When exactly do they want us to use Slinger's ability now?

Honest question, Devs:
Going from a practical angle the planned changes make trying to use his gun pointless in the following situations:
- Moving up to a gen and shooting a survivor off it won't be a real option anymore due to the increased TR.
- Shooting in a chase won't be a real option anymore due to the added delays.
- Shooting at loops and windows won't be a real option anymore for the same reason.
This is going by practical experience.
So... when exactly do you want people to use his ability now, if chases and surprise attacks are out of the question?
Simple. They dont want you to play slinger anymore, nor use his ability
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"iF yOu hAvE goOd aiM yOu sHoUld hIT thE sUrViVorS"
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Probably the same situations, it is just way more clunky.
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From experience no. Not withstanding people purposefully faking making use of survivors not zigzagging when running, all situations except these 4-5 spots needed shooting from the hip and/or being able to hit quickly and/or a 24m tr to get close enough to land a shot
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Just like nurse I imagine they regretted making him so they’ll just keep him this way
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well, nurse now gets 3 blinks if i saw it correctly... I expect a lot of Lethal Pursuer Nurses now
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3 blinks but ALL blinks now recharge much slower.
Its still will never be used given that it weakens normal chases and make her even more punishing then before.
So I kinda doubt we'd be seeing more of nurse even after this change.
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I thought 3 blinks were insane but that recharge makes it 13+ seconds cooldown after 3rd blink which is insane.
Even if they wont nerf her recharge add ons (which I think they will) this still might be more of a meme add on than actually good one
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The time it takes Deathslinger to raise and lower his gun (combined) is still shorter than the time it takes Trickster to ready his knives. If Trickster can get a hit in, so can Deathslinger.
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already hard scoped a few games. didn't change that when in chase and at loops.
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trickster has more than one shot, and it spreads out a bit. AND a longer range. It's not comparable in practice.
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Yes, but Trickster's shots also don't practically guarantee a health state, and at this 'longer range', it's pretty much a guarantee that you won't get any value out at all.
If Trickster can get a hit in, Deathslinger has more of an opportunity to get that same hit in.
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Not as much as you might think: The limited range means you miss you'll have to choose between reloading and giving chase. Which with the added delays now means you'll have to pick not just between reloading or giving chase, but reloading and aiming and trying to hit a shot or giving chase.
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Death Slinger wasn't that great though, why are they nerfing him exactly?
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That's not what this is about.
You complained that Deathslinger's ability now has no situations in which it is usable anymore. I point out that if you can get a hit in with Trickster (which you can because I can and if I can then you definitely can) then you can definitely get a hit in with Deathslinger.
This is a .15 second nerf. Folks are acting like he takes a full second to raise his gun.
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'if I can get a hit in with killer X you can get a hit in with killer Y' is a bit of a broken comparison. I've played trickster and deathslinger, and it's quite a difference.
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Because he can zone for free. You don't even have to shoot, just ADS and make them dodge and they lose distance for free. He can ADS and shoot so quickly that it's not possible to react. The only counterplay is to hope he has bad aim.
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Only the DBD community would complain this incessantly about such a minute change like a .15s increase in something.
.25 or .40, it doesn't matter. Both are way faster then the average human reaction time, and that is *before* you factor in latency.
This community needs to grow up.
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Actually it does considering how much reading is involved in DBD and how much time matters in this game.
DBD is not a game with objectives, it's a game with a time limit. And that time limit is dependent on the Survivors getting ######### done. Killers can only verse 1 survivor, so Slinger needs to be able to down them fast since he has 0 map pressure to take the edge off the other survivors.
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Just put Trail of Torment from Pyramid Heads perks and boom you have your surprise attacks again.
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Deathslinger being a stealth ranged killer was something that should have never happened. Now people have gotten spoiled about it. Also, how do you have any practical experience with changes that haven't been made? I don't see any reason people can't hit shots in a chase, loop, or window with the new changes. Especially at windows when there's an animation lock. I actually have more of a problem hitting the survivors when I instantly fire after right clicking. I actually need to spend time aiming in order to hit them.
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as someone pointed out in another thread. What is his selling point now? what makes him stand out form other killers? I'm not saying the longer animation is an issue, that on itself would be fine-ish.
Heck, I usually take time to aim as well. But I know when shooting from the hip was the only thing that gives some leverage, and in combo with the other changes it's too much of a nerf
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He's the only ranged killer that can reload without breaking chase. You don't have the advantage of a melee attack only 110 speed killer once you dodge all his shots. It's obvious but people refuse to acknowledge it.
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Survivors already react to me scoping in before i can physically fire thanks to my low ping...
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So, according to some people in this thread his main benefit now compared to other range characters is being able to reload while walking extremely slowly during chase. Wowza.
Even with the annoying quick shot or quick shot fake mechanic he was still a mid tier worse than huntress killer. All this has done was made him worse especially on maps he already struggled on.
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You know I'd be fine with the nerfs if his reload speed is faster and he walks at 105% so he can still keep up with survivor and not lose ground when reloading.
Since his reloads are his biggest time sinks.
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Just play huntress. She's better now in all the aspects.
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I like how they took a rarely if ever used add-on and made sure it never got used ever again.
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They should change projectiles to a hitscan.