Killers it's not fun to play anymore.

If i want to have "fun" i need to play Hillbilly or Legion, because this game it's forgetting the rule that was created since the 70s, "Video games are made for have fun!" If i want 4k everytime, as devs said, i need to play Hillbilly or Nurse(AKA the impossible to learn killer), so if you want fun, well, play survivor, because the one that it's not having fun, it's the killer... That's why killers needs love, and buffs, and still different ways to play but still fun...


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Nurse isn't impossible to learn. What drugs are you sniffing? Just learn your blinking distance, how fast the survivors move for predictions and learn to predict. I literally picked her up and got her basics in my first 2 games. And Killer is more fun then survivor imo I don't know what you're talking about.

  • Doowie
    Doowie Member Posts: 37

    Yeap like Poweas mentioned is that with the Nurse it's all about practice and getting the blink down. Being able to get into the head of the survivor and lead them in the direction you want them to go too will give you the advantage.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Surikato said:
    If i want to have "fun" i need to play Hillbilly or Legion, because this game it's forgetting the rule that was created since the 70s, "Video games are made for have fun" If i want 4k everytime, as devs said, i need to play Hillbilly or Nurse(AKA the impossible to learn killer), so if you want fun, well, play survivor, because the one that it's not having fun, it's the killer... That's why killers needs love, and buffs, and still different ways to play but still fun...

    You don't have to play just Hillbilly to get a 4k and Nurse takes practice to learn and master and I can 4k on a Spirit most of the time.

    If you can only have fun if you get a 4k then this isn't the game for you because you're not entitled to a 4k very game and you're not going to ge a 4k every game.

    The only way you'll get a 4k every game is if you're playing brand new players at rank 20 forever and how you do think it's fun for them? If they decide they want to try and escape so that they have fun but you demand a 4k every game they can't have fun can they.

    Now since you said and I've bolded it here. the rule that was created since the 70s, "Video games are made for have fun"

    If that's true then you're using a double standard since if video games are supposed to be fun then that means the survivors have to be able to live and thus have fun as well.

    Since the survivors obviously want to have fun that means they don't want to die every match thus you can't have your 4k every match So going by the game rules you referenced the other side can't have fun in order for you to have fun.

    Now do you see how hypocritical that is to claim one thing but in essence say an exact opposite that contradicts you? IF you want to 4k every game as the only way to have fun then by your own admission you're ruining 4 other peoples fun which is against the rules.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The Nurse is extremely difficult to learn, yes, but there's a reason for that: she's arguably the strongest Killer in the game.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    An easy solution is to derank right now, there's no incentive to climb rank, its unfun on Rank 1

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited December 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @Surikato said:
    If i want to have "fun" i need to play Hillbilly or Legion, because this game it's forgetting the rule that was created since the 70s, "Video games are made for have fun" If i want 4k everytime, as devs said, i need to play Hillbilly or Nurse(AKA the impossible to learn killer), so if you want fun, well, play survivor, because the one that it's not having fun, it's the killer... That's why killers needs love, and buffs, and still different ways to play but still fun...

    You don't have to play just Hillbilly to get a 4k and Nurse takes practice to learn and master and I can 4k on a Spirit most of the time.

    If you can only have fun if you get a 4k then this isn't the game for you because you're not entitled to a 4k very game and you're not going to ge a 4k every game.

    The only way you'll get a 4k every game is if you're playing brand new players at rank 20 forever and how you do think it's fun for them? If they decide they want to try and escape so that they have fun but you demand a 4k every game they can't have fun can they.

    Now since you said and I've bolded it here. the rule that was created since the 70s, "Video games are made for have fun"

    If that's true then you're using a double standard since if video games are supposed to be fun then that means the survivors have to be able to live and thus have fun as well.

    Since the survivors obviously want to have fun that means they don't want to die every match thus you can't have your 4k every match So going by the game rules you referenced the other side can't have fun in order for you to have fun.

    Now do you see how hypocritical that is to claim one thing but in essence say an exact opposite that contradicts you? IF you want to 4k every game as the only way to have fun then by your own admission you're ruining 4 other peoples fun which is against the rules.

    ^Smart answer. Also to have fun in this game is literally to have a good game, this OP guy thinks getting a 4k will only give him fun. That's not it. His definition of fun is more absurd than newer players thinking that Ochido is the best player in the game.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    Honestly the only thing that frustrates me about killer is some of the mid tier killers having weak powers that need adjusmltments.

    Pigs dash should have further reach and not require two add ons to be viable. Docs stun is unreliable and works on very few loops. Huntress needs to play a very campy playstyle as crossing the maps at 4.4 ms is painful. Leatherface saw cannont be used at loops to mindgame which is a massive oversight. I wont bother describing freddys problem but at least their fixing his kit. Just make sure devs you give him something for mindgaming loops better instead of just playing basic fundamental mindgames.

    Dont get me wrong you can win as these killers. Its just their viability drops considerably which makes playing these killers in high ranks a coin flip on whether the survivours know how to play around your power. I dont think a killer should beat a survivour straight up with their power but like spirit allow a lot more killer input via power usage to get hits.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Surikato said:
    If i want to have "fun" i need to play Hillbilly or Legion, because this game it's forgetting the rule that was created since the 70s, "Video games are made for have fun!" If i want 4k everytime, as devs said, i need to play Hillbilly or Nurse(AKA the impossible to learn killer), so if you want fun, well, play survivor, because the one that it's not having fun, it's the killer... That's why killers needs love, and buffs, and still different ways to play but still fun...

    You can try hag and spirit too. THey are quite solid even if they are nowhere close to nurse

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2018

    @Orion said:
    The Nurse is extremely difficult to learn, yes, but there's a reason for that: she's arguably the strongest Killer in the game.

    I wouldn't say she is "arguably" the strongest Killer, she is undoubtedly the strongest. You right though.

    Also @OP: I have my own issues with playing Killer even if I like the basic premise and how some of them play but I would not say it is unfun. Just stressful for me for reasons. Only focusing on 4ks every game would ruin the game for anyone since the game is a lot more enjoyable when you don't hard focus something that may not happen for a multitude of reasons.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,936

    Killers not fun to play? You can't be serious. They removed vacuums on pallets and reduced pallets on every map. They buffed so many stuff which wasn't even there at the start of the game. They give us so many good Perks. I am 50/50 on Killer and Survivor and I can tell that Killer is definitely fun. It can be stressfull, but if you don't give a ######### about ranks then it shouldn't be a problem. Regardless this, I pip every game so it doesn't even come to "deranking". If you are a solid Killer it shouldn't be a problem. The only problem are the salty Survivor Mains who cry when they get caught by a walking Legion.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    trapper is fun.
    play trapper.

    why are you still reading?

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited December 2018

    The game isn't fun anymore.

    Survivors just try harder and harder to be obnoxious over playing the game, and every other killer is laggy as hell, since the ping indicator is really inaccurate.

    And now Legion exists. What a fun killer to play against...

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    LOL IMO hooking is more fun than killing the survivor.. at least you get to hear the "satisfying" scream after all. Even more fun when survivors try to body block the hook so you can get a free hit ;)