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Thoughts on how sole survivor could be reworked?

It originally worked in combination with Object so it atleast had some use, but after the Object rework it seems they completely forgot about Sole survivor. Now it only is a horrible anit-altruism perk that wants you to kill your teamates, it also literally counters Object of obsession which is what it was designed to work with originally. This is clearly a design oversight from a few months back when they reworked object, so I'm hoping they follow in suite and rework Sole survivor soon.

Does anyone have any good ideas what sole survivors new purpose could be? or any conversation you want to have about this topic.

it's just such a disappointing horrible perk, in every sense. Its requirement is insane, its reward is near useless, it does not combine well with any perk.


  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    For every survivor that dies, gain a token.

    When entering chase with the killer, a token is consumed. At the start of the chase, you gain a speed boost of 5% for 60 seconds. If you have 3 tokens before entering a chase, your speed boost is 15% for 60 seconds.

    Yes, you’ll be faster than ranged killers but they’re ranged, so…

    Not the best idea, but could be fun if you’re a chase-oriented survivor looking to run the killer as your team starts dying.

  • Duvie
    Duvie Member Posts: 80

    Interesting, though it would probably have to be a bit more to be worth killing all your allies lol. not a bad idea overall.