The blatant cheating is getting out of hand

Seriously, I haven't been able to play a single week without facing a single ######### cheater in this game. Whether it's someone speedhacking, or instahealing in front of me, or TRYING to be subtle and failing by claiming he has "Sprint Burst".
It's getting genuinely annoying. BHVR, for the love of #########, use something else other than EAC, It's CLEARLY not working.
It's just Sprint Burst bro. Just my 80 second long Sprint Burst that let's me move at 500% speed on a 1 second cooldown, totally balanced perk bro. Definitely not hacking, legit perk
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Wanna know what's funny? Was playing Deathslinger with this cheater and BOTH TIMES he Shift+W'ed so hard I still speared him even though he was blatantly cheating. I got a hook on a cheater that tried to be subtle but ######### up so badly. I feel proud.
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Considering the cheating is resulting in a lot of 5 minute matches, the devs are getting an ear full from killers complaining the gens are too fast. It's kind of relieving to find out this is why. The cheaters out there are getting bored of being super blatant, so they're being secret jerks about it making people think they just played poorly.
Honestly, I would like some of my offerings back...
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This last guy I was with didn't want a 5 minute match.
He wanted to drag me and this Leon for over 20 minutes. Leon eventually just told me to just kill him and get the match over with.
I obliged.
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Conveniently for me I for some reason tend to lose connection every time I notice there is a cheater in the game. Very convenient that it happens as I'd prefer not to give them any attention they desperately crave and the 5 minute ban is much better than staying in that game. I'll just grab a cup of tea and play the next game.
But yea cheating has soared and the process to report them to get them banned is extremely poor and in some cases not even possible. Which is part of the reason why there's so many cheaters.
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BHVR seriously needs to ditch EAC and either make their own in-house anti-cheat or use something else that ######### works.
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I run into way more survivor cheaters than killer cheaters, anyone know why that is? Killer cheats harder to come by?
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Oy vey it makes you wonder about some people, lol. Like, the first time I played elder scrolls, I turned on god mode and ran around, and it ruined the game for me. This kind of thing doesn't seem to bother these guys, and I have no idea what they get from antagonizing people for 20 minutes.
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It's just easier to ruin the game for killers than survivors.
Survivors can kill themselves on hook, Killers has to wait until the cheater is done with whatever the ######### they were doing.
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My guess is it's a power trip for them.
They're so pathetic and pitiful that any semblance of power in a video game makes them think their life is worth anything but the miserable waste of time and space it is.
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Right? Any reasonable person would gain perspective after doing it a time or two and realize how lame it is.
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Some cheaters can make it so the egc doesn't kill them and you have to DC
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Oh he didn't go for the EGC, he went for hatch. but he kept it going on for as long as possible. He never did gens, always ran everywhere and dropping pallets, and eventually it stopped when Leon asked me to kill him.
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Man is using the new boon totem that works across the entire map don't worry you'll never find it
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Hopefully we get some kind of response/update on the cheating situation in the Q&A stream
I'll be mildy upset if we don't :(
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A killers only real goal is to murder survivors. A hacking killer is both boring for the cheater, and easy to counter as a survivor. They'll either kill you outright, or force you into a position where you can simply bleed to death. If you want to avoid the DC penalty against a hacking killer, its pretty easy.
A hacking survivor however, can completely deny the killer of their only goal, and the other survivors only means of exiting the game without DC'ing. This means they can essentially hold the entire game hostage without any recourse from the survivors or killers, usually forcing the killer or any of the survivors to DC if they want to continue to enjoy the game.
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I think what's really irritating about this whole thing is that, as far as I can tell, BHVR hasn't said jack ######### about it. Really seems like they just don't care.
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4 survivors v 1 killer - you just have higher odds because there are more survivors.
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It's at least to the point where the DC penalty needs to be removed again. We shouldn't be penalized for not sitting in a match when this kind of nonsense is going on.
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No imagine how many cheaters cheat silently so noone sees it! I better play with someone who cheats obivous and I feel not bad about loosing etc. then loosing to someone who repairs gens 20% quicker or runs as killer 120% instead of 115% or using wallhack.
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Mmmmmmmm I have to disagree here, it would get abused yet again. I'm thinking if they don't do anything about this problem the game dies fast.
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Tbf ppl start calling out ppl for literally anything for cheating. I am not saying cheaters are fine, what I mean is, I got called recently as a cheater because I used the addon "Cigar box" as Clown which makes me see all survivor auras around a 16m radius, and ye ofc I saw like that the person always hiding somewhere and found him like that. He reported me and wrote on my profile that I am a cheater xD
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I've been running into "subtle" cheaters. Yesterday I went up against a doctor who was just holy ######### fast. Like I'd hear his terror radius and run to the next tile and he was just there. Hit me, I'd use the burst of speed to get the hell out, proc lithe too and turned the corner he was just there. I have played enough games to know that he was "subtle" cheating by being faster than he should have been. Went to his profile and saw several people comment the same thing I witnessed. One of those was from last year.
Been seeing survivors who I would unhook, refuse to get healed and just work on a gen, then get fully healed while working on it. No anti hemmoragic agent either.
Had a game where 3 of my hexes were destroyed within 4 seconds of each other. One survivor was on hook, another was being chased.
I watched a dude dead hard then sprint burst away. He only had dead hard on.
These have all been within the past two weeks.
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Agreed, it’s wild how many cheaters there are and it doesn’t like anything is being done about them. We need some hardware bans otherwise people just get the game again on a new account and it’s stupid.
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I've found a lot of cases where survivors seemed suspiciously fast, like running as fast as me as such to make me think I'm probably just going crazy, and then I found out a lot of streamers etc have been saying the same thing. Idk if it's people cheating or if some bug with the servers that's happened as a result of the SBMM activation since it's happened ever since then.
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I 100% believe it's because of MMR that the more active playerbase is seeing cheaters more often.
I am not as active as Otz or Dowsey, but I play this game pretty much daily and almost exclusively killer. My MMR is pretty high for someone who considers themselves playing "casually".
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This is happening more than people recognized. I remember playing a survivor match that in the chat screen was trying to tell the killer a survivor was cheating, but they never saw it.
The cheating has gone down for me these last couple weeks but right after SBMM was released I had hackers most of my matches. They’d be popping gens behind the scenes and trying to save teammates. Hiding it until their lack of base game skill forced them to dead hard multiple times. Oops. Might as well show off all the scripts now!
A lack of reaction to this will unfortunately hurt this game. It’s a bummer knowing that 1. People are blaming poor games on balance when it’s actually a kid with a script program, and 2. Players ARE recognizing script users and walking away from the game.
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So you're telling us that hardware bans are needed because people wanna cheat with SBMM on? Alright, let's get these hardware bans rolling.
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A week? I'm borderline facing one everyday since Pinhead chapter.
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Faced two different hackers within 3 days when it was usually once a year, what happened to this game? Seriously...
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I've had so many killers that I'll see moving around the map way faster than they should be yet have nothing equipped that would cause speed boost in any way - not even like Agitation equipped and its just bugged giving them speed boost not carrying someone. It's especially noticeable when you play like 2 Bubbas back to back and see one moving faster than the other.
Few that without any aura reading somehow immediately find me or teammate in a spot that they have 0 reason to check at start of match. Like you think maybe Lethal Pursuer or Whispers but nope.
Survivor teammates that are usually fairly loud when injured but for some reason they are barely making a sound while everyone else is normal injured sound level. No IW or other perk that would decrease sounds of pain. Survivors that walk at Fixated speed without having Fixated equipped.
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Everyone is toxic. I guess everyone cheats as well. Ban the entire community. Good riddance.
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Just watching a little DbD's streamer that consistantly plays at very high MMR at this very moment. He found 3 confirmed cheaters in about 2 hours of gameplay lol. And those were just the obvious ones, god knows how many survivors are there that cheats subtly and never get noticed.