Why 32 metres and not 28?

Deathslinger got nerfed, his quick scopes are a thing of the past and his terror radius increased alot.
You did remember hes a 110 speed, awful 1v4 and map mobility, has a range of 18metres and cannot down over alot of loops once the pallets down....
Is there any positive to him over huntress now?
He's a ranged killer with great anti loop that's why. Same reason huntress and trickster have a massive terror radius/lullaby.
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Huntress is 32 lullaby and 20 terror. She can also down you over every pallet as well as some lower loops. He cant do that, he gets an injure and suffers a stun penalty. He has no positive over huntress now in any category
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I agree that it might need to be 28 instead of 32.
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not anymore. The anti-loop came from the quick-shots. While it will still possible to spear a survivor in loops or stop them from reaching one, it will be significantly harder. And on some maps impossible. So, yeah, we might have our first genuine case of 'these changes made the character unplayable'
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If anything he is worse than her in every category now.
He needs to reload after every health state. That reload slows him down for 2 seconds. Meanwhile Huntress has the option to equip Iron Maiden to reload faster AND she can down two survivors and injure one without add-ons if she doesn't miss.
Huntress has a 32m Lullaby, same with Slinger. Slinger used to have an advantage over her by having the element of surprise. You would need to pay attention for Slinger when you don't need to with Huntress.
Slinger has a 20 meter max range on his weapon. Huntress does not and it hits like trucks.
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Consistency. They seem to want to keep a generally consistent "32/24m" teror radius rule.
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There was no reason for him to have such a small and quiet terror radius to begin with
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He has a 20 meter shot range.
If he wants to get a chance with survivors he needs to be able to get close.
Huntress doesn't have that, nor do Trickster. They both outclass him right now. ######### Trickster.
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Her lullaby is 45 meters.
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I think you're overestimating how useful their long range attacks are. Most huntresses and tricksters don't get to use their power outside of 20 meters bc it's easier to dodge and break line of sight. They have the ability to do it, but against decent survivors even as a God huntress it's very difficult.
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As someone who plays both Huntress and Trickster I assure you those long shots are the ones that counts the most.
Huntress can hit Survivors on generators and down them before they even get a chance to react.
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So you agree you cant attack at a far range against good survivors, so as a result of a killer who couldn't do that anyway or down over alot of loops in the first place should also have every part of his kit nerfed.
Is any killer meant to be playable against good survivors? Meanwhile survivors can relight boon totems...
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Again, that relies on line of sight. And on almost every map in the game, essentially especially on indoor maps, shots like that are very hard. Not only do you have to get the timing and the angle perfect but you also have to make sure you don't hit any of the 50 trees and random walls in the way. I've never been cross map sniped by huntress in this game before. Just very rare and very difficult.
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So if Huntress and Trickster gets screwed by line of sight.
Where does that leave Slinger who also gets screwed by line of sight AND range?
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My main problem with him was always the quick scoping and lack of being able to dodge it. I really couldn't care less if they don't go through with the tr change. Just trying to come up with an explanation
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It leaves him a mediocre killer, like he's always been. I don't think huntress or trickster should have a lullaby either. Seems outdated to me but idk
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Huntress Lullaby is actually 45 meters.
I am also going to guess that Slinger will still need less time to aim and then be able to shoot his chain than Huntress can charge and then throw her hatchet. There is always a bit of windup time with her. Huntress hatchet speed is also as fast as deathlinger's chain, but only when fully charged, so to have the same projectile speed, she has to charge for much longer than Slinger.
And his movement speed should also be higher while aiming down sites as opposed to huntress holding one of her hatchets.
Deathslinger can also inflict the Deep Wound status effect, which can waste a bit of time from survivors. This last one isn't very impactful though.
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So what you are implying is that he should not be fun to play as because he isn't fun to play against for a handful of people.
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I'd like to clarify two things that you guys keep getting wrong, source is the wiki:
Huntress has a lullaby radius of 45 meters, not 40, not 32. Her terror radius is just 20 meters.
Deathslinger's harpoon has a maximum range of 18 meters, not 20.
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Thanks for that. I forgot the actual ranges off the top of my head so I went with what the others said.
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I seriously doubt Trickster will outclass Deathslinger. At longer ranges, Trickster is also not good, because survivors can very easily dodge and break line of sight at further ranges. Preventing him from actually hitting 6 blades.
Deathslinger also still just needs to hit one shot, as opposed to Trickster.
And regarding another post of yours, it certainly wasn't just a "handful" of people not enjoying going against him. In the live build he has so little actual counterplay, in many cases you just have to pray that he misses his shots when going against him.
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Priblem with quick scoping? What about to think as a deadslinger?
Killers have to think what a surv can do but seems survs cant think as a kilker.
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She doesn't have a 32m TR. I thought it was 24 but the wiki shows 20.
I too thought it was 40 for the lullaby.
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No ranged killer should have lulaby they move between certain range efectiveness.Yeah UmI can hit a surv at 40m but also he have chance to evade it easily
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As someone who loves playing every ranged killer in the game (even Trickster, I love the guy), yeah no.
He will be worse than Trickster in a 1v1. Yes, Survivors can dodge knives. But it's harder to dodge a flurry of knives than it is to dodge a single small shot. You can make a read on Deathslinger the same way you can make a read on Huntress or Trickster. While Trickster takes 6 knives to down a survivor, he can still down them before reloading a single time. Something Slinger struggles with.
What made him unique against the other two killers is his ability to ADS and be a pseudo-stealth killer.
Now that both of that is gone, he doesn't have much going for him.
He needs to deal with all the regular bullshit a 110% killer deals with without much he can do with it. His range is really REALLY not worth the terror radius increase he got.
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Last, but not least, we’ve increased The Deathslinger’s terror radius to 32m. The Deathslinger is the only ranged Killer that does not have a "lullaby", which meant terror radius reducing perks like Monitor & Abuse could allow you to get close enough to surprise and hit a Survivor without them getting any warning whatsoever.
^^ This is their exact words on the subject. Huntress and Trickster had an audible warning that they were coming and were in a decent range for a shot. If he was 28 meters (Only 4 meters larger then his current state), it would still only give the Survivors a 2 meter warning that he was there with a perk like Monitor equipped unless they were running Spine Chill. (And, at least imo, Slinger has one of the more quiet TR in the start compared to the base heartbeat, or many of the other unique TR's.)
(Plus, Slinger still has a really, really fast projectile compared to Huntress, and can still hit some really, really weird and tight shots that she can't. He's still able to hit through tiny gaps and do wild stuff like that.)
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Those tight gaps only really apply for the first hit.
He can't down survivors through walls.
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The harpoon is just as fast as a fully charged hatchet: both travel at 40m/s.
The harpoon only feels faster, because it can only travel 18 meters, not across the map, like a hatchet.
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To make sure they kill him. A subtle lullaby like trickster would have been less braindead but.. well.. its bhvr.
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How did I imply that? By saying he should have counter play in chase?
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One thing to note though: At 24 meters, Deathslinger's terror radius is already silent enough that he can sneak another 6 meters before you hear it over a generator. I doubt the added 8 meters will also increase it's loudness.
And Huntress has a 40 meter Lullaby.
Guess we have to wait to see his addons to see how much Slinger truly has been damaged, or if he simply became addon reliant(which, isnt a bad thing as long as he has 8 reliable addons to use)
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People are kinda forgetting that good Huntresses would often throw at close range, then follow up with an M1, as throwing has a very short recovery.
That's one of the areas a highly skilled Huntress can save a lot of time and make up ground, effectively making it so she only has to win 1 chase to down an enemy.
Deathslinger has no means to speed this up. Even assuming perfect accuracy, he needs to shoot, hit, reel in, damage, reload... for every health state. Now with 32 Terror Radius, he's going to have to win two chases every time he gets a down.
I'll try to keep an open mind, but I don't think I've ever seen a killer nerfed into the ground as brutally as Deathslinger is going to be... save maybe for Spirit this patch. But that's another thread. lol
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They didn't want him sneaking up on people anymore, especially with M&A + his small terror radius. And yet, Doctor can do that still, and stealth killers like Pig and Ghost Face can have no terror radius at all. They just wanted to nerf Deathslinger into the ground on all fronts I guess.
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I don't think keeping a Killer add-on reliant is a good thing in the same update where they are trying to make Trapper LESS add-on reliant.
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Deathslinger will now be the worst killer in the game. He was already worse then huntress and was only useable for people who enjoyed quick scopes and being good in chase at the expense of gen pressure. Now he has nothing really. Only killer he might be better than is legion but legion is at least 115.
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They probably wanted to keep the traditional 32 or 24 meters only myers and huntress have the unique terror radiuses pretty sure
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Being add-on reliant and add-on dependend are different thing though. Trapper was add-on dependend. You couldnt reliably play Trapper without one of his bag addons. Addon reliant means you simply cannot get the optimal results without using some addons.
Which is fine, you gain more addons than you ever will use anyway. Trapper will arguably still be addon reliant, he just wont be addon dependend.