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I just want to have fun

Dear devs

Time to rethink your game.

Every game i am countering the same killers with the same perks, so i have to counter them with the usual survivor perks to stay alive.

But also too many times i get facecaming or tunneling killers. Me and my friends just want to have fun but get denied because of tryhards. 90% of the perks dont get used because of the tryhards. Fun should be prior.

We're out, maybe we come back when the game had some drastic changes.



  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I get what you mean but in every game people only use the good stuff to win. It is what it is.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    This is super true. Look at something like WZ sure there are literally thousands of gun and attachment combos but if you don't run the meta you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. Can you still win? Yes but it's harder and you have handicapped yourself to do it.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I think bot matches would certainly increase the game's fun factor.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    ~That's all I really WAAAAaaaaUUHHhhnnttt is some FUUUuuuuUUUHHHNNnnn!!

  • Ferr0r
    Ferr0r Member Posts: 10

    Nah man. People dont think like that. They need to make something that you get 4 random perks as killer and survivor or something like that. I had so much fun with break out and head on but if you face a killer with meta perks you cant even fix one gen.

  • Ferr0r
    Ferr0r Member Posts: 10

    nowp, winning with 0 hooks and no good chases is boring.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    Thank you. 4 less survivors to deal with.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    im the one exception to this. may favorite perks consist of. babysitter, no mither, saboteur, diversion, head on, any means necessary, breakout, overcharge, monitor and abuse, distressing, dark divotion, hex retribution, dragons grip, tinkerer, and mad grit, I don't know why but i run the dumbest perks. so saying every or most killer/survivor's run meta perks would be wrong. ton's of people run non meta perks because let's just say this. every perk has a situation that it solves best. the reason meta perks are meta is because of how often the situation shows. people always forget that no mither makes you quieter while on the ground as well as let you pick yourself up whenever. I can't count how many times i have crawled into pyramids trail and made the killer's head melt looking for me. every perk has use meaning running a variety is a good thing. but running the same thing is looked at as better because most of the time it is sadly. but that doesn't mean it's always ganna work nor is it ok to bully people for not running meta perk's. if people want to run meta perks, let them. but the best thing to do as killer is to try and prepare for the meta to try and bulldoze you. in otherwords just bring devour :) survivors won't get to use there perks when you get 3 stacks because they will be bomb rushing your totem

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    I mean, every survivor uses the same build and thats exhausting too

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    And you are and your friends are right. This meta is totally unfun: it's a race between gen rush and camp tunnel. With Survs and killers with metaperks all the time.

    But some people here apparently don't care at all and are just focused on the most optimal (and unfun) strats all the time. Although if their victory is just stand near the first hook they do for minutes. Or if they have to repair 3 gens by themselves when their teammates are being tunneled.

    We need a new mode focused on chases and action. Not focusee on gen rush and tunnel.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    People like you shouldn't even be able to participe in forums. Maybe you don't agree with his oppinion, but I'm sure there are more respectful forms to show it.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Well, personally, this still boils down to SWF. They are so strong that Killers have to run Meta. In the past, Killers who saw a bunch of Solo survivors join the lobby and maybe if they didn’t all have items, then the Killer would switch to his “fun” Killer with his fun perks on and have a relaxed game. NOW? Well now we’re locked in and have very little time to switch to something more laid back, even if we wanted to.

    Game pretty much always boils down to SWF and their unfair advantage despite them always saying they barely make call outs ect ect lol.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133

    Fixing gens isn't fun, though. When my friend and I want to have fun, we never touch gens. And if the killer tunnels one of us out, the other just throws themself at the killer to get out of the match too and we quickly move on.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    If you want to win, you need to be running the meta perks. If you want to have fun, you need to replace them with fun and interesting perks. You'll lose a lot more games with the fun perks though. But you'll need to lose some games for the MMR to put you with killers who care more about about having fun too.

    My Pallet Freddy hopes you will join him in a game or two.

  • Bravobro
    Bravobro Member Posts: 167

    I gave up the eternal winning and started to rotate my perks as a killer as well as a survivor. A game has to be fun. If you only have the victory in mind, that's stupid in the long run. I only started the game because I thought the combination possibilities of the perks were cool at the time.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    2 games in a row today vs Wraith.

    First one in the Red Forest. 5 gens and wraith takes 1 surv relatively quick. The rest was just hard camp tunnel. Patrolling on a 15 metters area and tunnel. People didn't even move but he didn't care. He won.

    2nd game. Wraith finds me early and start the first chase. I run a T-L and connect with the shack. There is an Meg afk with crows inside. This guy ignores me when he is on a 2 metters distance and take 2 hits on Meg. I spam him "no / follow me", but this **** just takes afk guy to th bassement.

    I follow him and just spam pointing with finger. He doesn't doubt and hook me also. But, hey, it's me who plays to win I guess...

    Majority of killers I face don't have any sportmanship or honor and don't want close games. It's a rarity to find a good killer that commits on chases and show some respect in game and out of the game.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Wow, that is really interesting. When I started, I only wanted BBQ and Ruin because the rest of perks seemed pointless to me.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    If you didn't being the stuff to not die and you died more then you'd actually face players who don't sweat so much and then magic

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,120

    There is more to a victory than what perks you use. It is possible to win games against Meta Killers using no perks, if you enjoy learning to improve your skillset.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695
    edited September 2021

    I can’t even tell you the countless times i’ve had to go against 3-4 survivors that all were running the same meta build. That’s way more exhausting.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 772

    And I want a game that's worth investing time in. A game where my efforts are rewarded, where outplaying my opponents is rewarded. A game where, if I spend time learning how a killer works mechanically, I wont have to relearn everything the very next week because the devs can't decide what they want.

    Instead we have a game so unfocused that it has massively complex killers that require a ton of experience and mechanical skill, while at the same time having the survivor role, where outplaying the killer is optional, filled to the brim with safeguards that make the killer outplaying them irrelevant. Where they barely have to pay attention to the game because their objective is so mindless and the game tells them everything that's going on.

    This game has managed to both be unfriendly to casual players because of the bs on both sides, and unfriendly to players who wanna get better and better because of the bs on both sides.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,442

    then you'd actually face players who don't sweat so much and then magic

    Your wish is granted, you now get facecamping Insidious Bubbas in every game.*

    * Assuming that facecamping lowers your MMR.

    For me at least the problem is not so much about "winning" (in quotations because the win condition is actually not clearly defined at all) but about having fun. I feel like a lot of complaints that talk about winning/losing are actually more about having fun / not having fun.

    As an example: I generally play without add-ons. I know I could do a lot better if I was using add-ons as the vast majority don't have any downsides, only upsides. Still, even with the new MMR, I sometimes get matched against SWF who use Brand New Parts, Keys, ... and it doesn't feel fun for me. Could I use add-ons to get more kills in those games? Yes, but it wouldn't actually increase my fun.

    OP seems to have the same problem. If they stopped using the perks they are currently using they could probably lower their MMR naturally, but that, based on my experience at least, won't necessarily mean that you get more fun games. There are a lot of mechanics that, regardless of MMR or "skill level" of the player(s) are just extremely unfun to go against and it is just extremely frustrating because some of these issues, like being found first and getting camped to death, are ancient and nothing has been really done to combat that.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    That needs me to go down to them in the first place :)

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,442

    This actually reminded me of an old game. It was 5 years ago, more or less. It was a PvP game and because of an oversight it was literally impossible for one (or multiple, technically) players to lose if the players played in a certain way (that was also as far as I know not bannable). Even though this is obviously horrible game balance players liked the game and it's still alive today. I guess that shows that winning is not the only thing that matters to the players!

    ... And that game is of course, Dead By Daylight. I am talking about the literal infinites where it was literally impossible for the Killer to down a Survivor if the Survivor played the infinite right (and it was not very difficult to do that).

    I feel like recently a lot of focus on more on perfect balance and less on ensuring the game is fun. I don't remember seeing any mentions of "fun" or increasing player satisfaction or anything during any of the MMR discussions for example (from the developer side). Good balance increases the fun, but it is not the only (or even main thing) that determines fun. With how common threads of players saying that they are quitting (like this one for example) are becoming maybe it is time to focus more on fun again, and less on balance.

    Old Dbd was horribly unbalanced but it was fun. I am not saying that it isn't still fun or less / more fun (in fact I would keep my opinion on that to myself here) but I will say that I definitely feel like fun hasn't been the #1 priority for the developers lately, more like the #2 or #3 priority.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Some people think if you get your MMR reduced your game experience will get better. And that's far to be true.

    U are gonna join the typical urban evasion players, baby killers, insidious Bubbas that are not good but eventually will take someone down and facecamp, deaths on first hook, etc.

    So more trash and unbalanced games, but with less skilled people.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Those other players also just want to have fun. So why is your fun more important than theirs?

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Don't put words I didn't say in my mouth. I didn't claim my fun is more important than the others's.

    But as u might understand, I can only speak about my experience and the lack of fun I'm experimenting more and more lately. And that's what I do.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,120

    I empathise where OP and yourself come from in terms of it being unfun to face the same setups, the same items and so on. It does feel stressful in the early stages when gens pop like bubble wrap.

    But when I say there doesn't need to be a situation where someone feels pressurised to use specific perks, what I mean is not to get a lower MMR using lesser perks - I mean use lesser perks to perform well and get 4k against good teams. The fun isn't just in winning according to what you consider is a win or doing well, but also in experimenting, and there's no reason to not run non-meta perks regardless.

    Running less powerful perks doesn't mean you can't do well. If a player uses skill, stealth or clever thinking they can be a powerful player by using the one thing people won't ever be able to pre-empt, and that's your own, unique approach.

    Try running random or different builds. Set up meme builds, or even focus solely on a non-perk build. The more you get comfortable with it, you'll see beyond the meta and the endless ways of having fun and experimenting with what the game has to offer.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851
  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    Translation: I tryhard, they tryhard. So sad

    Chicken and egg situation here, LOL