or maybe, maybe they were actually stupid and the game is healthier with them gone.
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Theres no way you expect a solo queue team to stand a chance against a blight with 4 gen perks.
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Yes, we have. Maybe with previous mm solos were at a disadvantage, but currently sbmm has provided me nothing but competent teammates.
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i would only nerf his compound 33 and ring... those addons are dumb. the rest of him is fine except that they should CAP his turning to what is supposed to be without any chance to increase with higher DPI or oddly "techs" should be caped totally.
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They were good. Solid loopers. I just was lucky they couldn't find ruin. And it's no secret that wraith with sloppy and gen perks can stale matches for a really long. Hit and run, easy peasy
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To much logic here, be careful. You might destroy some brains when they read that
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To be fair though DS needed that nerf because it wasn’t being used for it’s intended purpose.
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Well if you were playing hit and run well, with the right perks, I can imagine them having a hard time overcoming that. But a superior team never would have let things get to that point. Allowing themselves to get 3-genned when they're facing Wraith? No, they still had some room for improvement.
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Nurse: CHECKSpirit: CHECKSlinger: CHECKBilly: CHECKLets find a new target !
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Then send a video of you going into a solo queue match against a blight or nurse with 4 gen perks. So much people on the forums love to say how they did this and that but never have proof of it.
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Just like how some claim things are impossible or overwhelming while clear evidence of the contrary can be found.
I've died to many of them and escaped as well. There is no guaranteed strategy that wins every time, just a matter of addressing various scenarios optimally in the moment.
You want evidence it's possible than look up some streamers that have hours upon hours of various encounters to review and compare notes.
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I finally gave Blight a try last week.
Holy crap... I earned a new respect of those who can play him well because I just don't have the manual dexterity to do very well with him. That being said, at least he isn't as nauseating for me to play as the Nurse is.
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Good. Imagine that. A killer who is actually a threat.
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The only problem with blight is that 99.9% of the time you already know all 4 perks that they’re running within like 20 seconds of the match. Makes being a perk scout boring lol;p