

New Game

Member Posts: 44
edited September 2021 in Off-topic

I'll probably get told to "stay on the topic of DBD" but idc about this game anymore. So there is a new ftp game coming out called VHS which is another 4v1 killer vs survivor game. Reason I bring this up is because one of the points pulling people towards this game is that the devs actually care. Just saying. If you feel like you are wasting your time, money, and energy on dbd which in my opinion is going downhill, there is another alternative coming that costs nothing up front.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 6,090


  • Member Posts: 13,036

    This has been said before alot, what makes VHS exactly special enough to be on dbd's level?

  • Member Posts: 10

    Not a fan of the artstyle of the game. Looks like it's made for kids and it's hard for me to take it seriously.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Hey if you want to stick with dbd go right ahead. But to answer your question 1. Vhs unlike the others will be free upfront so no harm in trying it out 2. The devs seem to know what they are doing. They have a stream of them playing and talking about their game. 3. Nothing is certain. This could flop who knows, but I'm just glad they are trying out something new. Dbd is rn the only asymmetrical "horror" game and that is part of the reason the devs can treat the their own community/game as they do. I really wanted a replacement for dbd since I've quit. I bring this up because so many people say dbd needs competition. Even dbd content creators. So it can only be positive if this game is good.

  • Member Posts: 44

    I can understand that. I was not a big fan of the art style at first either, but 2 things. I heard them explain why they chose it, reason being instead of focusing on darkness and blood and such they wanted to focus on gameplay and fun, and second I like how they are not trying to be a clone of dbd like other games have tried and are trying something new. There are obvious similarities, but they are branching out this type of game starting with the art style.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Woah first time I'm seeing gameplay for this. I knew it existed but I forgot about it. That looks pretty cool

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    I rarely enjoy dbd anymore, doesn't mean I am gonna leave it for a game that one, just because a dev team knows what they are doing doesn't mean they are gonna be able to do it the same way in the future. BHVR's dev team used to be really good, now it feels like they stopped caring and change stuff that don't need to be even changed, but atm it looks like f13 with less to do

  • Member Posts: 78

    To be honest Carnival Hunt looks more promising than VHS.

  • Member Posts: 44

    I hear you. But in my opinion the devs actually caring is a big first step at least. That means the game can improve for the right reasons.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    VHS seems like a cool potential casual/party game in the asymm horror genre.

    i still prefer the atmosphere and designs in DbD (this is the thing they have always done a super job on - except for the current fog) but I will give VHS a chance since it’s F2P.

    hopefully they manage to coexist and have a friendly competition in the genre

  • Member Posts: 587

    Vhs is a promising game that might take over bhvr position of they treat the game very carefully, listen to the community and have good communication with the community.

    The game does have an win condition that are interaction with both the survivors and the killers which will be fun. The perks system seem more balance then dbd's as they won't drastically affect the game and the survivors won't be skin but will have benefits that is not stats increase.

    I hope this game succeed as it look fun and I hope bhvr see it.

  • Member Posts: 78

    4v1 game, where buunies' job is to cooperate and survive until the Carnival Monster’s charge runs out. But if you're playing as the monster then you need to capture the bunnies and consume their wind-up keys.

    +As the bunnie you can play dead to hide, share your wind-up key with someone and you need to remember about your own charges. < trailer

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    VHS does not interest me in the slightest since you can craft guns. I don't want weapons, I don't mind getting stunned but I want to have nothing to fight back with.

    Still looking forward to seeing a teaser match for the evil dead though.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    By "coming out" you mean - no one knows when and it could easily be another year.

    I've watched the Dev footage and - its ok. Reminds me of a mix of HSHS and Last Year - which isn't a good thing imo. I have nothing AGAINST the game - just doesn't look like something I would enjoy - I did not like HSHS or Last Year - and this game is giving me strong vibes of both.

  • I think it looks good and i am excited to try it.

    But they are both very different. I hope they can co-exist.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Evil Dead all the way!!!

    Plus that VHS is only for PC what about console?

    Evil Dead take over 2022😃

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    You do realized that you can post anything from anywhere in the off-topic section so you don’t have to worry about anyone calling you out?

  • Member Posts: 488

    The devs caring is nice, but in watching some videos about it and catching their deep dive into the Dollmaster last week, my worry becomes their experience. They're proposing a netcoded game and I'm not sure they have the chops for it. They talk a lot about enthusiasm for the project but to me, absent any real credentials, it sounds like they're avoiding saying that none of them has done anything like this before. TO me, that leads to messy builds that slide out of control, especially once a project goes live.

    I've been through these cycles with other genres, especially in the MMO world. Everything always looks great and everyone gets worked up when it's hypothetical and not yet released. Then reality hits when it's actually playable.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    DBD won't have any competition until Evil Dead: The Game rolls around.

    Evil Dead is clearly getting the love that a game deserves from its developers. It has been pushed back for refinement and cleaning, something many companies refuse to do these days and is big horror culture-wise. Evil Dead is arguably as popular as franchises like Friday The 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street. This status could garner it the attention it needs to at least make BHVR worry and put more effort into their own project.

    PS: Scrap DBD and bring back Deathgarden, cuz that was way more fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 483

    That combat kind of looks like State of Decay on crack. I love it!

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Just played my first round o fpredator hunting grounds its a lot of fun.

    Also has solo play with bots so I'm really happy about that. I can see this being my new go to.

    I'll still play DBD but until they introduce custom mode bots it'l be sparingly at best.

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