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How would you up slingers 1v4

Remove his chain.

Its a joke but I really wonder what would become of slinger if he didnt have a chain. He just cross maps someone with a spike through the head.

Personally I really can think of much to up his 1v4 maybe he could like idk make traps since he is meant to be a genuis but that doesnt really feel slinger imo. You could give him Maurice for the full YEE HAW experience and some mobility but that wouldnt fit in DBD both like thematically and literally cause slinger on a horse just bonking his head on every doorway.

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  • Member Posts: 619

    Yes, his quick scopes are only up vs huntress, but if changes pass - yes, he will need a buff.

  • Member Posts: 133

    1v4...Deathslinger. He doesn't have a that kind of pressure he only have 1v1 and that is about to be nerf real hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Pretty sure that's the point of the post.

    Anyway, on topic... 5% movement speed boost while outside of chase and not carrying anyone, 2s cool down on turning back on. Ammo Belt and Snake Oil made base kit.

  • Member Posts: 133

    You can't that the point his kit is designed for 1v1 for a 1v4 you would need an ai cowboy who walk around the map and shot survivors of that in a distance of 4-10 meters.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    I would make it so you can shoot walls. When you shoot a wall you have the option to real yourself in at 125% speed or press the active button to propel yourself forward at 200% speed. Hitting any object, hitting the wall where the harpoon landed or attacking will cancel the propel.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i wouldnt.

    he is meant to be an oppressive 1v1 killer who drastically lacks in the 1v4 aspect.

    but since his 1v1 is taking a huge hit now anyway, idk just let him teleport to gens that are around 80%?

  • Member Posts: 393

    I actually would prefer him to be a 1v1 killer. The game has a lot of killers that thrive in the 1v4 and it gets boring to not have many that are great in the 1v1.

    I would say the buffs he needs with these changes is either 115 speed and some kind of movement ability (like some kind of slide or pull like mentioned above but I think this is to similar to blight). They could also increase his lethality along with 115 speed to increase general pressure; maybe after getting two hits with your gun (he does load their blood) his next shot is an instadown without the need to reel. You miss you get screwed and if you hit you get rewarded.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    "not that many killers that are great in the 1v1" we have been on an extreme roll of chase killer after chase killer.

  • Member Posts: 351

    Just want to point out that this was the original intention, but could not be done due to engine limitations. That suggestion is one they apparently literally cannot take.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I've always said this but instead of slowing aim down sights I'd keep it as is BUT add an Accuracy Gauge / Meter. The first time you aim down sights it's as usual with full accuracy. When you lower your gun without shooting though if you didn't wait a set amount of time it would be much slower and the penalty would stack up to 3 times until you were at your slowest. In fact you could just take my idea and give Deathslinger a charge system where when they're at 3 charges it's normal, 2 charges it's mid speed and 1 charge it's slow and at 0 charges it's inaccurate. Quick shots would be rewarded but the free zoning would be removed.

    Aside from that if these changes go through as is which I still feel is fine I feel his 4v1 needs to be buffed since his 1v1 was nerfed. Remember he wasn't that great of a killer to begin with.

    I would potentially buff his movement speed to 115% as a last resort if he becomes woefully underwhelming but I'd focus on making successful shots reward Deathslinger faster. Increased reel speed, faster reload after a successful hit and increased strafe movement speed while reeling in a target.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Tbh I just think that every map needs to have some sort of killer transportation. No idea what that would be but definitely something.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    When his gun isn't loaded, he walks at 4.6m/s. Simple. Gives him some degree of mobility beyond Huntress and Trickster, doesn't make him more oppressive when in a chase because this is when his power isn't available, and adds some risk/reward to playing him. Do you walk around slower but immediately ready for a chase, or get somewhere faster but have to reload when you find someone?

    Ideally this change should be made with a reload time reduction so it's a bit more of a decision. Grappling with his chain would be unfitting, clunky and would barely work on most maps to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    edited September 2021

    Honestly seems like the easiest idea and it would definitely help. It wouldn't really provide map pressure, but it would mean he's at least not hindered more than other killers.

    On top of that, I think they should give him ADS. Literally all the changes he's gotten are changes I've been asking for on the forums for a long time, with the caveat that I also wanted his ADS sensitivity to have a QOL buff to go inline with it. There's more than one reason for the quickscoping and it isn't only because it's easy and oppressive.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Seems too gimmicky where you'll see people purposely unload their gun just to patrol the map faster and wouldn't make sense because it's not like he doesn't have the ammo on him so he still is carrying the same amount of weight.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    Include a button to instantly eject the bullet from the Redeemer with CTRL, like how Clown can swap bottle types. That way it's easy to switch between these modes.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I don't like removing his chain - it's part of his identity.

    I think his current nerf is absolutely nonsense - you can just literally rename him Worse Huntress at this point - but if his kill rate sinks too far, there's other levers they can pull. Make his reload timer much faster, as an example.

    But no, keep his chain - it's very thematic and cool.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Survivors have 60 seconds to find the Lament Configuration. Once the timer expires, the Chain Hunt begins. During the Chain Hunt clones of the Deathslinger start appearing and shooting Survivors and injuring them once he reels them in. The Chain Hunt ends when someone finds the Lament Configuration. The Lament Configuration is not on the map because that's Pinhead's schtick, stupid. :P

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    An iridescent add-on that makes it so the chain instantly injures a survivor would be really cool (as long as it has downsides).

    To answer your question though, I'm not really sure. Maybe buff him to 115% to set him aside from Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I like that. The Deathslinger spawns the Lament Decive. The Survivors have to find the Lament Configuration to stop the Chain Hunt. The Lament Configuration still is not on the map because the Deathslinger gets the Lament Device instead. :P

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Give him 2 shots

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Maybe he can whistle and call in a horse to mount to cross map lol.

    Nah he cant have a 1v4, it wont work without being oppressive... we just have his nerfed 1v1 now so hes just a really weak huntress now with no positives over her

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Anytime he successfully spears someone, chains appear on all generators, even if they're being worked on, and either slows the progress while survivors continue to work on them or outright regresses the generator with the most progress for ten seconds.

  • Member Posts: 575

    I'd give him the ability to holster his gun while not in a chase and move at 120% speed (somewhere between 1-3 second channel). When he enters a chase he moves at 110% again and has to spend a second or two slowed (90% speed probably?) to unholster his gun. They could probably make unholstering a choice too.

  • Member Posts: 486

    Just give him a secondary weapon, a mini spear pistol. The Speargun for dragging back to you. The pistol works like the spear gun but the hooks are not tethered to the gun and has no limited distance, just spear the survivors upon hit. Survivors can have other survivors remove them. 1 spear causes a debuff, like the one that makes you bleed a lot. If you got two in you, then your injured/mangled, if you get three in you then you’ve hit the maximum allowed and you are broken.

    Basic idea that is t fleshed out, but you get where I’m coming from.

  • Member Posts: 1,369
  • Member Posts: 1,959
    edited September 2021

    Just make the Redeemer a copy of Doomguy's Super Shotgun with Meat Hook attachment. Let him fling himself in the air and then shoot at survivors below him

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Could always give his gun more range, Huntress can cross map snipe, Why can't a man with a gun?

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    He is not a 1v4 Killer, he would need a complete rework. His 1v1 was busted but the nerfs are a bit much, I only agree with his terror radius being nerfed and his free zoning from aiming down sights being nerfed. Everything else is a bit too much or simply not needed at all.

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