Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Proposal: Restrict Quitters From SWF Play

If a survivor leaves a game, they should be prohibited from playing SWF until he or she has finished a set of "leaver games". it would start by requiring the player to complete 2 games. If the player leaves additional games, then they would have to play a set of 3 games. Then a set of 4 games, and so on and so forth up. I, personally, would say 6 games would be an appropriate maximum. When suffering from a "leaver game" penalty, the player is also unable to gain Bloodpoints.

For disconnects, this would be slightly more lenient, but if a player were to DC from 2 or 3 games within a relatively close time period -- perhaps a day -- then he or she would receive a leaver penalty. This would be to prevent players from quitting via a disconnect to avoid consequences, but while also respecting that some players do genuinely disconnect.

I think this is a perfectly valid solution to counter the admittedly small problem of SWF groups quitting games when their friends are being slugged, camped, or sacrificed. Or to prevent toxic players from ragequitting when they don't get their way after they've BM'd the killer all game.

I don't often see killers quit games, but I would agree that they should suffer form the same penalties.


  • PrinceIpos
    PrinceIpos Member Posts: 15

    that's actually a pretty great idea, i'd support that

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    While I like the idea the main issue with this is wouldn't it just be easy (Although time consuming) to just queue until you eventually get the same game as your friend(s)? Although I can only see duo queues attempting this.

  • BombDiggaT
    BombDiggaT Member Posts: 45

    @Dustin said:
    While I like the idea the main issue with this is wouldn't it just be easy (Although time consuming) to just queue until you eventually get the same game as your friend(s)?

    That's certainly a possibility, so BHVR could always prevent leavers from backing out of a lobby once they've joined it.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @BombDiggaT said:

    @Dustin said:
    While I like the idea the main issue with this is wouldn't it just be easy (Although time consuming) to just queue until you eventually get the same game as your friend(s)?

    That's certainly a possibility, so BHVR could always prevent leavers from backing out of a lobby once they've joined it.

    Then killers would also be locked in lobbies if they were doing the same stuff. Anyway, the reason the whole quitter thing with SWF is flawed, is because if they had the data to block a specific mode, just temp restrict them completely.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    I'm all on bord for giving actual punishment to people that quit and dc making the game shitier for everyone but I don't understand the link your making with ragequitting/dc and swf.
    If they rage quit or dc chances are they wheren't playing swf to begin with.

  • BombDiggaT
    BombDiggaT Member Posts: 45

    @Dragonredking said:
    I don't understand the link your making with ragequitting/dc and swf.

    I've had SWF groups that BM me all game long and then when they finally get their due, they simply ragequit to avoid me getting my BBQ stacks or hook points or whatever. I've also had people leave the game to open the hatch for their friends. Not suicide on the hook, but simply leave the game because their friend is ready to escape and they know I can't reach the hatch in time.

    Either way, even if they were somehow unrelated, then the point is that this is meant to be a punishment for bad behaviors. Play the game and don't be a chickenshit when things don't go your way every time.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    I don't really see how the two are related, is my thing. Some people are poor sports and will leave regardless. If anything, the fact that they're playing with their friends would encourage them to stay til the end rather than leave. I've seen plenty of solo players, both survivor and killer, leave when things aren't going their way. SWF is totally unrelated. I'm sure there's some super tryhard groups out there that can't take a loss, but the vast majority of SWF players are just casually playing like they normally do. They don't play SWF, turn their hats backwards and disconnect to impress their buddies.

    A bloodpoint penalty would be fair though. I wouldn't go as far as 0 bloodpoints right away because there are times when you do need to legitimately leave, but an increasing penalty the more times you leave in a window of time would be fitting (eventually getting up to a 100% reduction if you leave a lot).