How the tables have turned

Now it seems killers have to “DO BONES” as well with this new survivor update lol.
If only they could do bones.
They just remove blessing while blessing can be applied on the same totem infinite times
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Do we? Does survivor have some NOED equivalent? Those hacker stuns that take like 30 seconds to end are a perk now?
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I play mostly killer and i like the boons. They look nice... they make a nice sound. And they are very easy to snuff and take a while for survivors to bless.
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Oh they will come knowing bhvr 😂
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Did the killer get some kind of totem tracking ability?
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You people making fun of this like it isn't anywhere near as busted as old undying.
Recognize when things are busted instead roleplaying "us vs them"
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Imagine if killers could constantly rehex haunted grounds to hide ruin
Imagine just that. Because it's the same thing that's Happening right now
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Just do bones.
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No. The two Boon Perks aren't nearly as strong as people were making them out to be (who would'a thought).
The first one gives you double healing speed when within 28 meters of your Boon totem, and lets you heal without a Medkit.
The second hides your scratch marks and auras when within 28 meters of your Boon totem, and lasts for four seconds after leaving that range.
Neither are that great, because they're heavily restricted by having to be near your Boon totem. I do like the idea of being able to 'set up camp' per se, by moving your blessed totem to a new area to give yourself an opportunity to heal in peace.
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Except survivors will still refuse to do bones so...
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I am happy to say though they are more under control than I though been an AoE and not map wide but 100% healing/self care is a little scary and not having any tools to locate it meaning the survivor has to leD me to it or I have to waste time trying to find it.
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Then: "Just do bones"
Now: "Just do boons"
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What I don't understand is why can survivors constantly bless totems, give them a certain amount, or increase the time.
Yeah it takes about 15 seconds, but considering son totems are really well hidden, this makes it so they can literally setup a campfire
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I do agree there should be some kind of token system to limit the amount you can spawn them especially because you can overwrite a killer hex with them.
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I just find it funny how if this was a killer perk it'd be loaded with cooldowns and restrictions but since its survivor sided they can do it whenever they want.
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boon perks are weak, ftmp
and the potential to remove Inner Strength from the solo queue perk equation is a bit disheartening.
Could’ve designated boon rng for little witchy spots in the realm to build-your-own boon. That way, killers could completely remove them easily... but the perks aren’t worth the fuss anyway, imo.
only takes a split second to snuff them out, so... no worries, tbh
all just a bunch of mildly flashy gimmicks
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How the turns have tabled
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90% healing and self care weak?
I a killer 3 gens you can set this up close by take a hit run to the totem and heal yourself in a base 8 seconds (while 2-3 other people work on gens) and the go back to working on gens. The killer can leave the 3 gen and snuff it out but it will probably cost the 3 gen.
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That's my main concern with the healing one. Smart players are going to make a 3 gen impossible to hold. Split gens on either end of the 3 gen, run early away from the gens and W halfway across the map to heal at the boon totem. Killer either commits and loses the 3 gen/game or the survivor solo heals for free and rotates back to gens.
It won't be an issue through most skill brackets because survivors tend to greed gens they can't possibly finish before the killer arrives and take chases towards other teammates for no reason. But players with good game sense can potentially abuse the living daylights out of this perk
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But will players with good game sense even let themselves get 3 genned all that often? I just don’t think it’s a situation that occurs often enough for most people to bother running this perk to counter it.
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On some maps the boon totems could be God like for SWF teams. Example: any map with a main building, with vaults and line of sight blockers, have one of these totems active there and you have a great spot for healing (while in chase if you play it right stacked with a med kit) or losing the killer. Nothing the killer can do but repeatedly cleanse the totem, but it isn't like the killer gets any time as it is to do anything but chase survivors.
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Im unironically gonna destroy every single totem just to deny the boons
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Just trying to stop a gen from happening creates pressure because you know that at least 1-2 survivors will be there getting you hooks or at the very least hits.
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Kind of impossible to avoid to an extent against a good killer on many maps. Suffo Pit, Azarov's, Sanctum, Dead Dawg all spawn incredible 3/4 gen set ups that the killer holds for free early with Corrupt Intervention. I never cross any of those maps on killer.
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I’m not really sure what part of my comment you were replying with this or how it relates to my point.
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Sorry clicked on the wrong post lol.
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I feel like inner strength should apply to blessing a totem as well but obviously if you don't bring boon perks but your teammates do you won't get any value out of inner strength.
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Not how it works. It is selfcare. That means it takes 32 seconds +100% healing = 16 second heal. It is actually quite balanced.
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It says you can heal your self and when you use a med kit its 16 second.
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It counts as self care. That means 50% reduced healing. You are proving that you have not used it.
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But that still depends on the survivors getting an unlucky map, with unlucky gen spawns, with a dull totem in a safe-ish area far away from the 3 gen, and with teammates who don’t prioritise breaking the 3 gen early. Why would you run a perk that will help against a somewhat niche scenario that can usually be dealt with without it, in place of a meta perk?
I’m not saying the perk is bad, I do think it seems like it will be strong in some situations, I just don’t think 3 gen scenarios are enough to justify running it over an existing meta perk for the majority of people. I suppose we’ll see in a few months, maybe I’m wrong.
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Killers mains just do bones... Not big deal
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The fact that people are dismissing being able to heal from injured to full in 5 seconds with 2 perks and a green medkit is wild.
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Just bless a totem in a main building/structure and BaZOOnGA - Easy heal station that is usually disadvantageous for a killer to repeatedly chase at/return to/cleanse.
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No I'm on console so I haven't played the ptb. But if it is self care speed thats not to bad.
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Can't lie!
I do love writing, "Just do bones " almost as much as I disliked reading it every thread.
What's good for the goose and all....
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literally this. Circle of healing is problematic right now but there's no way it goes live with its current numbers. Once it gets changed hopefully I'm confident in saying that I don't think killers HAVE to dispel boons. I think you guys are overreacting immensely at their addition. Like he said it isn't like survivors are getting a NOED crazy boon that offers them endurance or faster gen speeds, in fact, survivors seeking out totems to bless and set up boons is time taken away from doing gens.
For those saying that boons overriding hexes is an unfair nerf to hexes idk what to tell you. If you decide to not use hexes and instead go for perks that give you guaranteed value all match long then you'll never have to worry about this issue and survivors looking for totems to bless will be even more of a waste of their time as they won't be able to double whammy /override a Hex with a boon.
Or do a punishing hex build like retribution + haunted + ruin + undying if you want to rain on people's fun with boons until they get old lol
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Oh i'm sorry. But yes, it is self care speed. Circle of Healing isn't that bad. The Shadowstep one is broken though.
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OMG your right. I'm definitely going to say this 😂
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Nevermind the fact you get a 100% bonus to healing while in the circle...
I dunno, seems kinda crazy to me.
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“Just do boons” I’m dead 💀
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The problem is killer have no map,SG,counter force or detectives hunch to locate totems. Thrill of the hunt even lost it notification when survivors touch totems.
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U miss one thing. It's not 28m, it's 56m from edge to edge cause it's a bubble. And 56m is a lot especially when there are loops nearby. Also healing stacks, so u can heal yourself while killer break 2 pallets, and t-bag him.
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Except killers can't actually get rid of the effect, genius. It just keeps coming on back. Isn't this why you survivors wanted old Undying nerfed?
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No it's much worse than that. EVERYBODY gets a 100% bonus to healing while in the circle. And if you are playing against an SWF, you know there will always be at least 3 circles at any one time.
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You are correct, old undying was insanely busted, so is circle of healing. The other one is strong but idk if id say its busted yet.
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I'll gladly do bones in a couple of seconds if it means survivors keep themself off of gens for a bit.
If survivors drop everything to constantly relight their boons then you have a massive advantage
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This is assuming more people havent set up multiple totems, and these are also super strong late game in a smaller area; you know the period killers are supposed to make a comeback during since 2-3 gens can easily pop at the start.
If survivors are bad and place the totems far away then that is on them, but they are both very powerful especially the healing one.