Good bye Deathslinger

I had fun playing with you for the last 2 month but now you got ruin and aiming with you dont feel clunky and its to slow for the terror radius you have.
I will miss you :(
Now i need to practice huntress and get use to her windup
Don't let the door hit you on your way out Mr. Slinger :)
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Goodnight, cowboy. We'll miss you buddy.
Arthur Morgan dying flashbacks...
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I really do think Slinger should be 4.6m/s if all the PTB changes are kept. It's the only way to truly compensate him for losing his stealth, a good chunk of his chase strength, and his zoning capabilities, and would help solve his 4v1 issue. I'd gladly remove that ADS movement speed change for almost anything, it's borderline useless as a buff.
19 -
With his movement speed? It is inevitable.
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You know what the funniest thing about the change is. Deathslinger can still M2 spam for distance with the buffed ADS movement speed. They just killed his ability to quickscope.
So the whole "lose-lose" situation still exists that the devs were trying to fix. So I wouldn't be surprised if they hit him harder going from ptb to live.
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Yes, he was too OP. The only killer played in tournaments and high MMR.
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See you Space Cowboy…
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Leave mah boi alone >=(
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6% overall pick rate. Never see him do well when I've played against him. Playing him is a massive pain in the ass as well, especially on larger maps.
Gets nerfed.
the ADS movement speed buff is stupid. Who the ######### plays like that. Who the ######### is going to be walking around ADSing? How the ######### does that compensate for any of the nerfs or fix his huge glaring weaknesses? lol
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May IIIIIII... stand unshaken
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Where the absolute ######### did I say that
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No :)
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Lmfao that was a good one holy.
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Credit where credits due, that was quite good
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Excactly my thought. He can still bait without barely losing distance. The only thing they did is making him feel garbage to play and make him even more annoying to go against because even more Players are just gonna bait now.
They try and fix the unskillfull things but end up breaking what actually requires skill, making the whole situation worse imo.
They need to revert the changes or at least keep ADS how it's in live currently.
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You're just making light of a perfectly balanced killer getting nerfed is all. I just assumed you thought he was OP in some way.
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No I just dislike the #########
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There's a difference in wanting something to be changed because it is too powerful and wanting something to be changed because it's not fun to go against and is unhealthy for the game.
Deathslinger falls into the latter category. He's not OP by any means, but he isn't fun to go against for many players because there's a lack of engaging counter play to his ability.
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There's loads of counterplay. Don't want him to option select you at a window? Don't go near the window. Don't want him to shoot you over a loop? Crouch. Break line of sight. Get caught on an obstacle so he can't reel you in. Survivors act like the killer shouldn't be able to down them using their power.
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Omg someone gets me
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Karu, one day they'll do the same and worse to your fav, so you have to decide now if you want to be mocked off the forum then or not
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He was super fun to play as tho. Now he's just #########.
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That already happened to Pyramid Head according to the majority of the forum population and I've already been mocked by both sides for not maining a fun killer/playing according to the rulebook so I don't feel like I'll see a difference.
People can mock me all they like, I don't care. I have a vast array of passive aggressive remarks and close-to-but-not-quite-insults to retort with, and the harder they try the funnier it gets.
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Will you have more fun without Deadthslinger being in the game? Because he should also be fun to play as, and PTB Deathslinger is not. Look how many Twins you see in public games. And Deathslinger will be worse than that - Twins are strong but horrible to play, and PTB Deathslinger is weak and horrible to play, so why would anyone play him.
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What Bumbus said, will going against him be fun now?
And if you say yes, please explain why.
Playing AS him is already frustrating on the majority of maps when you try to play fair(-ish). Because on e.g. Yamaoka you are just screwed if you don't run the dreadful 'M&A, ruin, undying pop/noed' build or similar. Likewise, on indoormaps you often have to do what looks like ads spamming, but is simply trying to get into a better position for a shot or giving up on a shot as a whole because there's just no clear LoS.
Also, if 'no fun to go against' is a reason, then why does bubba not have an overheat mechanic? why can he still get double-downs through BT with one attack. How is going against Bubba fun? Because all the arguments I heard about that are arguments you can apply to what people complain about with slinger all while slinger does not get rewarded for the shoddy playstyle bubba gets rewarded for.
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So turning him into a unicorn instead is better?
If the devs actually had some form of competency, they would have ######### up his 1v1 but would have given him some 1v4 in the form of a bounty system that the survivors must deal with or become exposed or something... Instead they took the laziest possible rout and just did some number tweaks while making him feel disgusting to play.
I legitimately felt sick playing him on the ptb and had to stop before i threw up. Something is terribly off with the change and it feels like a combination of the aim animation plus some perceived shadow nerfing with his ADS movement. I can spend an entire game ads in live and be fine but the ptb i can't.
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Yall really be acting like 0.4 second delay before shooting makes him dead.
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It makes him dead.
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i mean this has to be a troll comment. C`mon, ive never seen a slinger in a tournament match
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The irony, they nerf his flow, and it makes you sick. They buffed Plague's flow? Probably still makes people feel sick though.
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If no one is playing him with the change than he is effectively dead. It's exactly like how Billy is technically still fine but is practically dead because most of the people who played him stopped.
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I love spewing on people as plague lol.
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The nerfs are fine, but he needs something. Personally I would like to see his range increased and the reload time decreased.
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no, the true nerf is his increased TR. Now holding shift W is even more strong against him.
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Wait omg no because that would've been such a sick idea. The basement holds a Bounty Board that the survivors must interact with, or else they progressively become worse and worse off, and one survivor has a permanent Bounty until they tear their name off of the Bounty Board. The survivor with the Bounty on their head (only activates after the Bounty Meter has filled up on the board or something, they see this progress on the Hud) has their aura revealed when outside of a 32m range and is permanently Oblivious or something idk. Only one survivor can have a Bounty on their head at a time, but the others will queue up to 99% so as soon as a survivor tears their name from the Board the next in line gets the Bounty placed on them.
If you tear your name off you get, idk, 30 seconds of immunity before the Bounty Meter begins to tick up again? Takes maybe 60, maybe 70 seconds to fully rack up?
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I don't really care about nerfs with MMR on, killer can be stronger or weaker, this is fine. Deathslinger clearly didn't deserve a nerf, but that's a separate issue. However, quickscoping is the only reason to play Deathslinger. You have to wind up as Huntress, Trickster or Nemesis, but as Deathslinger you can land your shots fast. That's his main feature. And now it feels extremely sluggish. Aiming takes longer than Nemesis pulls out his tentacle.
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Exactly. But how does this make them money? Hmmm.
Nah just delete and forget. survivors will shout praise and shower them in happiness money in the store.
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You can take the idea and post it in sugestions since the devs seem to like you. they will never read anything i post.
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Sounds like a personal decision rather than one that actually has merit.
"Damn you behavior for forcing me to drop a killer over a barely-half-second shooting delay!"
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Devs don't like me, rather tragically; they saw my Trickster post and were like "yeah nah". I'll put it there when I have the time though just in case
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Oh I'll hit him with the door xd
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If a Killer is no longer fun to play. People will just play other killers that are fun to play.
Lack of fluidity in a killers actions does hurt the fun of playing a killer.
We saw this happen with Billy who had his addons gutted, updated animations that people complained about, and the overheat mechanic. It's going to happen to Deathslinger as well because there are other range killers people can play.
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Yes... Or else. >=I
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Animations and the feel of how a character plays are a huge part of the game. Remember when they updated survivor animations and there was mass complaints and a boycot because of it? Yeah.. same thing here for slinger and Billy.
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Yeah, I remember. And they were ######### stupid.
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Ok but you understand that you're not the only one who has to have fun, right?
Instantly shooting was stupid, and the only thing Slingers did to compensate for good aim.
I mean you want to talk about feel? I've played Plague and Pig and mained both since release and those killers feel horrible to play at times. And you're going to complain because you have to wait less than half a second to shoot?
Grow some damn balls man.
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Quickscoping is not stupid. Deathslinger has a chain break mechanic so even though his shots aren't "reactable" you still had a chance to counterplay the hit. Plus you could always be pro-active and make it harder for the Deathslinger to line up good shots in the first place.
But hey be an entitled survivor who doesn't give a ######### about killers having fun.
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Or else what
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or i will fuggin give you the spoopiest picture ever,
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Yes, good bye you broken, unfair, pre-patch piece of work. See you never.
Indeed it's a good day to be alive with these great changes.