Killer perk idea

Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
edited December 2018 in General Discussions
Don't know what to call it...

For every survivor that is injured your TR is reduced by 4,8,12,16 meters and when 4 survivors are injured at one time your red stain disappears.....



  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I don't know why but i feel like that's balanced since people could just heal easily back up. With Sloppy Butcher that's a really strong perk.

  • Fropps
    Fropps Member Posts: 66

    I promise this is at least a semi-interesting exploration of your perk idea.

    If each injured survivor reduces the terror radius by 4 meters with a max of a 16 meter terror radius... I think this is a bit too strong. If you're dealing with killers that initially have a large terror radius, if 4 people are injured survivors will only have 3.4 seconds before a killer reaches a stationary survivor. If the killer only has a 24 meter terror radius, survivors will only have 1.7-1.8 seconds to react to a killer. This would also completely remove tier 2 Myer's terror radius. not to mention that a build looking to abuse this will likely run monitor and abuse.

    However, we have to keep in mind that if all survivors are injured, the effect of the perk should be strong. The problem is that if we insist on the numbers on the perk increasing linearly as more survivors are injured, the perk is very much underwhelming when only 1 survivor is injured (Which is very common) and seemingly impossible to deal with when all survivors are injured. (Partially because the terror radius covers an exponentially smaller area as it gets smaller). One way of ""fixing"" this would be to tweak the perk's one number, so that each injured survivor reduces the killer's terror radius by 3 meters and while this reduces the maximum reduction to an arguably more fair 12 meters, it makes the perk strictly worse than monitor and abuse if less than 3 survivors are injured. Instead, maybe the perk should read: for every survivor that is injured, reduce your terror radius by 5/9/11/12 meters, in addition, your red stain disappears when all living survivors are injured. If we consider this in a vacuum, where a hypothetical killer can only run one perk, this revised version seems to be fair when compared to monitor and abuse. It is worse when you don't have any pressure (which is honestly when you need monitor's effect the most), but if you have two survivors injured, it is ever so slightly better than monitor.

    On of the most important things to recognise when designing perks related to the injured state is that because there is only one killer and they can only apply a limited amount of pressure if the survivors don't play into them on purpose, the rate that survivors get out of the injured state increases linearly as more survivors get injured. Suppose you are always chasing one injured survivor and so they cannot heal. If two survivors are injured, one of them is healing. Likewise, if all 4 survivors are injured, survivors will be healing up 3 times as fast. This makes it so effects like needing all 4 survivors to be injured for an effect to happen incredibly rare and situational. In addition, if a survivor is dead, they're not injured, so not only do you have to be outputting a phenomenal amount of pressure to attain the disappearance of the red stain, but this effect will never happen if you have killed someone earlier in the match. I initially thought that tying this effect to a lower injured count was better, but tying it to a perfect injury count seems to more consistently reward player skill.

    However, that previous screed doesn't take into account that perks don't exist in a vacuum. Anyone looking to abuse a mechanic like the terror radius isn't just going to put in perks that are 'optimal" or "meta". As I mentioned before, someone running monitor and abuse is very likely to run something similar to this. Since terror radius reducing mechanics get exponentially better as you stack their effects, I guess the real question isn't "What stats would make this perk balanced against existing perks" but "What stats will work on this that make it worth running if you plan to combo this with perks like monitor, and characters like Myers or hag". I'd wager in this case you could reduce the stats considerably and this would still be playable. Even if the perk read "for each injured or dying survivor, reduce your terror radius by 4/6/8 meters. Additionally, your red stain disappears when all living survivors are injured". I think this would still be played. If you combine this with monitor (and sloppy butcher), having an average of a 13 meter reduction in your terror radius with a win-more-effect is still really powerful.

    Finally, we have to consider the effect that increased terror radius reduction would have on the meta. If this becomes prevalent, we will see stealth play become significantly more difficult (though not necessarily in an unhealthy way since it is counter-able if one is perceptive), perks such as spine chill and premonition will become significantly more useful and perks like self-care will become more valuable.

    Thank you for listening to my ted talk.
    Design team pls.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited December 2018
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    This perk can be either useless cause M&A exists or really OP because that's a lot of TR reduced
    And would probs become meta

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Milo said:

    This perk can be either useless cause M&A exists or really OP because that's a lot of TR reduced
    And would probs become meta

    Thank you TL;DR heroes.

  • Fropps
    Fropps Member Posts: 66

    @Milo Holy ######### someone read my post.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Fropps said:

    @Milo Holy ######### someone read my post.

    Just read it... it's an interesting idea I just thought of... originally I thought #'s would be 2,4,6,8 meters but then I thought eh it's not worth because survivors are just going to heal up and you could be chasing the first person you find for awhile.. so the perk should reward as you state and that's where increased the numbers to 4,8,12,16 and then red stain gets removed... thank you so much for the feedback you give!.... and after a day I've realized that this perk could be quite strong on legion
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Fropps said:

    @Milo Holy ######### someone read my post.

    Just read it... it's an interesting idea I just thought of... originally I thought #'s would be 2,4,6,8 meters but then I thought eh it's not worth because survivors are just going to heal up and you could be chasing the first person you find for awhile.. so the perk should reward as you state and that's where increased the numbers to 4,8,12,16 and then red stain gets removed... thank you so much for the feedback you give!.... and after a day I've realized that this perk could be quite strong on legion

    Actually this would be really bad on Legion.
    You reduce your TR so that means your Blood Frenzy when you hit someone is also lower. So you don't have the vision

    M&A is really good cause it decreases it to 16m so he can sneak up on people and then increases it so you can see more people in your vision

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Milo said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Fropps said:

    @Milo Holy ######### someone read my post.

    Just read it... it's an interesting idea I just thought of... originally I thought #'s would be 2,4,6,8 meters but then I thought eh it's not worth because survivors are just going to heal up and you could be chasing the first person you find for awhile.. so the perk should reward as you state and that's where increased the numbers to 4,8,12,16 and then red stain gets removed... thank you so much for the feedback you give!.... and after a day I've realized that this perk could be quite strong on legion

    Actually this would be really bad on Legion.
    You reduce your TR so that means your Blood Frenzy when you hit someone is also lower. So you don't have the vision

    M&A is really good cause it decreases it to 16m so he can sneak up on people and then increases it so you can see more people in 

    That's true! /\