Are there any streamers you see for tips for high sbmm?π€

Or any new streamers you have begun to watch?
I respect dowsey and truetalent more after seeing the teams they have to sweat against and feel I learn more by watching them when I can on the weekends.
Any recommendations?π
Edit: I am more interested in killer but will watch good survivor players as well. Thanks.
Thanks for the tip on Pro Vengeance, sounds entertaining. I'll check that out. I like Raging Ryuga for angry killer games where he isn't afraid to camp, tunnel, and slug. I prefer killer streamers like that than the ones who try to pretend like nothing's wrong with the game and it's normal and okay to get dunked on every trial. Those streamers come off as fake to me
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Didn't that pro dude get like a 800+ winstreak or some #########
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I like D3ad. Super chill guy on stream and is a solid killer main.
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A lot fo the ones I've been watching seem to be switching to survivor which isn't as interesting to watch.
Good to see some solid killer suggestions.
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Coconut rts for huntress videos. His prediction is just god like.
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True is basically the only one I know will not derank in his free time, I have seen some sus "high mmr" matches from others.
I have never seen Otz or Dowsey stream, but I am sure they are clean too.
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Thanks for the recommendation...he seems perfect to watch after a "that's it i am done with dbd" moment
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Raging ryuga is one I heard about...he is a legion main (or was) correct?
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What killer does he main?π
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I discovered him when he was doing a 50 win streak on Mikey with no perks or add ons. He actually did it, too.
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Otz and CoconutRTS are the ones to go imo. They are super helpful and give some advanced tips.
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Yeah some others straight up disappeared after mmr...anyone know what happened to monto? Used to watch him quite a bit.
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Spooknjukes is pretty cool, I always enjoy watching him.
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D3ad is a variety killer player. He plays them all.
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Yeah otz,dowsey, and truetalent dont throw games. Truetalent has vid where he pushes his mmr to ridiculous levels...I recommend his high sbmm wraith videos if you want to see how busted this game is vs high level survivors.
Dowsey vs Oracle and truetalent vs Oracle are good watches as wellπ
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For killer or survivor?
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Post your dataπ
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Definitely check out LilithOmen ! Heβs a blight main and heβs awesome to watch/interact with !
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Yeah is saw some of the insane hits...true skillπ
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Pretty much everyone.
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I mean the link to watch your vids so others can follow youπ
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Thanks for the recommendation.
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Was it before sbmm?
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Oh yes. This was about 9-10 months ago.
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Shame...I wonder if there will ever be a true 30 plus streak anymore π
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Yeah I apologize for the wording...I just wanted to get you some new viewersπ
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I like chill smaller streamers, figure the big guys don't need my support. But, currently, I am watching Brutha_Bone. He is a great streamer, chill and positive, but mainly a survivor main. He does play killer on occasion, has a fun community.
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How long has he been streaming?π
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I believe 16 months or so
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Nice a good back catalog to choose from π
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99.9% of streamers play with powerful addons, so it seems to me dbd killers suck without addons at higher ranks.
I have only seen 1 Doctor streamer playing without addons at high ranks.
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How well did the doc player play?
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High MMR? lol
Thats maybe what the discription of his videos say, but thats about it. Mediocre player.
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LilithOmen if you like Blight and some quality pokos.
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He's at 50+ now.
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Thanks for the suggestion π
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Who do you consider a high mmr streamer?π
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There are not that many i know, here is a small list
(they are so way above True's skilllevel that they acutally troll him and win without any effort)
(both much more skilled then True with every killer and also survivor, dont know if they are actually very high mmr but definilty way above average)
CoconutRTS is a good Huntress and a decent killer in general, probably high or at least close to MMR.
SuperAlf and every other 5K+ hours Nurse main.
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He still streams? I thought he went to prison.
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Dowsey and Otz are both great for Variety.
Scott is a Demo main, does surv, and generally has decent videos
Coconuts for Huntress + Generally good tips
LillithOmen for Blight
CMWinter for Pig
These are all the streamers I watch.
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he still streams on YouTube. I don't know to much about the situation but, if he's not in jail, he must be innocent until further notice
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As an intermediate player, Otz is a fantastic killer to watch. He breaks things down well and can be legitimately entertaining (especially his more recent 'streak' videos).
As others have mentioned, Dowsey is also solid. Especially when he starts doing his own sound effects.
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I mean, I have my killer at high mmr(even though I barely played with sbmm) and my survivor at relatively low mmr(suiciding teammates and people not doing gens after im chased for 5 minutes really does wonders impacting my mmr, at least, it feels like I am being put into terrible MMR, I might have high mmr and just awful matchmaking).
From the killer mmr POV, trust me, high mmr matches still range from the occasional sweat squad to potatoes
From the survivor POV, trust me, your killers still range from awful to being really good but sbmm keeps screwing them over with weird matches.
You're still going to face potato teams because they dont have synergy. You're still going to face potato teams because they are screwing around with each other. No one would ever sweat 100% of their games without an actual reward for doing so.
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Thanks for all of the suggestions π
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Thanks for the suggestions π yeah I started with otz dowsey and monto because they always played with a variety of builds and killers.
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I watch Naymeti and Probz for survivor help.
Killer I typically watch Otz, Dowsey and CoconutRts but I just like them as people.
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Thanks for the recommendationsπ
I see more dowsey now that he streams on YouTube...just watch the streams later.