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suggestion: replace broken key with compass

Everybody hates broken keys! ESPECIALLY when you find them in chests. (I bet you can guess what I found in a chest just now.) :(

I also keep wishing there was a compass in the game, even if its only function was to show which direction was North, because even after playing for hundreds of hours I'm still constantly getting turned around.

Sooooo.... please replace the broken key with a compass, that just indicates cardinal directions. How you indicate them is up to you. I don't even care about add-ons, but since you pay a guy to come up with them, knock yourself out. :)


  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    EVEN BETTER, since keys are problematic in general, replace ALL keys with compasses, and keep the add-ons exactly the same. Ta-da!

    I'm making this suggestion a SEPARATE post in this thread so that people can love and upvote my original post, but then reply to this one with how much they love keys and that I'm a monster for suggesting getting rid of them.

    A compromise would be to make "key" an ultra-rare add-on for the compass. Best of both worlds! :D

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    I don't understand why keys is such a big deal. The only annoying scenario is when more than 1 survivor escapes through the hatch.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    Bumping this thread to resurrect it in light of the upcoming changes to keys.

    I think it would be GREAT if keys were replaced by compasses, with all the same add-ons, plus a key add-on for the compass.