

Which killer could you escape from in a real life trial?

Member Posts: 7

I’m leaving out killer’s who by lore are incredibly strong/practically unbeatable, have magical powers, or are not human beings(Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Freddy. Hag, Huntress, etc.). Instead I’m focusing on the more human killers. Select who you think you’d have the best chance escaping from. We are assuming all killers are in their own maps(with maples killers getting the Mac Millan estate).

Which killer could you escape from in a real life trial? 69 votes

7 votes
7 votes
23 votes
Ghost face
6 votes
1 vote
9 votes
1 vote
2 votes
13 votes

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  • Member Posts: 5,499

    I could easily keep 24m away from an Old Dude with a bad leg.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Literally none of them. Either we're playing by the Entity's rules, in which case the killers are all superhuman, or we're playing by realistic rules, in which case I don't know enough about mechanical engineering to fix five generators before a ######### meathook goes through my ######### shoulder and cripples me for life.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Putting aside all my simping behavior for Trickster — I feel like he's definitely the easiest to "counter" if I had to face him in a real trial. You could easy use the walls to your advantage, or if we're talking outside of what's possible in the game I would probably find a wooden board or piece of scrap metal to use as a shield against his knives.

    But also once he ran out of knives he would have to go and pick them all back up again. And even if it was like the game and he reloaded at lockers he would have to grab them and put them in his pocket or wherever he stores them which takes time.

    Another thing is that I feel like he'd be too cocky to really kill all 4 survivors. He's definitely not the type to just kill as fast as he can. He'd probably want to take his time with each survivor and kill them slowly, just based off his lore, and that would leave me enough time to get out of dodge.

  • Member Posts: 399

    None, to any of them I'm fresh meat :)

  • Member Posts: 687
    Ghost face

    Ghostface would definitely Teabag one of the survivors long enough for me to fix a gen or something.

  • Member Posts: 187

    The Legion is literally just an edgy teenager with a knife.

  • Trapper

    You can just jump over traps LOOOL

  • Member Posts: 496

    Why excluding Huntress? She is literally girl with axes.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    Frank's no quarterback either. Stomp that nerd and his stinky friends. 😎

  • Member Posts: 182

    I ran track all the time in high school and I never got cluster headaches from running. I'd be miles away from legion.

  • Member Posts: 225

    I'd show him a k-pop boy band thirst tweet and he'd immediately break down crying

  • Member Posts: 727
    edited September 2021

    I will steal the knife.

    Ha! Now who's the edgy teenager with a knife? 🔪

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    I have to agree with this even though I am Legion main.

    Legion literally just has to miss a stab and they get hit with a intense migraine then they just get hit with their own knife.

  • Member Posts: 294

    I love the poll and this was fun, but #########? LOL Huntress is a normal human who grew up hunting with her mother. The twins are a physical anomaly that would probably never exist. I only bring this up because I planned on voting for her. Cool question though.

  • Member Posts: 1,180
    edited September 2021

    Considering that Legion would be the 4 of them, I would say Trickster. He doesn't seem smart nor strong and I'm not scared of plastic neon knives so I'm going with him for a trial.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Considering I look like I'm made of sticks, none of them.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Trickster, free easy access to knives everywhere, just pallet stun him and go for the Achilles tendon and you are out of there in a cool 10 minutes

  • Member Posts: 759

    Clown and trickster, need I say more?

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2021

    If the in-game survivors stand a chance of escaping, anyone on this forum could too.

    ...except if you're a complete spanner who goes around screaming "WAAAAAAAZUP" to the killer.

  • Member Posts: 428

    I'd probably outrun Ghost Face and Legion, because they're just people with knives.

    Overall, though, I wouldn't escape any of the other killers. Carrying bear traps, chainsaws, throwing weapons, and harpoon guns. Along with the paranormal and supernatural.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    I feel like you forgot he has a sharp baseball bat

  • Member Posts: 545

    Well every killer has a sharp primary weapon but tbh his is probably one of the least dangerous because there is a portion of the bat you could try to grab without cutting yourself if he did get close enough. But if we're going by his lore my guess is that his bat would be a lot less dangerous than his knives because the only time he used his bat is when his victims couldn't fight back because they were tied up/drugged/etc. so he probably wouldn't know 100% how to use it against someone who had the full ability to fight back.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Does he take bribes in the form of food?

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Probably Pig, because from what i know i never did anything that would make her or Jigsaw kidnap me and be part of their game.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I voted Trapper but with my terrible vision that probably wasn't a wise choice 😂

  • Member Posts: 987

    If you’ve watched the movies, you can soften him up if you’re nice

  • Member Posts: 1,380
    Ghost face

    Ghost face is canonically just a man in a costume. Hes an incredibly cunning man sure, but just a man. I would say legion if they weren't a group, even if i workout often i wouldn't really be much a match for 4 armed teenagers. Ghostface comparatively could likely be taken down by coordination and awareness, since he relies completely on his very human senses. He is apparently a competent fighter though, so i highly doubt in a one on one i'd be able to win that fight. But if i avoided him, i have a good feeling i could escape.

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