General Discussions

General Discussions

With the spirit and deathslinger nerfs the balance team proves they are totally bad at the game.

Applicant Posts: 286
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

Removing any sorts of mind game from the spirit, being able to "know" where she is with sounds and be able to see where she precisely is with the dust she will leave while phasing, why not simply make her totally visible at this point and spirit can't see survivors at this point?

The dust itself isn't too awful and could help with some tracking but totally removing mind games is the worse thing ever, if the spirit stays still you check around you to see moving dust and if there isn't you stay there, or hell if the survivor has spine chill they can easily tell if spirit will phase or not, but they gave 2 extremely awful nerfs to her giving survivors way too many informations to track the spirit, how can the spirit expect to mind gam a survivor at a pallet they haven't dropped yet?, they will hear and see where she's going and drop it on her face.

At her release long ago, survivors could hear where she was going back in the days, until she got buffed and this was removed, now it's back, and she'll be awful like she was back then.

Spirit is ######### dead, good job BEhaviour.

Deathslinger is a killer that takes more time to injure survivors than huntress, has to reload, needs to be able to bring the survivor to him to put them into the dying state, CAN'T multi target, and you want to remove his 1V1 strength?????

That's all I'm gonna say about deathslinger, everything has been said

I hope the recoveries are 0.25 seconds for aiming and not more than 0.5 seconds for canceling the aim, or he's ######### dead too.

Good job at being bad at your own game BEhaviour.

Post edited by wewantbetterfun on

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  • Applicant Posts: 286

    You didn't play spirit at her release for thinking that, She was awful at release, you'll know what I mean when you'll play as or against her with those changes, and she won't be the second most powerful killer in the game after this, I assure you.

    And he will be, I truly hope they will be very very short delays, because if they are too long it will be so bad, and why making him 32 meters and keeping him at 110%? just make him 28 meters instead or something.

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited September 2021

    I did not play Spirit at her release, no. However, one potential thing that could happen is if her phase noise stays nondirectional for Survivors outside her TR... I could see her equipping M&A and playing like a mix of old Global Bell Wraith and current Pig with Combat Straps + Shattered Syringe. Which wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't half bad.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    I am pretty sure M&A will not affect the 24 meter sound she will make when phasing, knowing the devs, it won't be related to the TR

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Spirit changes finally, the dust change will be delayed and should be tested to the extreme. But the other one is good. Slinger changes really surprised don’t know where that came from, but he’ll need more compensation.

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited September 2021

    Possibly. But even if it isn't affected, that'd still be possible. Spirit can travel 35m in total while phasing. So... just run Whispers to know when you hit 32m away from a gen, walk ~1.5 seconds to get to about 25m then phase. Same effect. Bit more warning for the Survivors but I think it'll still be workable.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    they went too far, that's all I'll sy about it

    Deathslinger is a 1v1 killer, they remove a part of that strength.

    they give too much information to survivors when against spirit, the dust alone should have been enough

  • Member Posts: 267

    The spirit nerf might actually make her pretty bad. The directional noise should NOT be added. It nerfs her 1v1 chase and removed the 4v1 pressure. I do not enjoy going against spirit in her current state but these nerfs may turn her into Wraith 2.0.

    Deathslinger got murdered. Nothing else to say. I don't understand why they would nerf one of the weaker killers that harshly. 110 ms with 32 TR come on Behaviour.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    He isn't weak but he for sure is weak now with this nerf.

    only the dust would have been more than enough, they murdered her a second time with the directional sound

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    IN that case you are proving that you are bad at the game as well.

    Spirit doesn't have mindgames. As a survivor, as soon as she starts phasing, you just make a complete guess on where she will reappear, and that's it. Nothing else. Now survivors have at least a bit of information to work with, which Spirit has too.

    Deathslinger has barely any counterplay at all. You just pray that the Deathslinger player misses his shots. I do think that he could need some other form of buff to compensate for the nerfs, but these nerfs to him are still good.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    In that case you proved you are a baby survivor main, thank you and goodbye

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    100% justifable nerfs to both of these killers. And it took a looong time.

    The only "counterplay" you have is pure luck.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Wait... You needed proof?

  • Member Posts: 6,504
    edited September 2021

    Wow what a good counter argument. I'm a killer main, but of course to someone like you, anyone who has a differing opinion that isn't as killer favorable has to be a baby survivor main.

    This game would very likely be dead if the devs only listened to people like you. But luckily, they don't.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Member Posts: 1,052

    This game isn't designed around sweat. Flexing that you sweat or play high MMR only justifies that you don't play the game as intended and these changes aren't for you.

    Then again, keys and hatch were seemingly changed based on sweat so Idek lol

  • Applicant Posts: 286
    edited September 2021

    it's dying badly thanks to MMR and now the best killers are getting nerfed hardcore, yea killer main my ass, if you were you'd see why people starts to quit and ######### so much about the game right now but you approve changes at making it worse.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    Deathslinger nerf actually doesn't look bad.

    As for Spirit.... eh, I'll reserve judgement till I see it action.

  • Member Posts: 6,504
    edited September 2021

    MMR is screwed up quite a bit though, I will agree with that.

    But yes, I am a killer main, and can still understand why these changes are made. And I doubt these nerfs will be that bad.

    Also, this game is dying? If so, how? Steam charts definitely don't seem to support this claim.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    Dying for the veterans, I am playing since 1.0.0 and i've never hated this game more than I do now, even more when there was pallet vacuum, the best players are quiting, the casual are fine since noobs stays with noobs, veterans have it rough and most of us are getting tired.

  • Member Posts: 370

    They will probably be more fun to play against, but will be the worst ones to play as.

    There's no point to choose them over similar ones. I dont care how strong/weak they will be but sure that it'll be nuch lest fun to play as they become not that unique.

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    I can at least understand getting tired of killer being stressful. But I am not sure how this game used to be better. Back then the game had some really broken crap for survivors, it's not nearly as bad anymore.

    There are also enough veteran players that still seem to be enjoying the game as far as I can tell. I only started the game when Clown released, but I have over 1 thousand hours in this game, and while I do take may fair share of big breaks, I still enjoy this game. Of course, it still has a lot of room to improve, but I personally believe the changes made in this patch are very good, even if I do wish that Deathslinger would have received some form of buff as compensation.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I don’t have fun going against survivor teams that slam pallets early and make it impossible to catch them. I don’t have fun playing on gigantic maps with gen spreads that are impossible to defend. I don’t have fun chasing at loops with no mind game. Why does that not matter?

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    I'm not surprised and honestly I've kept my expectations low and close to non-existent. These developers are massively out of touch, and without a complete shake up of their map/balance teams, I doubt that'll change. Expect more of the same.

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    Survivors slamming pallets down early are still catchable. If you are good with killer, you will be able to down them. Except maybe with the very weak killers on very survivor sided maps.

    When it comes to maps though, I am not quite sure why BHVR has such a problem making them more balanced. They just still don't seem to understand what makes maps unbalanced.

    They've made some great changes to maps in the past, maps like Thompsons House have been made much more balanced, but then there are maps like Fractured Cowshed, that received a big update and a visual rework and are still incredibly survivor sided.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    I just want to not lose 3 gens for 1-2 hook everytime and lose my ruin/u dying in the first 40 seconds and having almost every mind game impossible since they can read me even without seeing me, I am tired to sweat

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    which is why many veterans are getting so tired of them

  • Member Posts: 177

    I haven't said that didn't matter. Your point is just as valid as mine. There's nothing wrong with having strong Killers, but having a Killer that isn't fun to play against is what they want to avoid. Not being able to think about the other side is bad and toxic for the community, which they have in mind. I play both sides, and I also found Spirit not enjoyable to go against. And if I had to guess, she probably causes the most DC's, because nobody wants to play against a Killer with no counterplay.

    I feel like reactions like these are a little unnecessary. This could just be temporary changes, while they find ways to make the Killers better, but also more bearable to go against. This game is meant to be played for both sides, not just Killer or Survivor mains, and that's what the devs focus on. They aren't really biased towards any side.

  • Member Posts: 1,261
    edited September 2021

    No way ? What a scoop !

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    The devs made a note on part 2 saying that they aren't adding the dust effect when she phases after all

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    It states there was an issue and it won't be part of the mid-chapter, not that they won't add the change. Though I think the dust by itself is fine since it rewards survivors paying attention to the environment compared to directional phasing.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Oh I guess I skimmed over it then, but depending on how frequent the dust is it might be a bit too much.

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    Well I was saying that between Directional Phasing and Dust Effect, I would rather have the dust effect than directional phasing. Both are certainly overkill.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    Here's the issue: killers like Deathslinger are a symptom of a much greater problem in DBD - map design. Rather than take the necessary long road for the game's health and fixing problematic maps, what the team has instead opted to do is nerf killers whose chase potential is overwhelming. This leads us into asking: why is their chase so strong? Simple, it's to make up for how ridiculous most maps are, and more importantly, how many safe loops/linking tiles there are (or can spawn).

    Deathslinger's strengths are the following:

    • Low TR (allows for cheeky first engagement hits and follow up shots).
    • Quickscope shots that cannot be reacted to (not fair for survivors, granted, but neither is the pace of the game especially for slower killers).
    • Zoning (again, not really fair for survivors as it's essentially a one-sided guessing game).

    So, in conclusion, what we've seen is that in order for this killer to maintain what is generally considered upper mid tier strength, he's needed several unfair advantages over survivors in the chase. That said, as many people would state, he's not unbeatable because he lacks map pressure which is the most critical part of a killer's design, if they're fortunate enough to have it. That being said, if you take away his overwhelming chase potential, nerf his TR, and leave him at 110%.. without strong add-ons, he's essentially a worse huntress in every way possible.

    If we go down the road of assuming his new add-ons are strong, then he simply becomes another add-on dependent killer. Again, we just seem to be in a worse place than before OR turning him into yet another killer who'll need add-ons to function similarly to before.

  • Applicant Posts: 286

    you are making total sense, better ruin the killer experience over changing what's wrong with the game

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    The quickscope was honesty not even a problem if the devs bothered to improve the reeling mechanic. That is where survivors suppose to have counterplay to being shot, but Deathslinger can just walk backwards to negate any sort of control survivors have while being reeled.

    But of course instead of leaving the skillful quickscoping and brainless walkbackwards just nerf the skillful part of his kit and left the brainless part in. Pretty much dumbing down the killer, because it's "unfair" to survivors that the 1 killer has an advantage over them.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Spirit nerfs were warranted, that killer was braindead

    Deathslinger nerfs were way over the line

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited September 2021

    Imagine looking at the two most boring killers in the game and thinking "Oh yeah, they only made these changes because they're bad not because people have been asking for these specific things for months."

    Post edited by Rizzo on

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