And they backpedalled again

"Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the size of this mid-chapter, the change to The Spirit which would cause her to kick up dust while phasing needed to be pushed until further notice. The directional audio will be in the mid-chapter PTB as planned.
We’ve seen some mixed feedback to the dust change specifically, so we will monitor feedback closely from the PTB and subsequent release to see if this change is ultimately necessary."
It didn't even reach the PTB and they are already scrapping it. Yes, I know that's not what they said in the first paragraph, but the second one is pretty much "we heard killers didn't like a killer nerf so we are thinking about scraping it even before anyone got a chance to try it". Goes to show how scared they are of upsetting killer mains.
I'm curious how fast the Deathslinger nerf will be reverted and how fast the boon totems will get nerfed into oblivion.
They arent scrapping it, it will still be in the PTB to be tested but they are pushing it back so it will be the best it could be. I'd rather have something pushed back and working rather than it being rushed out and broken most of the time. You know like how a lot of updates have been in the past? It seems like they are possibly learning from previous mistakes.
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Okay but i saw a lot of valid feedback about that change in particular. They are clearly listening to both sides just as much.
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So it begins.
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here lemme mark off another for you, PTB WHEN?!?! As ngl i wanna try the new stuff haha
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Majority of experienced players (killer and survivor mains both) with over 3000 hours thought that the kick up dust was too much.
It's better this way, since if the directional phase sound is enough to nerf her but not destroy her, that's awesome. Small steps -> less chance to screw up.
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"Yes, I know that's not what they said in the first paragraph."
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I mean if most creators were very worried that both of those nerfs will only make spirit a fast killer, so they might be working on making it on only bare patches of the ground instead of everywhere the spirit goes dust flies up. Also, I find it kind of ironic you say they are afraid to do nerfs on a whim, I mean billy, nurse, freddy, and now spirit comes to mind lol.
Stop trying to make problems occur cant you just say you think they are worried about how that change will make the spirits power instead of putting everyone who you disagree with as the perpetrators its honestly annoying at times. x-x
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Oh god what on earth?
Believe it or not, but both killer mains and survivors mains should have their opinons heard.
If Spirit is still too strong, then they'll still add this nerf to her, but I for one also believe that directional sound is probably all she needs.
It's also honestly insane to me how on the same forum there seem to be people that believe BHVR only cares about killers, and people that believe BHVR only cares about survivors.
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Survivor main with a 10% escape rate identified.
Honestly, the dust mechanic was stupid to begin with and the directional audio is more than enough. Biggest gripe with Spirit was not knowing when she’s phasing (stand still mindgame), and now that’s gone.
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You just contradicted yourself in your own post
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"Goes to show how scared they are of upsetting killer mains."
Which is why they nerfed Spirit and Slinger, are likely nerfing a pretty good amount of add-ons with the upcoming patch, buffed a good amount of Survivor perks and added Boon Totems.
You are just as bad as these dreaded "killer mains" by making this type of post, if not worse. Actually, yes, you are worse.
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This is nothing to do with being scared to upset any mains of either side. We were completely open as to why it's not going into the PTB and due to it not being tested there, we will see how the Spirit progresses with the changes that are in the PTB before a decision is made about whether it's going to be needed to add it or not. So same as in the PTB really, where we take feedback on all things and see how the changes play out in Live games.
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To be fair, the directional sound is already a pretty bug change (and nerf) for Spirit and it does make sense to test it out without further nerfs.
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I mean i wish boontotems are nerfed into oblibion because apparently they can keep reblessing them. So they must be mediocre perks or they will be incredibly op.
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This content has been removed.
... but what changes? You changed nothing about her? LOL
"directional audio" so now you can kind of hear she's coming from somewhere. On your left. Maybe. So now you can go down without any mind games anyway as always, but you can kind of hear where she's coming from.
As I thought, this update was too good to be trusted.
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The one change people were screaming for, and they got scared and reverted back. Lol.
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That always happens, they listen to killers first.
Watch Boon totems get nerfed somehow in the midst of Spirit nerfs being reverted.
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Deathslinger is proof that you are full of it. He got nerfed way harder than Spirit, quite frankly. And they made him less unique to top it off. And less survivor mains are cheering about it.
They are likely telling the truth. It just didn't happen and it might still happen. Lol.
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Which I think is funny because nobody asked for a Deathslinger nerf. But again, don't worry killer nerfs are almost always reverted. Then the Boons will be gutted and everyone can go back to complaining that BHVR are survivor biased.
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This is exactly how Behavior works. They bait cash with empty promises, then backpedal. I was a fool for thinking they were actually going to give Spirit any counterplay lol
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To be fair, they probably will go through with the phase sound change which is all she needed IMO but yea, survivor perks all suck. Everyone knows this and so how were they ever going to sell a survivor DLC? LOL. Seems pretty obvious to me...
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The healing boon totem needs some adjusting and survivors shouldn't be able to lite totems an unlimited number if times
Reverting or at least easing up on the slingers nerfs would be great he feels terrible on ptb
And the dust coming into the game I'm indifferent on they need to work on the audio que a bit to make it louder and a bit more accurate.
Ps the new spirit killer instinct addon is broken asf pls nerf
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they are careful specifically with this change because 1 small tweak and can alter the swing heavily towards survivors. She's meant to go camo and being tracked or having some detail of tracking all the time makes her power pointless. Let's be real
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So the devs go ahead with something despite negative feedback - They are wrong
The devs cancel something in response to negative feedback - They are also wrong
Which one would you prefer?