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More dull totems?
So currently in DBD there are always 5 dull totems by default. The killer can bring up to 4 hex perks which will turn 4 dull totems into hexes.
Survivors will soon be able to change one totem to combine up to 4 of their boon perks into one boon totem which means there can be up to 16 boon perks in 4 boon totems.
Problem with this is sharing these. If the killer brings 4 hexes only 1 survivor can use their boon perks. If the killer brings hexes that don't apply at the start of the match like noed or plaything then with boon perks they are much more likely to never even activate at all.
So should there be more dull totems?
Survivors can bless a Hex Totem removing the Hex.
It takes the same length of time as cleansing the totem does (or a little bit longer).
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Ohh that changes everything then.
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Oh so you can bless a noed on that's on?
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The killer can actually occupy 5 totems at once with Haunted Grounds, not to mention Plaything.
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Wait so will that then cleanse the killers hex
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Survivors will be able to bless any dull totem or hexed totem, so yes, they will be able to bless a NOED totem.
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What if theres only 1 totem in the trial and it's blessed,and the killer has NOED,will the bless turn into a hex or will NOED not activate at all?
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that's neat thank you
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Question. If a survivor makes a boon totem over a Haunted Grounds totem does it act the same as breaking it?
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Under those circumstances, no, NOED will not activate as NOED activates on a dull totem.
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So for hex perks like plaything will it corrupt a blessed totems or do survivors get priority and flat cancel out the killer's actions?
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Are you serious?
So Killers have zero ways to fully get Boon perks out of the match? These things better not be even close to the power level of Hex perks then. For them to be even remotely fair to Killers, they'll have to be only barely better than their permanent perks like Botany Knowledge, Kindred, and so forth.
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Boons can be put on Dull or Hex Totems, while Killers have no way of reigniting or helping their Hexes. Perks like Plaything or NOED are just SOL, why cleanse when you could just bring a Boon and screw the Killer over twice as much?
I knew Boons would be horrible for Killer but I didn't think they'd be a straight up FU.
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If they weren't blessing the totem then they'd straight up just destroy it anyway?
Ofcourse killers are looking for any reason to be angry at everything even when they don't even know what it'll do, sounds about dbd.
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If killer snuffs that totem does it go back to hex or dull?
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It’s a valid concern. All people are saying is that if Boon Perks can be re-lit, then their effects SHOULD NOT be game changing - which is objectively the way it should be. NOED and Ruin are strong because they can be cleansed. Boon Perks cannot be permanently cleansed so they should have very “meh” effects.
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To bad Nancy gonna break all dull totems lol
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Unless inner strength gets updated to activate upon blessing a totem i think that perk will become very inconvenient
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Any information on when survivors will hunt down killers?
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Yeah for all we know the Boons will be circumstantial or highly limited or even something that requires periodic time aka not doing gens.
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I mean I don't run hexes anyway because waste of a perk slot for 30 seconds of use so doesn't really bother me.
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So do we know if blessing haunted grounds activates it? Because if not what were they thinking.
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I'm pretty sure it would.
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But they havent explicitly stated yet which worries me.
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The perk currently says when cleansed so unless it changes or blessing it counts as cleansing
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Of course, because Boons being the opposite of Hexes they have to be much stronger/reusable. Lets also not forget about the new 32m 4.4m/s Killer or murdering Spirit more brutally than her father did.
Boons don't just destroy the totem, it straight up turns it into strong buffs. Killers cant choose where their Hexes spawn, nor can they be reactivated (on the same Totem even). I'm all for necessary buffs/nerfs but this is ridiculous. Boons need to be much weaker than everyone's expecting for this to be warranted.
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"strong buffs"
whats your source exactly?
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It goes to a dull totem.
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Why not destroy it? Or do you want survs to get more bp for cleansing a dull?
How will this affect killers with slow movement speed?
It might be fine for Nurse's and Billy's but for ranged with slower movement, this is just going to make more people switch to faster killers.
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The killer can remove the blessing, but the totem would return to a dull totem then.
Bear in mind that blessing a totem is the same length of time, or possibly longer, than cleansing a totem - so if a survivor has had time to Bless that Hex totem, if they didn't bless it, they would have cleansed it anyway.
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Why doesn't the Killer just... destroy the Totem? I'm not the Devs so I really don't know, but just destroying the Boon Totems (and not just snuffing out the Boon itself) seems more beneficial to the Killer so the Survivors can't replace the Blessing, unless the Killer has NOED or Plaything.
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Shouldn't they have to cleanse it before they can bless it?
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But Then it will be gone..?
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hex - cleanse - dull - bless.
Seems silly in both lore and mechanics that this item of evil power can be turned into a picture of jesus with a few words.
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How does this work with Haunted? Does the expose still go off, or is the perk essentially useless if they bless it?
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Yes this is an absolute nerf on all hexes and like haunted grounds will not active once blessed. This is really survivor main one sided mechanics which hopefully they will fix it. Not to mention getting rid of the blessing the totem can be bless again without much consequences to the survivor.
The boon totems at the moment are actually worst than people thought it was.
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I'm chasing up the designers to get an answer on that one for you, as I'm sure it's a question that will come up a lot.
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Are you really surprised 😂?
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record this i want ot see it :D
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I may need to know this too. If there is 1 totem left, which is Boon. When 5 Gen done, I have Noed, if I un-bless the Boon, will Noed activated on it?
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This one I can already answer!
You would need to snuff out the Boon Totem before the exit gates are powered (note, not open but powered). NOED will only proc if there's an available dull totem at the time. So say for example, there's one totem left on the map and a survivor blesses it, then the last gen pops - NOED will not proc as there's no available totem for it. It won't proc at any other time, it's that instant or nothing.
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If blessing a hex totem prevents a hex from activating, then I don't think you need any further proof that this game is indeed survivor-sided. It'll be just one more thing to make the Killers feel like less of a threat.
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Wait, seriously?
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One thing I'm not clear on - if a survivor creates a boon totem and the killer snuffs it out, can the survivor bless that totem or a different totem again? I know all boon perks go to that one totem they bless, and they're not allowed to have multiple boon totems active, but are the boon perks resettable after the killer takes out their first placement?
That's probably my biggest worry on balancing - if they are in fact resettable then imo it needs to be a smaller effect than a hex since killers can't put them back if they get cleansed...
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I use end game build because I find extend Gen time is boring so I never use slow down. Now Boon come into play, Noed suddenly feel useless...This is one sad news to my killer side.
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The notes specifically state that the boon totem creates "a small safe haven". Pair that with survivors being able to move the blessing from one boon totem to another, and it pretty much adds up to it being a small AoE around the totem that gives the benefit. It sounds like it is not some map-wide combo effect of all the survivor's equipped boon perks, but more like a bubble that needs to be strategically placed throughout the match, and each time it's moved it takes around the same amount of time as cleansing a totem.
Using these perks is going to create a slowdown throughout the match. 14 seconds adds up pretty quick if the survivor is moving the boon effects around the map to get the best benefit from them, and having to re-bless them when a killer removes the boon.
It seems like a lot of people are getting worked up over something they constructed in their minds instead of really reading the patch notes and the mods' responses to questions in the threads on this forum. We'll see how it plays out on the PTB.
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If a boon totem is cleared by the killer is should be deactivated for the remainder of the game. That's how it works for killers, and the killer only has 4 perks. Where as the survivors have a combined 16!
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Yeah killer mains are so Hyper reactive. Everything bad bad bad. Like, just take a seat for moment and activate your brain. Either it's blessed or destroyed. No difference for the killer hex perk once found.