Hackers in DbD

I've been getting a lot of hackers recently, seriously a lot, every day I play every some games. I dc every time I see a hacker. What do you do when you see a hacker? I don't see the point of giving them the fun they want so I just dc. I got a 6 hours ban now, because of hackers being everywhere.
BHVR doesn't care about hackers. They never have.
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Blatantly false.
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Um, stop DCing? AFKing is a shorter wait than 6 hours.
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You just keep telling yourself that.
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I ran into 1 hacker recently and I just recorded a video to submit as evidence as part of a report. He was another survivor so I just refused to do any form of altruistic actions towards him (not that his instant heals needed it). I just focused on doing gens and getting out.
Unless they are literally holding the game hostage, just finish out the match.
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I usually just suicide on hook but that's usually my luck when I 4%. The game really does hate me sometimes.
Also be careful, I've heard of hackers being able to basically perma ban players somehow by messing with the DC button, settings or whatever. I dunno how or if it's a rumor.. but yeah.
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It´s kinda crazy how prevalent hackers have become. For the past 1-2 weeks there is not a day of gaming without at least 1-2 blatantly obvious hackers.
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There's something serious happening rn. I played for 2 years without encountering a single hacker and after Pinhead chapter it's not rare to encounter at least one everyday.
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I saw 2 hackers in one match and i escaped without wasting my time.
If I'm ever going to DC because of a hacker it will be because of actions they do, like dragging me or trapping me somewhere.
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I've said it elsewhere, but it's mostly a specific group of players responsible for this, and they've likely been growing.
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Ikr? My experience is not quite the same as yours though, I have encountered hackers several times over the years but nowhere near as prevalent as currently.
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I just went against 2 hackers and dc'ed, and I got a 24 hours ban lol. and I uninstalled until they remove SBMM
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Over 1.3K hours of play, I can definitely see the number of hackers increasing. One thing I've noticed is some are way more subtle than others. I had one that was just outright blatant today, but one other that was subtle on their speed - and no PWYF or STBFL. Since BHVR struggles to fix foundational issues in a timely manner - or at all, I don't think addressing hackers is something they are really equipped to do.
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I’ve seen an increase in hackers as well. That’s why I think the gen rushing complaints lately are not taking into account the hacking going on right now.
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The only way to deal with hacker is to take that 5 minute penalty or run to the corner of the map and go AFK, this will let the killer know that your not the one causing it.
Also, I am warning all Survivor mains. Hackers are capable of healing you from a mid to long distance. on top of that, if you're working on a gen and if the hacker is close by, the gen progression increases stupidly quick. They want to make sure that you're also responsible of the hack.
BHVR, For the love of god, update your easty anty-cheat program or try and banning them ASAP.
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Dont dc just suicide on hook and use the report button even tho some say it doesnt work if enough reports come in they will at least take a look and you wont get a dc penalty
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Worst thing is some games go on forever, like you physically have to DC for it to end....
But console players cant report them and the devs havent acknowledged or done anything about it so...
Honestly this game would be way better with another company, behaviour can be sweet but they got lucky with a gold mine and tbh seem to struggle in alot of aspects of the game