So there's no reason to complain about keys anymore right?

Oh killers will still complain they complain about everything saw a post about someone moaning about spine chill …
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I'm sure people will find a reason
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It's not about killers. Keys were broken.
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I'm waiting for someone to call the last survivor using a key op lol
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First key nerf post I saw was someone complaining that survivors would 99% the hatch 😂 People will always find something to complain about. 😂
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They will complain anyway like they still cry about D strike and dead hard. Until its completely removed from the game the crying will continue.
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In the one out of 20 games they were used… I saw more toolboxes then I have keys and out of my killer games I’ve had 1 game were they used a key to get hatch.. yes so broken
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99 a hatch 😂 I almost fell off my chair
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You mean now we can max lose one survivor instead of all 3? Even after you put them in a 3 gen etc?
No this is a perfect change! Not sure why this took so long...
But let's not be a douche about "killers will still complain lol" like seriously keys was awful, if you couldnt see that I think it says enough about you as a player and what you think is balanced
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are they stripping every aspect of the game to its bare bones... and its sucking out all the fun because verything needs to be balanced so neatly it is so so boring to play survivor nowadays... i'm long gone from this game but its sad to see the direction this game is taking so many bad decisions....
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yeah that was an interesting one 🤨
for me personally I don't see much issue with them now and will probably start actually using them, mainly because I like the aura addons but not enough to be tunnelled for.
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Literally, damn green keys. 😡
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I couldn't believe it when I saw it. 😂
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The timer for the key to open ONLY works if the killer closes rhe hatch first. Survivors can. Still make a killer lose multiple kills with a key by gen rushing and using a hatch location spawning offering. They can get there and the hatch opens instantly. The only thing this prevents is losing 3 Survivors to them 3 gening themselves. But this also isn't the final version of key changes
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Since hatch now can only be used by a single survivor. Survivors will always leave key at somewhere and let his team know where the key is, incase the match didnt end well for them. Previously many survivors still holding key in the trial, there is a chance that you might drop their key with Franklin. This is actually indirect nerf for Franklin on key.
Since hatch now only spawn when there is only 1 survivor left. Staying at hatch at the end game waiting for team mate to escape is not preferable (when the invisible hatch spawn bug is fixed).
Goes on both sides.
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You’d think so. They’ll be much less game-changing now. A lucky key escape might mean you only get 3 kills instead of 4, or in a very rare circumstance lose a survivor to the hatch if their teammates all run out of the gates (which can already happen but w/e), but that’s barely worth complaining about. I expect that some people will still loudly complain about it, though.
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I could be wrong. But I think I remember I saw someone on twitter post that they made up 2% of escapes. Anyway hopefully this changes selfish survivors who like to crawl around the map, and hide with a key doing nothing.
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Are you telling me they won’t complain ? I see more complaints from killers about the most stupid things compared to surviours… and let’s be real you didn’t 3 gen the surviours they did it to themselves from not paying attention to locations or the maps spawning 3 gens ontop of each other . So it’s the map rng that comes into play here and people not being aware
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Yeah, no. Keys have lost nearly all their worth. But hey, at least I don't gotta feel bad bringint them in anymore.
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God, I hope not. If you are worried because one survivor found the hatch and escaped, I mean damn, perhaps you are taking this "game" a bit too serious.
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I mean GF gets hard countered by it.
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I see no reason to complain about keys anymore. If I close hatch and someone keys out, I still basically won by getting a 3k.
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Right or not is Irrelevant. People will find something to complain about regardless.
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So we're all just getting mad at imaginary people out here?
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Idk why people think they’re useless now. There’s another way to use them and it’s those add ons you just don’t get those unearned escapes anymore.
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On these forums yes, but in general both sides have people that complain about the most ridiculous stuff.
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In that case I hope they buff the charges of keys so you get more worth of the auras
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I think the change is fantastic. If a survivor has a key and uses it to escape hatch when they’re the only survivor left, I don’t care at all. That’s completely fine. Hatch not spawning with multiple survivors alive is *chef’s kiss* perfection.
Idk about other killer players but I usually don’t care if the last person escapes (unless they were BMing in which case I want to kill them a little more but still don’t care if they escape) so this change is perfect IMO and I’m so glad they finally did it.
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This is a misconception. Ghost face can stalk 40 meters away my friend.
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Guess we'll see if they're worth anything now. :P
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Or maybe they’ll make broken keys somewhat useful even without add ons.
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Idm spinechill too much but on like the game where the ######### are you planning to stalk from 40m
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oh you know they’re still worth it come on.
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So no more being left to die while your teammate is camping the hatch? Finally a solo queue buff haha
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Well honestly i love the changes, but i think the hatch should still spawn when all gens are completed, no matter the number of survivors. They finished all gens, they earned their secondary escape route. Other than that as a player not maining any side and playing both equally, i'm really glad it is finally coming throught !
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Problem is it’s going to make it worst from a surviours point last 2 or 3 Alive and two are hooked, somone has a key they are not even going to attempt to try and save anyone just hide to get the hatch even more now least be4 the key user would try and save there teammates to escape together or just save in general welp not anymore
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I don't know, actually, as I refused to bring in keys out of principle prior to this.
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Survivors can reveal you 32 meters away. So it's safer to stalk from afar. Anyway ghost face reveal mechanic is broken, so it's not like it matters.
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Probably children, but they always complain in games. Survivors are much more entitled than killers though, they physically complain about all killers and there powers. Iv had far more hate messages, rage quits etc. From survivors than I have from killers in my 5years of playing.
But you can force a 3gen... sure they can leave 1 gen the other side of the map but it's still a 3gen. Point is people would be in a bad stop and get out with a key. You're cutting the game short taking the hatch. If one escapes now (the last one) does it even matter? No... I'll take a 3k, I usually give hatch anyway for good sportsmanship.
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There was a time after I died I was spectating the random rank 9 and 13 try to open the hatch with a green key. I wish I recorded it. It was hilarious and I will forever love the green key for that. 😂
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The mechanic likely still isn't perfect but MAN these changes are juicy and sweet.
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I think a killer main complaining about keys after this update will meme himself.
The hatch doesn't spawn until there's only 1 survivor left. That really solves the biggest gripe about keys. Combine that with the fact the key is only useful if the killer seals the hatch first... their whole purpose now is just to give a Survivor 1 last card to play when basically all is lost.
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I was in a lobby once with a green key and a Steve brought a hatch offering assuming it was a pink/purple key. Once the hatch spawned he was trying to signal me to open hatch. So I had to set my key down to show him it was a green key. He died and I escaped, kinda felt bad for him.
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There was a time someone brought a green key without add ons in one of my lobbies. My swf teammate and I had found the hatch so I brought the key person that they killer had been trying to tunnel out over to the hatch. They dropped it to show it was only green key and I was just like why would you bring something that makes the killer go after you? 😂
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My biggest counter complaint to these changes, is the fact that killers will still slug for a 4k when there are 2 survivors left. Which has already been one of the cheesiest mechanics in the game that still hasnt been adressed and is even rewarded more heavily now.
Unless one of the Boon totems give survivors the ability to pick themselves up when slugged for prolonged times, but even then, all the killer has to do is destroy that perk once.
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any killer that complains about keys at this point are either joking or just delusional ;)
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Omg that’s hilarious!! It’d be nice if the devs made the green key in lobby look different than the pink and purple ones.
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I'm hoping that with the key nerf killers no longer feel a need to tunnel out someone bringing one so look won't matter. Not only because of green keys but also so I can get those stupid "escape with ultra rare item" challenges done faster without being tunneled out for bringing a key or relying on plunderers to hopefully get me an iri item.
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I don’t see any reason to tunnel out a key survivor anymore so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
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Honestly I think the key nerf was almost there it just needed a clause of all gens done or one survivors left. It's a really niche situation yes but power to the people who get that far. As far as I'm concerned if someone keys out after all 5 gens are done that's very reasonable to me.