Killer Adept achievements should be reworked, along with two others
I think it's ridiculous that survivors only need to escape the match when a killer has to make a perfect game, no dcs, a bunch of hits and hooks, not letting them heal or do gens, I'm starting to go insane trying to get adept Nurse. I'm the worst Nurse in the world, how will I ever do a perfect game if I can barely kill one survivor?! Adept Blight is going to be hard as nails too, I keep bumping into the same wall...
Adepts should definitely be 4 kills, that's achievable. Also, achievements shouldn't require players to have add ons, like Evil Within and From the Void She Kills. These two are really hard achievements to get and you have limited tries to get them...
Well adept Nurse suggests that you're actually good at playing Nurse, so you get it by getting better ;)
It's actually fairly easy with Nurse, chose Midwitch or Dead Dawg which might help.
Some other killers however have it harder due to their scoring event. For example Pig has a hard time getting Deviousness. You get 2000 for the traps, but then you need 12 dahs attacks which is not realistic against decent survivors.
Ghostface has the opposite problem, if you use his power well, you end up with barely any Hunting points.
If it helps, go for adept after the reset. Your survivors won't be easier now, but the requirements for Merciless Killer at grade 20 are a lot lower than grade 1, so you could even get it if one escapes through the hatch.
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Adept doesn't rely on point scoring events, you could get far from 32k and still get Merciless. It's based on the emblem system, which actually doesn't favor certain killers, such as killers with a one shot (billy, bubba, gf, etc). Those killer get less "Chaser" emblem since a chase is considered "won" when you get a hit, not only when you down them. This means that getting 2 hits to end a "chase" is actually better for the system.
Adept should be changed, considering even the devs have admitted the pip scoring system is greatly flawed and getting merciless at red grade or whatever it's called now is near impossible against competent survivors if you aren't play an S tier killer you're good at. The only bright side is now with SBMM you get reset back to the lowest grade, where the pipping system is much more lenient so you can go for your adepts after grade reset.
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To get better at Nurse means I have to do hundreds of games with a killer I don't enjoy playing as, I just want to complete the achievements... I believe it's only fair to lower the requirements of Adept to 4 kills since survivors only need to escape, not get 3-4 red emblems. I'll try playing on those maps in the meantime, thanks!
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Wait until after the rank reset. The requirements will be a lot lower. She also has an addon, where she moves at regular killer speed after a successful hit. Midwitch, Game, and Dead Dawg are beneficial to Nurse since the walls and floors mean nothing to her.
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I finally did it yesterday, but my opinion is still the same, having to wait for a rank reset is not fun and achievements are supposed to be fun. Also, doing a perfect match in a game where MMR exists is solely based on luck, I got lucky and got the achievement (I also used matchbox + spasmodic breath, it really helped, thanks), but many others might not be so lucky, especially if they don't main Nurse, have a great MMR and now want the achievement.
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Im curious here as someone trying to finish up adepts. Currently only have Bubba, Plague and Oni left to adept. Its been an awful grind and Bubba (in all honesty my main killer because I've loved his kit since release) is frustrating. Being P3 with all perks and having to adjust myself to try and get merciless is becoming an annoyance.
With Nurse and Myers achievements (2 of the last that I have that are killer specific) Nurse has become impossible without spending the add-on which screws you because then you cant go through terrain and no competent survivor is going to see you charging blink in LoS and don't move while you go for 3 blinks to grab them.
Im curious if they are going to fix/remove/update the Evil Within achievement with the removal of Burgerking Myers. Its impossible to be perma T3 with a kill add-on (takes to much stalk from 4 survivors). This is one of the nichest of niche achievements and honestly needs to be addressed like Left for Dead achievement on survivor side. The EGC basically doesn't allow you to be solo survivor left and finish gen b4 killer slams hatch closed unless you purposefully set it up and screw a teammate out of a win.
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Plague is a bad one too, since she leaves survivors broken, chases are fewer and she gets less hits, so the game thinks she is doing worse. You almost have to not use her power.
So, weird thing, but if you are good with M1 killers, there is the add on that turns her into an M1 killer for a while after a blink hit. I like it because people never know when it is up or not, so they have to change their gameplay style back and forth.
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I think the adepts are fine, it does imply that you're experienced with that killer and you're not supposed to just knock them out with killers you've never played. That said, after MMR (I was rank 1 before and am grade 1 corrently for all that's worth) I knocked out all the adept M1 killers with Ghostface giving me the most trouble, not because I had trouble with him, but because I used the stalk too much and didn't get enough Hunting points because of it.But once you are in a dominant position, you can sort of farm the points you're missing.
I also adepted Nurse and thanks to MMR did get easier survivors, at least it felt like that. Huntress actually grew on me and the skilled huntress is a lot harder than adept huntress.
I think the adept achievements are fine as they are, it's the scoring events that need to be adapted for some killers so that playing a nice 15 minutes 12 hook game with any killer would result in merciless and 32K, currently it's guaranteed wih Doctor and Wraith, and Nurse, but Pig would have a lot of trouble with Deviousness for example.
Otz has a little guide with advice for adepting each killer.
For adept Bubba I just used the meme addon which removes his instadown.
You don't always need to sweat for an achievement ;) There are other ways (I'm an idiot who forgot that that addon only lets you blink in the line of sight) Equip pumpkin head for added bonus of survivors thinking that you're baby.
Evil Incarnate took a while, but you basically need to find a 3 gen and defend it while you juice up. If you slug for hatch, make sure you let them wiggle free over a drop, so they don't get as far (if they don't have balanced landing). I don't think the Burger King affects the achievement. The stalk does take long and I did have a few games where the survivors left before I got to T3, but it's very much possible.
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I like how adepts work now. It's like a badge to show that you know what you're doing with a certain killer and you don't need to rely on certain perks. I was so ecstatic when I got my Trickster adept thinking it was going to be a lot harder than it ended up being for me.
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How come when there are two essentially identical achievement sets, one with challenging requirements and the other one being dull and boring, and you come up with a suggestion to change the first one and not the latter one?
No, thanks.
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This isn't meant to be a humble brag but when it comes to adept Bubba the biggest problem is restricting myself. Even with add-on that removes the insta-down I've played to much Bubba so loops that the chainsaw can hit will hit when i play. It always results in 3 iri emblems and a gold chaser. It's gotten to the point where when I try to go for adept Bubba I actually have to let the survivors get to strong loops and finish gens otherwise game ends to quickly.
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Similar problem with Ghostface. But I think that's rather a problem with how they are scored, not how the achievement works.