What killer do i buy

Help idk what killer to buy i play demo and the wraith.
Oni is a pretty fun, relatively simple killer.
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This is a question that should be answered by you lol. Watch some videos and see what looks the most enjoyable to you.
But if you're looking for killers to get with the most helpful perks then people can help you.
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If you don't already have BBQ you get that from Leatherface.
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You could try Nemesis, he's a good Killer with a strong ranged attack. His Zombies can be good for providing information and map pressure as well, if they don't get stuck on hills and obstacles. Maybe watch some Nemesis gameplay and see if he appeals to you!
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I second leatherface.
If you don't have his perks, then BBQ & chilli is great and franklins is also useful.
Plus ol bubba boy is just fun in general and BBQ once unlocked will cut down the grind on other killers.
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get whoever scares you the most after playing some survivor.
or Twins, since almost nobody plays Twins.
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Leatherface. He is an amazing killer to learn the game with (and BBQ/Franklin's, but I do not want to be a parrot). Do not buy any original characters with real money. Most of them aren't worth having and you will get a decent amount just by playing.
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The Shape is my favourite killer in this game. And he is getting some good improvements with 5.3.0 too.
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They should really put all killers and survivors available for testing in the kill your friends mode for these situations
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I love Myers (my favorite killer) but his perks and no anti loop makes him not really worth it before you get some better ones.
Unless you really like him.
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I think if you get clown's teachables you can get a pretty solid loadout, bamboozle for anti loop, and pop because that's good on everyone. Coulrophobia not for myers though because he has a very small TR
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Yeah clown has really good perks (bamboozle and pop). Bamboozle is awesome on Myers.
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I would say Ghost Face because he is good with stealth and he's easier than Michael Myers. especially his add-ons he can exposed other survivors faster and you should try him out, and watch some gameplay see how he works.
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Depends on the platform you’re playing on. I recommend you try out blight if you’re on pc, he’s fun to learn and gives you a lot of knowledge even tho he’s the hardest killer in the game. You could try out billy (another fast killer) or the Twins if you’re into slugging I guess.
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None. Trust me, the less killer you play the more happiness you will have in your life. Tbh just quit dbd asap. thats my harsh but honest advice.
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Demo he can get worst then he already is and he have a good perk for m1 killer if you dont know what to use