Why does DS not deactivate when opening the exit gate?!
DS has had a hard nerf recently with lasting 60 seconds until you do something to further the team, like healing, saving or repairing a generator.
However in my most recent match I went against a Claudette who had DS, I went after the person who saved her, downed them, hooked them and then went to Claudette who was at an exit gate opening it, she just got it open but I downed her, and when I picked her up I got hit with DS.
My question is, doesn’t opening an exit gate also put progress to helping the team and this deactivate DS? If not, why? Why is opening an exit gate not considered and action to deactivate DS?
I want to know what people think about this.
No, it doesn't, because the perk isn't actually designed to be anti-tunneling. The nerf was nice, but didn't address the actual issues with the perk. It really should deactivate during end game collapse and if you hook another person, so it ONLY works if you tunnel them specifically.
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Why should it deactivate during the EGC? If you get hooked during EGC, and your teammates get you off and I go for the person just unhooked, is that not tunneling?
I'm fine with DS how it is now. Nerf anymore and it's useless, and as it stands the only thing they literally can do is open the exit gate otherwise they are just standing around for 1 minute, which as a killer you should be happy about. It's fine.
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It is perfectly fine. You can be unhooked and be running towards the door and have to open the door which could be 99'ed to escape and the Killer is still on you. Deactivating it doesn't make sense. One thing I will say though is I think it is poorly coded, as opening a door counts as 'unlocking' as does the action for a chest and unlocking a chest also does not deactivate DS (where personally, I think it should).
In conclusion; not deactivating when opening a door is fine and working as intended.
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Because it once again offers no gameplay or counterplay. If you get downed and the gate is open, you are completely invincible. During the rest of the game, the counterplay to DS is slugging them so someone has to come get them. But during EGC, when near a gate when they get downed, there is nothing that works. They can crawl out the door from a large distance.
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Its 2021 and people are still complaining about DS after the nerfs. 👩⚖️
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Some people got to get their 4 sacrifices every game XDDDDDD you know. But yep the perk is fair and balanced now, was OP but they fixed it.
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I don't think unlocking chests should deactivate DS tbh
unlocking chests doesn't progress the game in any way for the most part.
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Like I said, I don't think DS is all that strong anymore. I am just pointing out that it is not an anti-tunneling perk, and it does grant invincibility under a very common circumstance.
Yeah, that could go and be replaced with opening a door.
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I was thinking this for a good while when the nerf came out, but If you can’t open the exit gate how can you escape, it’s part of evading the killer
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Body block guy who saved u. Killer hits u, u still have Bt buff so keep body block. He downs u, move to the exit because if he tries to hook u, Ds him and run away.
There is no counterplay to it, and it's not tunneling when gates are open. Killer doesn't care who he gets once gates are open.
Let's not complain about things that have no counterplay once EGC hits.
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My guess, is the 99% meta. Why should I be punished because some fools decided to 99 the gates. Open the damn gates so I can run out.
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Gens are also what you have to do to escape, and it cancels during those. We are talking about not having invincible slugs just crawling their way out.
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Dude, in EGC, you don't have a choice on who you kill anymore. It is whoever you can get. This is some survivor main mentality here. "Oh, we are all running for the exit gate, and I am the only one injured. If they down me, it's tunneling!"
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The suggestion was removing it during EGC all together. And no, it's not. Tunneling is focusing on someone to the exclusion of others, even when there are viable targets. If it is the end game, they are heading to the exit gates, and no one else is injured, there are no other viable targets. You just sound like one of those survivors who cries camping tunneler whenever they lose.
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If DS disabled during egc it would literally be such a bad perk, 90% of its uses occur in the EGC. It's so clear why you're making this argument, you're upset a survivor Ds'd you and escaped during the egc. Well tough luck, the nerf it previously got already did more than enough to make it just a solid perk, stop complaining about it. Especially to be disrespectful to that other guy and claim that he cries about tunneling, dude no one agrees with you, move on.
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Correction. You don't agree with me. There have been and currently are posts agreeing with me.
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Good question