I think Nemesis is the worst killer
I honestly believe Nemesis is the worst killer in Dead by Daylight in accuracy to the character and strength. It sucks to say but he just gets his entire BOW billion dollar might ass kicked by pathetic pallets and untrained survivors constantly in the game. The reason I think he is a weak killer is just because he only has really 1 thing going for him and even that 1 thing does NOT do enough. His tentacle. You can just count off the zombies since they are basically not there. They are either stuck in a corner or just in a part of the map that makes them useless for the majority of the time. His tentacle though is just so pathetic honestly. I've been practicing him ever since release and have gotten really goo at hitting the tentacle and finding which spots I can hit over and what I can't but it just does nothing. I immediately played Pyramid Head for a couple days after and did WAY better even though I missed a little bit more. Proabably because PHs punishment is just a plain better version of the pathetic tentacle. Goes through entire walls and doesn't have to hit 3 TIMES. And Nemesis actually has an entire other part that is actially useless unlike zombies. I think Nemesis needs a MASSIVE buff to make him good.
Oh, its you...
I dont really think his tentacle is that bad. He can hit over Pallets and Windows in Animation Locks (like PH does). And his Cooldown is not as punishing as PHs, but the tentacle does not go through walls. Which is alright.
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I think as mmr settles, his placement on tier lists will rise. He is extremely underrated and yet we have people believing PINHEAD is decent, like, lol... what in the actual hell are people basing these wack opinions on?
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I think Pinhead is underrated and I think Nemesis is overrated. MMR is gonna stay how it is.
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The problem is that he needs 3 hits which good survivors can take advantage of easily, since PH can do the same things just better then why would you ever play Nemesis, and at least Pyramid Head actually has a useful 2nd half of the power. The zombies basically do nothing so no matter how well you can use the tentacle you're gonna get your ass kicked unless you decide to basement camp with STBFL Nemesis. But then just play Leatherface.
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How can you even tell whether Nemesis is good or not with all these hackers around who can literally adjust their movement speed mid chase?
You probably had a lot of 1-2 minute chases that would have ended in 30 seconds hadn't they sped up their character for a second around every corner.
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There isn't hackers every single game. There definitely is more than ever out there but not enough to just make me think Nemesis is super weak.becaue they are hacking. I just think he sucks.
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In terms of his representation of nemesis he’s a 0/10 but he definitely a decent killer
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Subjectively I agree that Nemesis doesn't feel overly strong when I play survivor against him. I consider him more of a 'fun' killer than a comp killer.
Still, he isn't the worst killer in my book because although he needs 3 tentacle hits he does have solid anti loop with ranged pallet breaks after breaking out of tier 1 and gets stronger the longer the game goes.
As soon as vaccines are gone and you're T3 people get 2 tapped left and right while you're able to basically just run through pallets like a train.
The zombies are basically 'supposed' to slowdown survivors and allow you to even make it to tier 3 quickly enough for it to matter.
I know in reality though they sadly get stuck everywhere like this:
and gens fly so quickly that by the time you hit tier 3 make the game's almost over (okay, that's slightly exaggerated but you get the point) so personally I think he does need a couple passive tweaks - mostly regarding his zombies.
Maybe one more zombie and better ai ? Or better ai and a little more zombie detection range and/or zombie speed at base ?
Nemesis himself I wouldn't change. But his zombies really need to be a little more consistent.
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I'm guessing you're a killer main who hasn't been chased off gens or even hex totems half a dozen times a game by zombies?
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No legion and Michael are still the main ones to claim that
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Could you stop making the same thread over and over please
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I've been playing him since pinhead crashes and the twins are too nerfed. All they have to do with him is not give the injured burst on infection and he'd be a lot more viable. Probably still bad, but definitely a lot more viable.
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He is in the pile of killers weak to W, sure. But he is not even close to being the weakest killer in that pile.
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He's not a bad killer in terms of strength, he's strong in the right hands. But is he perfectly reminiscent to his actual self from Resident Evil? Definitely not.
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You say stuff like this yet killers like Pig and Clown exist. Nemesis can literally slap on ruin and the zombies will do the work for them without the killer needing to do anything skillful whatsoever.
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I do think that Nemesis isn't as good as people like to say but I definitely disagree that he's the worst. Also yeah Pyramid head is SOO much more better then nemesis. He also plays very similar to nemesis. The only way nemesis is better is cause of the zombies and that's if, and a huge IF they actually do something.
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I feel sorry for the forum mods who have to read the exact same thing you post every single day without fail
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At least Legion is a bit more consistent in his results if you play well. Nemesis just isn't.
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I mean they actually read it an probably realize that it isn't. Just because it is about a Nemesis doesn't mean it's the same. It's like saying every Batman movie is the same because it's a Batman movie.
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To me he's broken AF he better not be buffed we already have too many OP killers
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Nemesis is my favorite killer and I strive to play to the highest lvl with him, I would love to get your steam info and we could stream for each other and talk about the killer.
I quite enjoy him, maybe it would benefit you to see how others play him as well? and I would love to see what you can do as well.
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So legion has a lot of builds that can compensate for his poor looping he also can apply significantly more map pressure and has significantly more perk synergies. Nemsis on the other hand has one half of his power dedicated to ai you have no influence over. (Who thought this was a good idea?) His power actively eats into time by giving survivor's an extra health state. You can crouch behind vaults to evade the damn tentacle and his range at base is miserable with many of his mutation add on's bar Marvin's blood being straight up terrible.
He's a discount demogorgon except instead of spending his power on ai zombies gorgon spent it on not giving a survivors and extra health state and a fast travel system. I don't get the infection hit its make's no sense on a low range killer with map pressure dependent on ai you can't influence. Legion is still bad but the fact that legion actually is comparable to nemesis is pathetic. Its frankly insulting that one of the unstoppable force's of the re genre is presented as having one of the weakest special attacks in the game.
At least the survivor perks were actually cool so the chapter wasn't a waste of money.
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I play on PlayStation. I understand why people like him but for me just since the zombies the majority of the time are not doing much just doesn't do much for me. I have put on a million perk loadouts and can hit the tentacle very consistently since I know where you can and cannot hit but even the tentacle has big problems. Such as giving them 3 health states. Since he is my main I'm always playing at the high level and usually have 2-3 gens done when I get the first down unless I somehow find the weak one which I can't really know easily right away.
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Honestly the reason to play nemesis over PH is how messy PH feels too play, With the slowdown on M2 he just feels like an absolute mess with his tank controls. I think thats the only reason i see 20 Nemesis before a single PH these days.