Casual games for everyone

We have sbmm.
Sbmm sorts players with others of similar ability.
There is now no grounds to argue against balancing the game from the top down. Balance at the top would mean a more casual experience for everyone.
If your not a top sbmm player, the balance would not hinder you in any way as you'll just be placed with others that have yet to reach the top as well.
A balanced experience for all.
True. Some people are used to pub stomping and are now upset they can't do that any longer.
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Its so fun being paired up against a swf 4 stack every single game where I have to try my absolute hardest just to draw even with a weak killer. Yeah no wonder why the variety of killers are nothing but nurses and spirits at top Mmr. I sure wish it was ez like what survivors have.
There is no fun for killers at top Mmr anymore and if you think there is, you’re obviously not high enough on the Mmr scale.
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"I have to try my absolute hardest" - LOL :D:D:D So you are tryharding and are <surprise picachu face> about being matched with other tryhards? Amazing insight! Thanks for the laugh :D:D:D
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how can i make a discussion ?
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The option is a red button on the bottom of the forum you're browsing. Good luck.
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hey thanks :) and sorry to ask again but how did u ping me xD sorry im new
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Obviously a low killer Mmr talking.
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How do you know that you are low Mmr? It's hidden. Are you hacking the game?
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Because I’m going up against survivor who have over 12k hours. Pretty obvious, but I get it. From looking at your posts you seem like the guy that would loose on purpose just so he can get matched against terrible survivors for ez kills. Jeez, talk about sad.
btw if I were hacking I wouldn’t be having this problem lol.
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Well assuming sbmm is working, that's all gone for good. Now without the excuse of shielding low skill player maybe we can get some balance that will carry across all levels.
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But have you thought about not making a sweatfest every game? You complain about tryhards when you yourself tryharding for that sweet easy 4k. Try chilling in your next game and eventually you will be placed within the desired mmr.
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You are going against 12k survivor all the time? Sounds like you are a real bad ass! There are only 15 PC players in the world with 12k and over. I'm guessing you are at least in the top 100 and have amazing skillz that you are demonstrating on your twitch channel with tenths of thousands of followers that make you lost of money. Am I right?
Edit: "From looking at your posts" - how do you have time to research random person post history with all that fame? Just a hobby or are you a pro with few K hours experience creeping through people post history?
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So much energy wasted over complaining over people you have no control over.
Look, either play the game your way and don't worry about it if somebody plays in a matter you don't agree with, or give up multiplayer gaming completely.
Listen folks.... I've been online with these games longer than some of you have been alive - it won't change. I suggest you learn to live with the fact people are going to play in a matter you don't like. If you can't handle that, there's no shame in moving on.
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I like how when other telling "stop tryhard" and many replies with "so you're a low sbmm killer"
What do people want? No need to tryhard in high sbmm or something? No one even know what sbmm they're in. The guy could play "relax" at high sbmm because his skill is just that great.
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People who want casual games and sbmm at the same time are people who never played a sbmm game before.
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Yep just throw 5 games just to have fun for two. Jesus what a great solution on a game you’re supposed to try in.
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Welp, it's you who complain about this stuff when solution is at hand. If you wanted to have a casual experience, you wouldn't care about mmr or win/lose ratio. That's why it exists in the first placed: to separate different types of players. But all I see now is you wanting to bring pub stomping back.
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It's the other way around. SBMM enables casual play. If you don't tryhard, you get matched with other players who don't tryhard.
Ohh, you mean it doesn't allow casually stomping solos? Yep, that's right. But that's not casual play, that's just bad matchmaking.
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I’m not going to be forced to loose just to have fun with a weak killer. That’s seriously dumb af. Btw I win to rank up to tier 1. Which is the main objective of the game. What’s the point of doing the main objective if I have to purposely derank??? There’s no logic in that. You all can bend over to that garbage.
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^ Discord moderator getting tilted, don’t get those rolls too sweaty.
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I am a Gold III Pig I don't actually try that hard unless the SWF is flashy toxic, overly body blocking toxic, hook breaking toxic rare that I get them but I get them pretty frequently and it is by far annoying but I lack perks which synergies make this easier so, I just do my best and run a train and if they really annoying me by being toxic I throw a loop and tunnel and camp super hard and never fail for the FAKE grab crap. But weak killers can be done well just need perks.
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I gotcha, but I have all perks except pinheads. Also I do have good builds that I use on my killers with the occasional meme one.
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Not all killers I use it on but with whispers my map pressure is ridiculous, some killers just doesn't work well for me on oddly.
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Whispers…? Map pressure??? Yeah that’s enough of this conversation..
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ah yes let me lose the game 10 times and waste 2 hours of my life for a problem that shouldnt have happened in the first place