I wish there was more counterplay to camping

Lets say the killer camps the first hooked survivor.It takes 120 seconds for you to die on hook if you dont try to unhook yourself.
It takes 80 seconds for a survivor to complete a generator alone,with no perks or addons.
Without perks like kindred you dont know if a killer camps or not,and more than often,more than 1 survivors will wasting time to try and save or at least check if the killer camps if not in a swf on comms.
If its a stealth killer that can hide his tr or use insiduous,not even kindred can help know knowing if the killer camps or not.
Camping is not a problem in a swf,survivors will just stay on gens,knowing the killer just camps.
But in soloq its a nightmare because never,and I mean never survivors dont try to go for the save and usually get downed in the process while no gens are being done.
It would be nice if they added something to know if a killer camps or not when you cant communicate with your teammates at least.
There is something, Kindred. Here you have your counterplay.
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He didn't say there wasn't counter play the OP wished for more options. He mentions kindred in his post.
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Morse Code by flailing your arms on the hook?
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I think SoloQ needs to be nerfed to the ground so people start using their head not only to eat food. And start adapting and using something helpful just instead of running all over and complaining how unfair life is.
As vacaman mentioned, If u are afraid of camping use anti-camping perks.
Pick Kindred if u want to see what's going on. Pick Camaraderie if u want to buy even more time. Pick Deliverance and unhook yourself.
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When I first started years back, flailing arms WAS the universal signal. But somewhere along the line it became 'come save me'. Even kindred isn't always effective. I never leave home without it, and yet people still do the lemming dance around the hook while the killers nose is practically touching mine.
I've lost count of the many many times I've yelled "For christ sake just go do gens!" ineffectively at my tv screen.
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Yep,I think some survivors just hate doing gens and look for any excuse to not do them.
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It's the most boring job as survivor. How possible not to hate it?
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Agree, just press M1, without any skill, you can easily defeat all the killers.
I prefer to interact with Reverse Bear Traps instead of generators.
Saving teammates is more interesting.
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It doesn't need to be so troublesome.
Just need to perform the following steps
1. Let the killer directly execute the survivors.
2. Let the action of saving teammates become the need to collect some sacrifices within time, and resurrect teammates in random places. A survivor can be resurrected three times.
3. Let the survivors need to complete the main goal to add some different gameplay, add interesting changes, extend the game time, instead of ending the game within 3~5 minutes.
And this can effectively solve the killer’s inability to interact with the survivor long enough, and permanently solve the problem of camping and tunneling.
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And u are right. Camp tunnel is the holy Grail for killers that want ez wins without commit into chases.
The only real alternative to camp tunnel is gen rush. And the only alternative to gen rush is camp tunnel. So the most powerful techniques are the only counterforce to itselfs. The problem here is that these techniques are most boring, unfun and honorless tactics.
So again, BAD GAME DESIGN. Give us a new mode focused on chase, interaction and with more sportmanship.
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Which part don't u understand about repairing gens being the most boring part of the game? Do u really care nothing if people have a good time or not in game??
I don't play to win. If i am able to win it should be a reward to skill in terms of loop, bodyblocks, use of flashlights or pallets. Not because I press a button during 4 minutes.
And concerning killers it should be the same. Reward them for the high skill on chases, not for playing guardian dog around a hook.
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Man, I don't even care if the killer camps me or tunnels me. I just want to receive bloodpoints and rank because of it. Why survivors cannot have a reward when the killer camps you? I would at least feel that I'm getting rewarded for being on the hook.
By winning rewards, I mean when you get the distraction score, for example.
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If u don't like to do gens, find killer and force him chase u.
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Consider Distraction too.
Sneak up to one side of the hook, throw your pebble at the other side, quick unhook. Ideally with BT.
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Camping and tunneling is necessary at high mmr.
However i agree that this is a really toxic gameplay aspect of the game. I personally think that the global game design has to be redone with new ideas to change the global experience for survivors and killers.
Atm, the game is in an unhealthy state for both sides.
SBMM release has even brought more frustration to my mind...
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You would be astonished...
And this is coming from someone who has 1000+ hours in this game
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I do gens close to camping killers. Within view but making it impossible to guard the hooked and stop me banging out a gen. Some killer's will secure the kill but I have convinced a fair view killers to create enough room that a bt save or hell just a normal save was enough to buy the onhooked time to find a loop. As for exit gates you really need to put yourself at risk or accept the person hooked is going to die. If your not giving the killer an opportunity to get another down there not gonna move. If you care about the person being camped with 99% exits gates behind you then move to a precarious position and see if the killers takes the chase. Be mindful picking a powerful loop might be too much of a deterrent to take the chase.
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Exit gates.... xD. Yesterday I went against ruin Wraith at red forest. He relatively soon hooks one guy. Some seconds later someone tries rescue and he was there camping. Hit to that guy, who leaves area injured. I wait for a bit and try unhook when I see Wraith running cloaked on a 15 metter radius.
Hooked guy is gonna enter phase 2 so I take a hit and unhook him. Wraith avoid me and go for tunnel.
At that point I just stop playing. I know that's legal according to DBD rules, but for me that's similar to cheating. Camp tunnel at 5 gens with great movility killer in game..... just too sweat and unfun for me. It's just playing the ez mode.
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The easiest counter play you have to camping is slamming out gens.
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@OP Join a SWF. I don't care if I get camped in a SWF I just tell my friends to slam gens and bully the killer at the exit gate.
You have zero control over what solos do. This is why you SWF! SWF should be default. Solos should get coms and killers should get buffed.
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This would probably make camping way more common.
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Camping a SWF is ineffective due to their coordination resulting in an easy genrush.
So it really wouldn't make this specific problem any worse.
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The wraiths gets what he want's then. He saw the game go bad tunnel the poor survivors and now that you gave up he knows he can keep doing this and it will turn all of his game's. It sucks but the best thing you can do is hammer them gens and make sure that the killer does not get a free win. Otherwise its gonna keep happening.
That being said its not your job to correct a way a killer plays. If there playing in a lame way then just focus on trying to snatch the victory from them. Hammer gens so by the time that camped players is dead you get the exit gate's ready and leave asap. Sometimes despite it all they will 4k but if every survivors has this mentality killers will learn real fast they are gonna lose games doing this.
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Yeh. I know I'm caving my own tomb, you are right. But man, these injustices are just superior to me.
If I were playing on a tournament I'd definetely do it. But I just play for having fun. If I hammer the gens and scape leaving 1 or 2 guys on a hook I wouldn't see it as a win but like a honorless scape.
Most lamer toxic techniques on this game are the most powerful strats. This is a bad unhealthy game design that encourages toxicity and disrespect to rivals. Most people doesn't even care if the other people are having a nice game experience. Or even worst, they enjoy toxicity in game, on end game chat and on steam profiles. It's such a shame.
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Go ahead and camp. One survivor dies. The rest escape. Too bad for the dead one.
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It's not like that when killer proxycamp with ruin and at the same time check gens nearby. Or hook someone in the middle of a 3 gen. Or has noed.
If camp tunnel first guy would mean 3 scapes, people wouldn't camp the first hook on tournaments. It's the most strong strat as killer. Abusive vs solo q. And the worst part is that it doesn't require high skill. Anybody can do it.
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checking gens nearby is not camping.
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i have the perfect build to punish camping i run it a lot it's camraderie breakdown kindred and openhanded it wastes alot of there time